
Published  Jul 28, 2014
Updated  Jul 29, 2014
0  1


mSL++ is an object oriented framework for the mIRC scripting language.

; Description: This is the base class, which every   ;
; class inherits from...                             ;
;                                                    ;
; Usage: $Class(<uID>,<Params>,...).<Member>         ;
; Example: var %x $Class                             ;
; Example: $Class.Delete(%x)                         ;
; Example: $Class(%x,Name,Some Text).setv            ;
; Example: $Class(%x,Name).getv                      ;
; Example: $Class(%x,Name).removev                   ;
; Example: $Class.Delete(%x)                         ;
; Public Declarations ;
alias Class.DELETE.Public
alias Class.GETV.Public
alias Class.SETV.Public
alias Class.GETB.Public
alias Class.SETB.Public
alias Class.REMV.Public
alias Class.REMB.Public
; Exception Declarations ;
alias Class.EXCEPTION.Null

; Class Alias ;
alias Class {
  if (!$prop) goto init
  if ($IsPublic(Class,$prop)) goto $prop
  return $catch(0,MemberErr,$qt($prop) is not a public member of Class)
  inc %oop
  var %x $Class.INIT($md5($ctime $+ $ticks $+ %oop),Class)
  return %x
  return $Class.DELETE($1)
  return $Class.GETV($1,$2)
  return $Class.SETV($1,$2,$3,$4)
  if $bvar($3,0) { return $Class.SETV($1,$2,$3,0,1) }
  else { $catch($1,ParamErr,You have specified insufficent parameters) }
  if $3 { return $Class.GETV($1,$2,$3) }
  else { return $Catch($1,ParamErr,You have specified insufficent parameters) }
  return $Class.REMOVEV($1,$2,$3)

; Class Methods ;
alias Class.IMPORT {
  if !$exists(object/) { mkdir object }
  if $hget($1,INIT) { return }
  hmake $1
  hload -b $1 $+(object/,$1.obj)
  if $hget($1,INIT) { return $v1 }
alias Class.EXPORT {
  if !$exists(object/) { mkdir object }
  hsave -b $1 $+(object/,$1.obj)
alias Class.COPY {
  if !$exists(object/) { mkdir object }
  if $IsInstance($1) {
    var %x $Class
    hsave -b $1 $+(object/,$1.cpy)
    hload -b %x $+(object/,$1.cpy)
    .remove $+(object/,$1.cpy)
    return %x

alias Class.INIT {
  hadd -m $1 INIT $2
  return $1
alias Class.SETV {
  var %x $hget($1,$2)
  hadd $iif($5,-mb,-m) $1 $2 $3
  if $4 { $Object(%x).delete }
  return %x
alias Class.GETV {
  return $iif($3,$hget($1,$2,$3),$hget($1,$2))
alias Class.REMOVEV {
  var %x $hget($1,$2)
  hdel $1 $2
  if $3 {
alias Class.DELETE {
  ; Do Destroying here ;
  var %x 1
  while $hget($1,%x).data {
    var %y $v1
    if $isinstance(%y) && $2 { $Object(%y).delete }
    inc %x
  .hfree $1 
; End Class ;
; Description: Returns whether or not a class member ;
; is public.                                         ;
;                                                    ;
; Usage: $IsPublic(<Class>,<Member>)                 ;
; Example: if ($IsInstanceOf(%Player,Player)) ..     ;
alias IsPublic return $isalias($+($1.,$2.,Public))

; Description: Called from the class constructor to  ;
; let the object know that the specified object      ;
; inherits from the specified class                  ;
;                                                    ;
; Usage: $InheritsFrom(<Object>,<Class>)             ;
; Example: $InheritsFrom(%instance,Player)           ;
alias InheritsFrom hadd -m $1 INIT $2 $hget($1,INIT)

; Description: Returns whether or not an instance is ;
; an instance of the specified class                 ;
;                                                    ;
; Usage: $IsInstanceOf(<Instance>,<Class>)           ;
; Example: if ($IsInstanceOf(%Player,Player)) ..     ;
alias IsInstanceOf return $findtok($hget($1,INIT),$2,0,32)

; Description: Returns whether or not an instance    ;
; exists in memory                                   ;
;                                                    ;
; Usage: $IsInstance(<Instance>)                     ;
; Example: if (!$IsInstance(%x)) %x = $Player        ;
alias IsInstance { return $token($hget($1,INIT),1,32) }

; Description: Called when ever an error is caught   ;
;                                                    ;
; Usage: $catch(<Instance>,<Error>,<Message>)        ;
; Example: if (!$IsInstanceOf(%Player,Player)) {     ;
; $catch(%Player,InstanceErr,Object %player is not   ;
;  an instance of class Player)                      ;
; }                                                  ;
alias Catch {
  var %error $2,%message $3,%instance $1
  + Caught $qt(%error) exception: %message
  if %instance { 
    var %x 1,%z $hget($1,INIT)
    while $token(%z,%x,32) {
      var %y $+($v1,.Exception.,%error)
      if $isalias(%y) {
        return $($+($,%y,$chr(40),%instance,$chr(44),%message,$chr(41),$chr(32),),2) 
      inc %x
; End Catch ;

; Description: Used to call the first found method   ;
; associated with an objects inheritance tree...     ;
;                                                    ;
; Usage: $Object(<Instance>,..).<Method>             ;
; Example: $Object(%stack,$2).add                    ;
; Equivelent: $List(%stack,$2).add                   ;
alias Object {
  var %x 1,%y $hget($1,INIT),%a ,,
  while $token(%y,%x,32) {
    var %z $v1
    if $isalias(%z $+ . $+ $prop $+ .Public) {
      return $($ $+ %z $+ $chr(40) $+ $1 %a $2 %a $3 %a $4 %a $5 %a $6 %a $7 %a $8 %a $9 %a $+ $chr(41) $+ . $+ $prop,2)
    inc %x
  $catch($1,MemberErr,$prop is not a public member of $isinstance($1))
; End Object ;

; Description: Exports and object to the hard-drive  ;
; to later be loaded with $ImportObject()            ;
;                                                    ;
; Usage: $ExportObject(<Instance>)                   ;
; Example: - $ExportObject(%instance)                ;
alias ExportObject {
  var %x $hget($1,INIT),%y 1
  while $token(%x,%y,32) {
    var %z $v1 $+ .EXPORT
    if $isalias(%z) {
      %z $1
    inc %y
  if %x { return 1 }

; Description: Imports an exported object into memory     ;
; and returns whether or not the operation has completed  ;
; successfully                                            ;
;                                                         ;
; Usage: $ImportObject(%StoredHandleToExportedObj)        ;
; Example: var %imported $ImportObject(%handle)           ;
alias ImportObject {
  var %x $Class.Import($1)
  var %y $numtok(%x,32) - 1
  if %x {
    while %y  {
      var %z $token(%x,%y,32) $+ .IMPORT
      if $isalias(%z) {
        %z $1
      dec %y
    return $token(%x,1,32)
  $Catch(0,ImportErr,Failed to import object $qt($1))

; Description: Exports and object to the hard-drive  ;
; to later be loaded with $ImportObject()            ;
;                                                    ;
; Usage: $CopyObject(<Instance>)                     ;
; Example: var %newInstance $CopyObject(%instance)   ;
alias CopyObject {
  var %a $Class.Copy($1)
  var %x $hget(%a,INIT)
  var %y $numtok(%x,32) - 1
  if %a {
    while %y {
      var %z $token(%x,%y,32) $+ .COPY
      if $isalias(%z) {
        %z $1
      dec %y
    return %a
  $Catch(0,CopyErr,Failed to copy object $qt($1))

alias - { !noop $1- }
alias + { $iif($Window(@Debug),echo @Debug,!noop) $1- }


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SReject   -  Jul 29, 2014

The real question here is, what value does bringing OOP to mSL give?

Imk0tter  -  Jul 29, 2014

Here's an example of opening a socket and handeling socket events

alias SocketTest {
  var %socket $Socket(,80,GoogleSock)
alias SockeOpen {
  echo -a You have successfully connected to $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port - $string($socket($1).tag).get
  $socket($1,SOme **** to send).write
  echo -a Sent $qt(Some **** to send)
alias SockRead {
  var %data
  sockread %data
  echo -a Read $len(%data) bytes from socket $Socket($1).tag $+ : %data
; Description: This is a Socket class which contains   ;
; the basic structure of a class                       ;
; Usage: $Socket(<Instance>,<Params>,..).<Method>      ;
; Example: var %x $Socket(,1337,LocalSock)    ;
; Example: $Socket(%x,SockOpenAlias).sockopen          ;
; Example: $Socket(%x,SockReadAlias).sockread          ;
; Example: $Socket(%x).connect                         ;
; Example: $Socket(%x).close                           ;
; Example: $Socket(%x).delete                          ;
; Public Declarations ;
alias Socket.DELETE.Public
alias Socket.PORT.Public
alias Socket.IP.Public
alias Socket.OPEN.Public
alias Socket.CONNECT.Public
alias Socket.LISTEN.Public
alias Socket.CLOSE.Public
alias Socket.SOCKREAD.Public
alias Socket.SOCKOPEN.Public
alias Socket.SOCKCLOSE.Public
alias Socket.SOCKACCEPT.Public
alias Socket.TAG.Public
alias Socket.SETTAG.Public
alias Socket.SETIP.Public
alias Socket.SETPORT.Public
alias Socket.WRITE.Public
alias Socket.WRITEB.Public
; Exception Declarations ;
alias Socket.EXCEPTION.SockErr {
  $Class($1,SockErr).getv $1-
  return $iif($bvar(&SockErr,0),$bvar(&SockErr,1-).text)
; Socket Alias ;
alias Socket {
  if (!$prop) goto init
  if ($IsPublic(Socket,$prop)) goto $prop
  return $catch($1,MemberErr, $qt($prop) is not a public member of Socket)
  return $Socket.INIT($1,$2,$3)
  return $Socket.DELETE($1)
  if ($sock($1).status) $catch($1,SockOpenErr,Socket $1 is already open)
  sockopen $1 $Class($1,IP).getv $Class($1,PORT).getv
  if ($sock($1).status) sockclose $1
  else return $catch($1,SockCloseErr,Sock $1 was not open)
  if ($sock($1).status) $catch($1,SockOpenErr,Socket $1 is already open)
  var %x $iif($Class($1,IP).getv,$v1),%y $iif(%x,-d)
  socklisten %y %x $1 $Class($1,PORT).getv
  return $Class($1,CLOSE,$2).setv
  return $Class($1,OPEN,$2).setv
  return $Class($1,ACCEPT,$2).setv
  return $Class($1,READ,$2).setv
  return $Class($1,Tag).getv
  return $Class($1,IP,$2).setv
  return $Class($1,PORT,$2).setv
  return $Class($1,IP).getv
  return $Class($1,PORT).getv
  ; Put your own method handlers here ;
  if ($sock($1).status != active) return $catch($1,SockErr,Socket $1 is not connected)
  sockwrite -t $1 $2
  if ($sock($1).status != active) return $catch($1,SockErr,Socket $1 is not connected)
  sockwrite $1 $2

; Socket Methods ;
alias Socket.INIT {
  var %instance $Class
  ; Do Initializing here ;
  return %instance
alias Socket.DELETE {
  ; Do Destroying here ;
  if ($sock($1).status) sockclose $1
  return $class($1).DELETE
; Default Event Handlers ;
alias Socket.DefaultSockOpen {
  if ($Window(@Debug)) echo @Debug Successfully connected to $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port
alias Socket.DefaultSockClose {
  if ($Window(@Debug)) echo @Debug Successfully disconnected from $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port
alias Socket.DefaultSockRead {
  sockread %temp
  if ($window(@Debug)) echo @Debug %temp
alias Socket.DefaultSockAccept {
alias Socket.DefaultSockErr {
  sockclose $1
alias SockErr {
  bset -t &SockErr $1-
; Trigger Handlers ;
on 1:sockopen:*: $class($left($sockname,-1),OPEN).getv $left($sockname,-1)
on 1:sockclose:*: $class($left($sockname,-1),CLOSE).getv $left($sockname,-1)
on 1:socklisten:*: $class($left($sockname,-1),ACCEPT).getv $left($sockname,-1)
on 1:sockread:*: $class($left($sockname,-1),READ).getv $left($sockname,-1)
; End Socket ;
Martyr2  -  Aug 17, 2014

I have to agree with SReject that mIRC scripting is not really conducive to being put in an OOP paradigm. You almost have to write twice as much code and you are not going to really get anything that OOP brings to the table like encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism and the list continues.

Imk0tter  -  Aug 20, 2014

this implementation actually brings all 3 of those aspects of OOP to mIRC

; Description: This class can be used as a simulate a  ;
; stack. It inherits from my List class, so any method ;
; that can be used on an list, can also be used on a   ;
; stack.                                               ;
;                                                      ;
; Usage: $Stack(<uID>,<Params>,...).<Member>           ;
; Example: var %itemID = $stack(%x,%text).push         ;
; Example: var %text = $stack(%x).pop                  ;
; Example: var %x $stack(%x).Count                     ;
; Example: $stack(%x).Clear                            ;
; Public Declarations ;
alias Stack.DELETE.Public
alias Stack.Push.Public
alias Stack.Pop.Public
alias Stack.Clear.Public
; Exception Declarations ;
alias Stack.Exception.RangeErr return Out of Bounds!
; Stack Alias    ;
alias Stack {
  if (!$prop) goto init
  if ($IsPublic(Stack,$prop)) goto $prop
  return $catch($1,MemberErr, $qt($prop) is not a public member of Stack)
  return $Stack.INIT($1)
  return $Stack.DELETE($1)
  ; Put your own method handlers here ;
  var %x $list($1,$2).add
  if $list($1).count {
    var %y $list($1,$v1).get
    return %y
  while ($list($1).count) {

; Stack Methods    ;
alias Stack.INIT {
  if ($instanceOf($1,list)) return $inheritsFrom($1,Stack)
  var %instance $List
  ; Do Initializing here ;
  return %instance
alias Stack.DELETE {
  ; Do Destroying here ;
  return $Class($1).DELETE
; End Stack    ;

as you can see the Stack class inherits from the List class and List operations can be used on a stack object by using $List(%stackObject,..).listOperation or class operations by using $Class(%stackObject,..).classOperation

Imk0tter  -  Aug 20, 2014
; Description: This class can be used as a dynamically sized      ;
; List to store any data type                                     ;
;                                                                 ;
; Usage: $List(<ListPtr>,<Params>,...).<Member>                   ;
; Example: var %x = $List                                         ;
; Example: var %itemID = $List(%x,$long(500)).add                 ;
; Example: $List(%x,%itemID,$long(499)).set                       ;
; Example: $List(%x,%ItemID).remdel                               ;
; Example: $List(%x).delete                                       ;
; Public Declarations ;
alias List.DELETE.Public
alias List.Add.PUBLIC
alias List.Remove.PUBLIC
alias List.Get.PUBLIC
alias List.Count.PUBLIC
alias List.Set.PUBLIC
alias List.Remdel.PUBLIC

; Exception Declarations ;

; List Alias ;
alias List {
  if (!$prop) goto init
  if ($IsPublic(List,$prop)) goto $prop
  return $catch($1,MemberErr, $qt($prop) is not a public member of List)
  return $List.INIT($1)
  return $List.DELETE($1,$2)
  ; Put your own method handlers here ;
  return $List.Add($1,$2)
  return $List.Remove($1,$2)
  return $List.Get($1,$2)
  return $hget($1,COUNT)
  return $List.Set($1,$2,$3)

; List Methods ;
alias List.INIT {
  var %instance $Class
  ; Do Initializing here ;
  return %instance
alias List.REMOVE {
  if $2 !isnum 1- $+ $hget($1,COUNT) { return $catch($1,RangeErr,$qt($2) is not a valid list index for object $qt($1)) }
  hdec $1 COUNT
  - $Class($1,ITEMS,&items).getb
  var %x $calc(1 + (($2 - 1) * 32)),%y %x + 32,%z $bvar(&items,%x,32).text
  if %y > $bvar(&items,0) { dec %y }
  var %var $bvar(&items,%x,32).text
  bcopy -c &items %x &items %y -1
  - $Class($1,%var).remv
  - $Class($1,ITEMS,&items).setb
alias List.ADD {
  hinc $1 COUNT
  hinc $1 TOTAL
  var %x $md5($hget($1,TOTAL))
  - $Class($1,ITEMS,&items).getb
  bset -t &items $calc(1 + (($hget($1,COUNT) - 1) * 32)) %x
  - $Class($1,ITEMS,&items).setb
  - $iif($bvar($2,0),$Class($1,%x,$2).setb,$Class($1,%x,$2).setv)
  return $hget($1,Count)
alias List.GET {
  if $2 !isnum 0- $+ $hget($1,COUNT) { return $catch($1,RangeErr,$qt($2) is not a valid list index for object $qt($1) $chr(40) $+ Valid Ranges: 1- $+ $hget($1,COUNT) $+ $chr(41)) }
  $iif($2 == 0,return $hget($1,COUNT))
  - $hget($1,ITEMS,&items)
  var %var2 $bvar(&items,$calc(1 + (($2 - 1) * 32)),32).text
  return $hget($1,%var2)
alias List.SET {
  var %z $bvar(&items,$calc(1 + (($2 - 1) * 32)),32).text
  var %x $Class($1,%z).getv
  if $IsInstance(%x) { noop $Object(%x).delete } 
  - $Class($1,%z,$3).setv
alias List.IMPORT {
  var %x $List($1).count
  while %x {
    if $ImportObject($List($1,%x).get) {
      + Loaded object $qt($List($1,%x).get) of type $qt($IsInstance($List($1,%x).get))
    dec %x
  if $exists($+(object/,$1.bvr)) {
    bread $+(object/,$1.bvr) 1 $file($+(object/,$1.bvr)).size &data
    - $Class($1,ITEMS,&data).setb

alias List.EXPORT {
  var %x $List($1).count
  while %x {
    var %y $List($1,%x).get
    if $IsInstance(%y) {
      - $ExportObject(%y)
      + Saved object $qt($List($1,%x).get)
    dec %x
  - $Class($1,ITEMS,&data).getb
  if $exists($+(object/,$1.bvr)) { 
    .remove $+(object/,$1.bvr)
  bwrite $+(object/,$1.bvr) 1 -1 &data
alias List.DELETE {
  ; Do Destroying here ;
  - $Class($1,ITEMS).remv
  - $Class($1,TOTAL).remv
  - $Class($1,COUNT).remv
  if $2 {
    while $hget($1,1).item {
      var %y $v1
      var %x $hget($1,%y)
      if $IsInstance(%x) {
        - $Object(%x,1).delete
        + Removed object: $qt(%x) from list $qt($1)
      - $Class($1,%y).remv
  return $Class($1).DELETE
; End List ;
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