Sockbot v3

By SeiferAlmasy on Mar 26, 2004

Sockbot v3

alias sockbot {
  if ($1 == close) { sockwrite -n irc QUIT $iif($2,exiting client) }
  elseif (!$1) { sock.window y | window -c @sock }
  elseif ($1 == join) && ($sock(irc)) { sockwrite -n irc JOIN $2 | sockparse [SELF JOIN] on $2 }
  elseif ($1 == part) && ($sock(irc)) { sockwrite -n irc PART $2 | sockparse [SELF PART] on $2 }
  elseif ($1 == op) && ($sock(irc)) { sockwrite -n irc MODE $2 +o $3 | sockparse [OP MODE] on $+($2,:) $3 }
  elseif ($1 == deop) && ($sock(irc)) { sockwrite -n irc MODE $2 -o $3 | sockparse [DEOP MODE] on $+($2,:) $3 }
  elseif ($1 == voice) && ($sock(irc)) { sockwrite -n irc MODE $2 +v $3 | sockparse [VOICE MODE] on $+($2,:) $3 }
  elseif ($1 == devoice) && ($sock(irc)) { sockwrite -n irc MODE $2 -v $3 | sockparse [DEVOICE MODE] on $+($2,:) $3 }
  elseif ($1 == ban) && ($sock(irc)) { sockwrite -n irc MODE $2 +b $address($3,2) | sockparse [BAN] on $+($2,:) $address($3,2) }
  elseif ($1 == kick) && ($sock(irc)) { sockwrite -n irc KICK $2- | sockparse [KICK] on $+($2,:) $iif($3,$+(reason:,$3)) }
  elseif ($1 == kb) && ($sock(irc)) { sockwrite -n irc MODE $2 +b $address($3,2) | sockwrite -n irc kick $2- | sockparse [KICK BAN] on $+($2,:) $address($3,2) $+ $iif($4,$+(reason:,$4-)) }
  elseif ($1 == mode) && ($sock(irc)) && ($hget(sockbot,nick)isop $2) { sockwrite -n irc MODE $2 $3 | sockparse mode change in $+($2,:) $3- }
  elseif ($1 == say) && ($sock(irc)) { sockwrite -n irc PRIVMSG $2 $+(:,$3-) | sockparse [MSG] to $2 from $+($hget(sockbot,nick),:) $3- }
  elseif ($1 == nick) && ($sock(irc)) { sockwrite -n irc NICK $3 | sockparse [NICK] change from $hget(sockbot,nick) to $3 | hadd sockbot nick $5 }
  elseif ($1 == options) { dialog -m soptions soptions }
  else {
    .sockopen irc $2 $iif($3,$3,6667)
    if (!$hget(sockbot)) { .hmake -s sockbot 1000 }
    .hadd sockbot nick $1
    .hadd sockbot server $2
    $iif($3,.hadd sockbot port $3)

; --------- EVENTS ---------

on *:start:{ sload }

; --------- SOCK EVENTS ---------

on *:SOCKOPEN:irc:{
  sock.window y
  sockwrite -n irc NICK $hget(sockbot,nick)
  sockwrite -n irc USER $iif($hget(sockbot,ident),$ifmatch,sockbot) . . $iif($hget(sockbot,rname),$ifmatch,sockbot)

on *:SOCKREAD:irc:{
  var %temp | sockread %temp | tokenize 32 %temp
  if ($1) {
    var %n  = $gettok($remove($1,:),1,33)
    if ($1 == ping) { sockwrite -n $sockname PONG $2- }
    elseif ($2 == NOTICE) {  sockparse [NOTICE] to $hget(sockbot,nick) from $+(%n,:)  $remove($4-,:) }
    elseif ($2 == PRIVMSG) && ($left($3,1) != $chr(35)) { sockparse $timestamp msg from %n to $+($hget(sockbot,nick),:) $remove($4-,:)  }
    elseif ($istok($hget(sockbot,masters),%n,44)) && (*.join* iswm $4-) { sockwrite -n irc JOIN $5 | sockparse join on $5 }
    elseif ($istok($hget(sockbot,masters),%n,44)) && (*.part* iswm $4-) { sockwrite -n irc PART $5 | | sockparse part on $5  }
    elseif ($istok($hget(sockbot,masters),%n,44)) && (*.nick* iswm $4-) { sockwrite -n irc NICK $5 | .hadd sockbot nick $5 }
    elseif ($istok($hget(sockbot,masters),%n,44)) && (*.op* iswm $4-) { sockwrite -n irc MODE $5 +o $6 | sockparse op on $+($5,:) $6 }
    elseif ($istok($hget(sockbot,masters),%n,44)) && (*.deop* iswm $4-) { sockwrite -n irc MODE $5 -o $6 | sockparse deop on $+($5,:) $6 }
    elseif ($istok($hget(sockbot,masters),%n,44)) && (*.voice* iswm $4-) { sockwrite -n irc MODE $5 +v $6 | sockparse voice on $+($5,:) $6 }
    elseif ($istok($hget(sockbot,masters),%n,44)) && (*.devoice* iswm $4-) { sockwrite -n irc MODE $5 -v $6 | sockparse devoice on $+($5,:) $6 }
    elseif ($istok($hget(sockbot,masters),%n,44)) && (*.ban* iswm $4-) { sockwrite -n irc MODE $5 +b $address($6,2) | sockparse ban on $+($5,:) $6 }
    elseif ($istok($hget(sockbot,masters),%n,44)) && (*.kick* iswm $4-) { sockwrite -n irc KICK $5- | sockparse kick on $+($5,:) $6 $iif($7,$+(reason:,$chr(32),$7-)) }
    elseif ($istok($hget(sockbot,masters),%n,44)) && (*.kb* iswm $4-) { sockwrite -n irc MODE $5 +b $address($6,2) | sockwrite -n irc KICK $5- | sockparse kick on $+($5,:) $6 $iif($7,$+(reason:,$chr(32),$7-)) }
    elseif ($istok($hget(sockbot,masters),%n,44)) && (*.say* iswm $4-) { sockwrite -n irc PRIVMSG $5 $+(:,$6-) | sockparse msg to $2 from $+($hget(sockbot,nick),:) $3- }
    elseif ($istok($hget(sockbot,masters),%n,44)) && (*.die* iswm $4-) { sockwrite -n irc QUIT $iif($5,$5-,exiting client by %n)  }
    elseif ($2 == KICK) { sockwrite -n irc JOIN $3 }

; --------- DIALOG ---------

dialog soptions {
  title "Sockbot v3"
  size -1 -1 119 97
  option dbu
  tab "Auto Functions", 1, 1 3 116 91
  list 3, 4 43 95 47, tab 1 size
  edit "", 4, 4 33 95 10, tab 1
  button "+", 5, 101 33 13 11, tab 1
  combo 7, 34 20 65 32, tab 1 size drop
  text "Network", 8, 5 21 25 8, tab 1
  button "-", 6, 101 44 13 11, tab 1
  button "+", 9, 101 20 13 11, tab 1
  tab "Master", 10
  list 15, 4 43 95 47, tab 10 size
  edit "", 16, 4 33 95 10, tab 10
  text "Master List", 17, 5 21 29 8, tab 10
  button "-", 18, 101 44 13 11, tab 10
  button "+", 19, 101 33 13 11, tab 10
on *:DIALOG:soptions:*:*:{
  if ($devent == SCLICK) {
    if ($did == 9) { hadd sockbot $+(ajoin.,$$?="Enter Network") $chr(32) | sload -n }
    elseif ($did == 5) && ($did($dname,4).text) && ($did($dname,7).seltext) { hadd sockbot $+(ajoin.,$ifmatch) $addtok($hget(sockbot,$+(ajoin.,$ifmatch)),$did($dname,4).text,44) | did -r $dname 4 | sload -c $ifmatch }
    elseif ($did == 6) && ($did($dname,3).seltext) && ($did($dname,7).seltext)  { hadd sockbot $+(ajoin.,$ifmatch) $remtok($hget(sockbot,$+(ajoin.,$ifmatch)),$did($dname,3).seltext,44) | sload -c $ifmatch }
    elseif ($did == 7) { sload -c $did($dname,7).seltext }
    elseif ($did == 19) && ($did($dname,16).text) { hadd sockbot masters $addtok($hget(sockbot,masters),$ifmatch,44) | sload -m | did -r $dname 16 }
    .hsave -o sockbot $sockhash
  elseif ($devent == INIT) {
    sload -n

; --------- CUSTOM WINDOW  ---------

alias -l sock.back {
  var %1 = 1
  while (%1 <= $fline(@sock,*,0)) {
    cline $color(text) @sock $fline(@sock,*,%1)
    inc %1

alias -l sock.window {
  if ($window(@sock)) && ($1 == y) { window -c @sock }
  $iif($1 == y,window -al @sock)
  aline @sock $+($chr(2),::,$chr(2)) /sockbot v3 by $+($chr(2),$chr(31),:,$chr(2),$chr(31)) SiLvErWiNgS
  aline @sock $+($chr(2),::,$chr(2)) Nickname $+($chr(2),$chr(31),:,$chr(2),$chr(31)) $hget(sockbot,nick)
  aline @sock $+($chr(2),::,$chr(2)) Real Name $+($chr(2),$chr(31),:,$chr(2),$chr(31)) $hget(sockbot,rname)
  aline @sock $+($chr(2),::,$chr(2)) Host $+($chr(2),$chr(31),:,$chr(2),$chr(31)) $+(~,$hget(sockbot,ident),@,$sock(irc).ip)
  aline @sock $+($chr(2),::,$chr(2)) Server $+($chr(2),$chr(31),:,$chr(2),$chr(31)) $hget(sockbot,server) $+($chr(2),$chr(31),:,$chr(2),$chr(31)) $iif($hget(sockbot,port),$ifmatch,$sock(irc).port)

menu @sock {
  save log:filter -wf @sock $$?="enter filename ex: sock.txt"
  $iif($sock(irc),$style(0),$style(2)) commands
  .op:sockbot op $$?="enter channel" $$?="enter nick"
  .deop:sockbot deop $$?="enter channel" $$?="enter nick"
  .voice:sockbot voice $$?="enter channel" $$?="enter nick"
  .devoice:sockbot devoice $$?="enter channel" $$?="enter nick"
  .kick:sockbot kick $$?="enter channel" $$?="enter nick"  $$?="enter reason"
  .kb:sockbot kb $$?="enter channel" $$?="enter nick" $$?="enter reason"
  .ban:sockbot ban $$?="enter channel" $$?="enter nick"
  .mode:sockbot mode $$?="enter channel"  $$?="enter mode ex: -n +n etc."
  .say:sockbot say $$?="enter channel" $$?="enter text"
  .nick:sockbot nick $$?="enter nickname"
  sock master
  .add:sockbot master add $$?="enter nick"
  .del:sockbot master del $$?="enter nick"
  auto join
  .add:sockbot ajoin add $$?="enter channel"
  .del:sockbto ajoin del $$?="enter channel"
  set info
  .ident:{ hadd sockbot ident $$?="enter ident" | .hsave -o sockbot sockbot.hsh }
  .real name:{ hadd sockbot rname $$?="enter real name ex: John Doe" | .hsave -o sockbot sockbot.hsh }
  clear cache:dline @sock 1- | sock.window x
  sock info:{
    sock.window x
  find text:{
    var %1 = 1,%string = $$?="enter search word"
    while (%1 <= $fline(@sock,$+(*,$replace(%string,$chr(32),*),*),0)) {
      cline $color(info) @sock $fline(@sock,$+(*,$replace(%string,$chr(32),*),*),%1)
      inc %1
      .timer 1 10 sock.back

; --------- CORE ALIASES ---------

alias -l sload {
  if ($isfile($sockhash)) && (!$hget(sockbot)) && (!$1) { .hmake -s sockbot 1000 | .hload -s sockbot $sockhash }
  elseif ($1 == -n) { did -r soptions 7 | var %1 = 1 | while (%1 <= $hmatch(sockbot,ajoin*,0)) { did -a soptions 7 $gettok($hmatch(sockbot,ajoin*,%1),2,46) | inc %1  } }
  elseif ($1 == -c) && ($2) { did -r soptions 3 | var %1 = 1 | while (%1 <= $numtok($hget(sockbot,$+(ajoin.,$2)),44)) { did -a soptions 3 $gettok($hget(sockbot,$+(ajoin.,$2)),%1,44) | inc %1 } }
  elseif ($1 == -m) { did -r soptions 15 | var %1 = 1 | while (%1 <= $numtok($hget(sockbot,masters),44)) { did -a soptions 15 $gettok($hget(sockbot,masters),%1,44) | inc %1 } }
alias -l sjoin {
  var %1 = 1
  while (%1 <= $hmatch(sockbot,ajoin*,0)) {
    if ($+(*,$gettok($hmatch(sockbot,ajoin*,%1),2,46),*) iswm $hget(sockbot,server)) { sockwrite -n irc JOIN $hget(sockbot,$hmatch(sockbot,ajoin*,%1))  }
    inc %1
alias -l sockhash return sockbot.hsh
alias -l sockparse $iif($window(@sock),aline @sock $timestamp $1-,halt)


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_dead   -  Feb 02, 2007
  • /hsave: no such table \'sockbot\' (line 91, script3.ini)
  • /hsave: no such table \'sockbot\' (line 91, script3.ini)
  • /hsave: no such table \'sockbot\' (line 91, script3.ini)
  • /hsave: no such table \'sockbot\' (line 91, script3.ini)
  • /hsave: no such table \'sockbot\' (line 91, script3.ini)
  • /hsave: no such table \'sockbot\' (line 91, script3.ini)
  • /hsave: no such table \'sockbot\' (line 91, script3.ini)
  • /hsave: no such table \'sockbot\' (line 91, script3.ini)
  • /hsave: no such table \'sockbot\' (line 91, script3.ini)
  • /hsave: no such table \'sockbot\' (line 91, script3.ini)
  • /hsave: no such table \'sockbot\' (line 91, script3.ini)
  • /hsave: no such table \'sockbot\' (line 91, script3.ini)
  • /hsave: no such table \'sockbot\' (line 91, script3.ini)
biase   -  Jul 26, 2005

elseif ($1 == mode) && ($sock(irc)) && ($hget(sockbot,nick)isop $2) { sockwrite -n irc MODE $2 $3 | sockparse mode change in $+($2,:) $3- }
better fix this one at ($hget(sockbot,nick)isop $2)

asianimage   -  Aug 09, 2004

your protections are too slow...try $hregex

SeiferAlmasy   -  Mar 31, 2004

good for you

AnTi-s0cIaL   -  Mar 26, 2004

i have a simpler script wot flood fuctions on it

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