All Movie Searcher v1

By OrFeAsGr on Oct 27, 2016

Hello there!
I know what you're thinking! There's a pretty damn good and famous IMDB script out there!
Well i agree. But i was searching for a movie and the internet lead me to this site and i just had to make a script!
That plus i haven't scripted anything for weeks and i wrote this one in 10 minutes and it worked in the 1st test!

Trigger: !movie
-a (all)
-p (people)
-m (movies)

E.g If you want to search for an actor named OrFeAsGr you need to type:
!movie -p OrFeAsGr
If you want to search for a movie named OrFeAsGr (i'm sure they'll make one some day :D ) you need to type
!movie -m OrFeAsGr
If you don't know/care about filtered results type
!movie -a OrFeAsGr

The script will send the 1st result in a channel message and the rest in a private notice to the user! (with a reasonable delay to prevent flood)
Have fun!
(Yes i know it looks a lot like that imDb script!)
Credits to whoever made that $nohtml . Leave a comment if you see this!

The site that is used for this script is

;;;mIRC All Movies Searcher;;;;;;;;;;;;;;    
;;;;;scripted by OrFeAsGr;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\   
; ;
ON *:TEXT:*:#: {
  tokenize 32 $strip($1-)
  if ($1 == !movie) {
    if ($istok(-a -m -p,$2,32)) {
      set %movie.squery $replace($3-,$chr(32),$+($chr(37),20)) | set %movie.nick $nick | set %movie.chan $chan | set $2
      sockopen allmovie 80
    else {
      if (!%movtrigusage) {
        set -u200 %movtrigusage 1
        .notice $nick USAGE: !movie <switch> <search_query> (switches: -a (all results) -m (movies only) -p (people only)

ON *:SOCKOPEN:allmovie: {
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $+(/search/,$iif( == -a, all, $iif( == -p, people, movies)),/,%movie.squery) HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host:  
  sockwrite -nt $sockname User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
  sockwrite $sockname $crlf

ON *:SOCKREAD:allmovie: {
  var %allmovie | sockread %allmovie 
  if (*h1>No search results were found for*</h1* iswm %allmovie) {
    msg %movie.chan $+([,$chr(32),%movie.nick,$chr(32),]) No results were found for your query! Sorry :/ $iif( == -m, Maybe you were looking for a person ( -p ), $iif( == -p, Maybe you were looking for a movie ( -m ), $null)) $iif( != -a, Use -a for both movies and persons results!, $null) 
    unset %movie.*
    sockclose $sockname
  if (*search results for*</h1* iswm %allmovie) {
    tokenize 32 %allmovie
    set %movie.sere $1
  if (*h4>Movie</h4* iswm %allmovie) || (*h4>Person</h4* iswm %allmovie) {
    set %movie.cucat $gettok($gettok(%allmovie,2,62),1,60)
  if (%movie.cucat == Movie) {
    if (*href="* iswm %allmovie) {
      set $gettok(%allmovie,2,34)
      set %movie.title $gettok($gettok(%allmovie,2,62),1,60)
    if (*irected by:* iswm %allmovie) {
      set %movie.dirlink $gettok(%allmovie,2,34)
      set %movie.dir $gettok($gettok(%allmovie,2,62),1,60)
    if (** iswm %allmovie) {
      var %allmovie = $nohtml($replace(%allmovie,$chr(44),$chr(94)))
      if ($numtok(%allmovie,94)) {
        set %movie.genres $replace(%allmovie,$chr(94),$chr(44))
      elseif (!$numtok(%allmovie,94)) {
        set %movie.genres %allmovie
      inc %movie.count 
      $iif(%movie.count == 1, msg %movie.chan 3< $+(,/search/,$iif( == -a, all, $iif( == -p, people, movies)),/,%movie.squery) 3>7 %movie.sere 3Results Found! 1st:, .timer 1 $plusadd(%movie.count) notice %movie.nick $ord(%movie.count))  $iif(%movie.cucat, 7Category:3 $v1, $null) 7Title: %movie.title 3< 3> 7Director:3 %movie.dir < %movie.dirlink 3> $replace(%movie.genres,Genres:,$+($chr(03),07,Genres:,$chr(03),03))
      .timerendallmovie off
      .timerendallmovie 1 5 endallmovie
  if (%movie.cucat == Person) {
    if (** iswm %allmovie) {
      set %movie.namelink $gettok(%allmovie,2,34)
      set $gettok($gettok(%allmovie,2,62),1,60)
    if (*"years-active"* iswm %allmovie) {
      set %movie.pyears $gettok($gettok(%allmovie,2,62),1,60)
    if (*Notable Work:* iswm %allmovie) {
      set %movie.nworklink $gettok(%allmovie,2,34)
      set %movie.nwork $gettok($gettok(%allmovie,2,62),1,60) $gettok($gettok(%allmovie,4,62),1,60)
      inc %movie.count 
      $iif(%movie.count == 1, msg %movie.chan 3< $+(,/search/,$iif( == -a, all, $iif( == -p, people, movies)),/,%movie.squery) 3>7 %movie.sere 3Results Found! 1st:, .timer 1 $plusadd(%movie.count) notice %movie.nick $ord(%movie.count))  $iif(%movie.cucat, 7Category:3 $v1, $null) 7Name:3 3< %movie.namelink 3> 7Years Active:3 %movie.pyears 7Notable Work:3 %movie.nwork < %movie.nworklink 3>
      .timerendallmovie off
      .timerendallmovie 1 5 endallmovie

alias nohtml { return $regsubex($1, /<[^>]+(?:>|$)|^[^<>]+>/g,) }

alias endallmovie { 
if (!%movtrigad) {
set -u7200 %movtrigad 1
.timermovtrigad 1 10 msg %movie.chan All Movie Searcher mIRC Script by OrFeAsGr ( )
.sockclose allmovie | unset %movie.* 

alias plusadd { return $calc($1 + 1) }

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Thx! ^_^


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ST3LiST   -  Dec 06, 2016

Nice Script!
You can make it more cool by editing the colour and more detail's to the Search Info~

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