Tournament script

By Daveoh on Sep 28, 2007

A tournament script I did for some people a while ago. Might still have a bug or two... leave a comment if so.
Modify it to your needs (might need quite a bit of changing) and replace all #CHANNEL with the channel you want it to work on.

Basic features:

  • Start a tournament of any amount of teams with any amount of players each.
  • Display teams, brackets and players.
  • Randomly brackets teams.

How to use:

  • Type .start
  • Players message the bot with .create to create a team and .join to join a team. (.remove to remove yourself from a team and .delete to delete a team)
  • Wait for full teams. Brackets will then be made when ready.
  • .assign (servers are set up by messaging the bot with .server)
  • .report to report which team wins in a match.
;;Tournament bot by Daveoh (#DAVEOH @ QuakeNet)

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.0 UK: England & Wales License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

alias tspam {
  set -u3 %tspam $calc(%tspam +1)
  if (%tspam > 5) return halt | else return $null
alias -l msg msg $1  7,1:: 0 $2-  7::
alias -l notice notice $1 7,1:: 0 $2- 7,1:: 
alias tourney {
  if ($1 == end) { unset %tourney* | unset %team* | unset %match* }
  if ($1 == checkteams) {
    var %i = 1
    while ($gettok(%teamlist,%i,32)) {
      if ($numtok(%team. [ $+ [ $gettok(%teamlist,%i,32) ] $+ .players ],32) == %tourney.matchstyle) { var %readyteams = %readyteams $v1 }
      else { var %notready = %notready $gettok(%teamlist,%i,32) ( $+ $numtok(%team. [ $+ [ $gettok(%teamlist,%i,32) ] $+ .players ],32) $+ / $+ %tourney.matchstyle $+ ) }
      inc %i
    if (%notready) { msg #CHANNEL The following teams are not ready: %notready }
    elseif ($numtok(%teamlist,32) == %tourney.maxteams) { msg #CHANNEL All teams are ready! | .timer 1 2 tourney bracketteams }
  if ($1 == bracketteams) {
    !msg #CHANNEL !rcon zb_readyup_max $calc(%tourney.matchstyle *2)
    !msg #CHANNEL !rcon zb_matchconfig %tourney.matchstyle $+ v $+ %tourney.matchstyle
    set %tourney.round $calc(%tourney.round +1)
    var %v = 1,%ubteams = %teamlist
    while (%ubteams) {
      if ($numtok(%ubteams,32) == 1) { msg #CHANNEL Team %ubteams cannot play, odd number of teams! | goto ubend }
      else {
        var %r1 = $r(1,$numtok(%ubteams,32)),%r2 = $r(1,$numtok(%ubteams,32))
        if (%r2 == %r1) { var %r2 = $r(1,$numtok(%ubteams,32)) | goto rcheck }
        set %match. $+ %v $gettok(%ubteams,%r1,32) $gettok(%ubteams,%r2,32)
        set %team. $+ $gettok(%ubteams,%r1,32) $+ .match %v
        set %team. $+ $gettok(%ubteams,%r2,32) $+ .match %v
        inc %v
        if ($numtok(%ubteams,32) == 2) { unset %ubteams | goto ubend }
        var %ubteams = $remtok($remtok(%ubteams,$gettok(%ubteams,%r1,32),1,32),$gettok(%ubteams,%r2,32),1,32)
    } }
    var %i = 1
    while (%i < %v) {
      msg #CHANNEL Round %tourney.round $+ , Match %i $+ : $instok(%match. [ $+ [ %i ] ],vs,2,32)
      inc %i
  if ($1 == deleteteam) {
    var %i = 1
    while ($gettok(%team. [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ .players ],%i,32)) {
      var %msgnicks = $addtok(%msgnicks,$v1,44)
      unset %tourney.player. $+ $v1
      inc %i
    msg %msgnicks You have been removed from your team.
    unset %team. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
    unset %team. [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ .password ]
    unset %team. [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ .players ]
    $iif($remtok(%teamlist,$2,1,32) == $null,unset %teamlist,set %teamlist $v1)
    msg #CHANNEL Team $2 has left the tournament.
    if (%team. [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ .match ]) { msg #csstourney Match %team. [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ .match ] has been cancelled due to team %team. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] leaving. | if ($numtok(%teamlist,32) == 1) { msg $chan Congratulations team $3 $+ ! You have won the tournament! Well done. | tourney end } | elseif (!$var(%match.*,1)) { msg #csstourney Next round: | tourney bracketteams } | unset %match. [ $+ [ %team. [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ .match ] ] ] | unset %team. [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ .match ] }
on *:TEXT:.start*:#CHANNEL:{
  if ($nick !isop $chan) { halt }
  elseif (%tourney) { if (!%tourney.spam) { msg $chan A tournament has already started. | set -u60 %tourney.spam 1 } }
  elseif (!$2) { msg $chan Usage: .start <no. of teams> <players per team> }
  elseif ($2 !isnum 2- && !%tourney) { msg $chan No. of teams must be higher than 1. }
  elseif (($gettok($3,1,118) isnum 1- || $3 isnum 1-) && $2 isnum 2- && !%tourney) { set %tourney 1 | set %tourney.maxteams $2 | set %tourney.matchstyle $iif($3 isnum,$3,$gettok($3,1,118)) | msg $chan $iif($3 isnum,$3 $+ v $+ $3,$3) tournament started! To join the tournament one player from each team must message the bot .create teamname password and the other .join teamname password }
on *:TEXT:.stop:#CHANNEL:{
  if ($nick isop $chan && %tourney) { tourney end | msg #CHANNEL The tournament has been stopped. }
on *:TEXT:.vent*:#CHANNEL:{ $tspam
  msg $chan Ventrilo IP: Port: 3867
on *{ $tspam
  if ($nick isop $chan) { msg $nick Admin commands: .start .stop .setmap .report .assign $chr(124) PM commands: .server .delete .players  }
  msg $chan Public Commands: .vent .teams .brackets .serverlist
  msg $nick To create a team type .create teamname password in this window. To join a team type .join teamname password in this window.
on *:TEXT:.setmap &:#CHANNEL:{
  if ($nick isop $chan && %tourney) { set $2 | msg $chan Tournament map is $2 | !msg $chan !rcon changelevel $2 }
on *:TEXT:.teams:#CHANNEL:{ $tspam
  if (!%tourney.teamspam && %tourney) {
    if (!%teamlist) { msg $chan There are no teams. | halt }
    var %i = 1
    while ($gettok(%teamlist,%i,32)) {
      var %msgteams = %msgteams $v1 ( $+ $numtok(%team. [ $+ [ $v1 ] $+ .players ],32) $+ / $+ %tourney.matchstyle $+ ) $+ $iif($gettok(%teamlist,$calc(%i +1),32),$chr(44))
      inc %i
    msg $chan Teams: %msgteams
    set -u5 %tourney.teamspam 1
on *:TEXT:.brackets:#CHANNEL:{ 
  if (%tourney.round) { $tspam
    var %i = 1
    while (%i <= %tourney.maxteams) {
      if (%match. [ $+ [ %i ] ]) { msg $chan Round %tourney.round $+ , Match %i $+ : $instok($v1,vs,2,32) }
      inc %i
on **:#CHANNEL:{
  if ($nick isop $chan) {
    if (!$2) { msg $chan Usage: .report <match no.> <winning team> }
    elseif (!%match. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]) { msg $chan No such match. }
    elseif ($2 && !$3) { msg $chan Teams in match $2: %match. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] }
    elseif (!$istok(%match. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],$3,32)) { msg $chan Invalid team. }
    elseif ($istok(%match. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],$3,32)) { $iif($numtok($remtok(%teamlist,$remtok(%match. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],$3,1,32),1,32),32) != 1,msg $chan Congratulations team $3 for winning!) | unset %team. $+ $remtok(%match. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],$3,1,32) $+ * | set %teamlist $remtok(%teamlist,$remtok(%match. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],$3,1,32),1,32) | unset %match. $+ $2 $+ * | if ($numtok(%teamlist,32) == 1) { msg $chan Congratulations team $3 $+ ! You have won the tournament! Well done. | tourney end } | elseif (!$var(%match.*,1)) { msg $chan Next round: | tourney bracketteams } }
on *:TEXT:.assign*:#CHANNEL:{
  if ($nick isop $chan) {
    if (!$2) { msg $chan Usage: .assign <match no.> <server id> }
    elseif (!%match. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]) { msg $chan Invalid match. }
    elseif ($2 && !$3) { if (%match. [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ .assign ]) { msg $chan Match $2 currently assigned to server $v1 $+ . } | else msg $chan Match $2 has not been assigned to a server. }
    elseif (!%server. [ $+ [ $3 ] ]) { msg $chan Invalid server. }
    else { set %match. $+ $2 $+ .assign $3 | msg $chan Match $2 has been set to server $3 ( $+ $gettok(%server. [ $+ [ $3 ] ],1,32)  $iif($gettok(%server. [ $+ [ $3 ] ],3,32), SrcTV port: $v1) $+ )
      var %i = 1
      while ($gettok(%match. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],%i,32)) {
        ;added more efficient way of messaging players their teams
        msg $replace(%team. [ $+ [ $v1 ] $+ .players ],$chr(32),$chr(44)) You have been assigned to server $3 ( $+ $gettok(%server. [ $+ [ $3 ] ],1,32) password: $gettok(%server. [ $+ [ $3 ] ],2,32)  $iif($gettok(%server. [ $+ [ $3 ] ],3,32), SrcTV port: $v1) $+ ) - Please join now!"
        var %v = 1
        while ($gettok(%team. [ $+ [ $v1 ] $+ .players ],%v,32)) {
          msg $v1 You have been assigned to server $3 ( $+ $gettok(%server. [ $+ [ $3 ] ],1,32) password: $gettok(%server. [ $+ [ $3 ] ],2,32)  $iif($gettok(%server. [ $+ [ $3 ] ],3,32), SrcTV port: $v1) $+ ) - Please join now!"
          inc %v
        inc %i
on *:TEXT:.serverlist:#CHANNEL:{ $tspam
  if (%tourney.serverspam) { halt }
  var %i = 1
  while ($var(%server.*,%i)) {
    var %msgservers = %msgservers $gettok($v1,2,46) $+ : $gettok($var($v1,1).value,1,32)  $iif($gettok($var($v1,1).value,3,32), $+($chr(40),$v1,$chr(41))) $+ $iif($var(%server.*,$calc(%i +1)),$chr(44))
    inc %i
  msg $chan Servers: %msgservers
  set -u5 %tourney.teamspam 1
on *:TEXT:.server*:?:{ $tspam
  if ($nick !isop #CHANNEL) { halt }
  elseif (!$2) { msg $nick Usage: .server <server id> (ip:port/-) (password) (SrcTV port) (to remove: .server remove <server id>) }
  elseif ($2 == remove) { if (!$3) { msg $nick Specify server id. } | elseif (%server. [ $+ [ $3 ] ]) { unset %server. [ $+ [ $3 ] ] | msg $nick Server $3 info removed. } | else { msg $nick No such server. } }  
  elseif ($2 && !$3) { msg $nick Server $2 $+ : $iif(%server. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],IP/port: $gettok(%server. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],1,32) SrcTV: $gettok(%server. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],3,32) Password: $gettok(%server. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],2,32),Info not set.) }
  elseif ($3 && !$4) { set %server. $+ $2 $3 $gettok(%server. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],2,32) $gettok(%server. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],3,32) | msg $nick Server $2 IP set: IP/port: $gettok(%server. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],1,32) SrcTV: $gettok(%server. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],3,32) Password: $gettok(%server. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],2,32) }
  elseif ($4 && !$5) { set %server. $+ $2 $iif($3 == - && $gettok(%server. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],1,32),$gettok(%server. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],1,32),$3) $4 $gettok(%server. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],3,32) | msg $nick Server $2 IP and password set: IP/port: $gettok(%server. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],1,32) $iif($gettok(%server. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],3,32),SrcTV: $v1 ) $+ Password: $gettok(%server. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],2,32) }
  elseif ($5) { set %server. $+ $2 $iif($3 == - && $gettok(%server. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],1,32),$gettok(%server. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],1,32),$3) $4 $5 | msg $nick Server $2 info set: IP/port: $gettok(%server. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],1,32) SrcTV: $gettok(%server. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],3,32) Password: $gettok(%server. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],2,32) }
on *:TEXT:.create*:*:{
  if (!%tourney || ($chan && $chan != #CHANNEL)) { halt }
  if ($chan) { msg $chan To use the .join .create .remove .delete commands you must pm me, $me $1 | halt }
  if ($nick ison #CHANNEL) {
    if (%tourney.round) { msg $nick The tournament has begun, you cannot create a team now. | halt }
    if (!$3) { msg $nick Usage: .create <team name> <password> | halt }
    if (%tourney.player. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { msg $nick You are already in a team! You must leave it to create another. | halt }
    if ($numtok(%teamlist,32) < %tourney.maxteams) {
      if (%team. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]) { msg $nick That team name is taken! | halt }
      if ($chr(40) isin $2 || $chr(41) isin $2) { msg $nick Invalid characters included, do not use ( or ) | halt }
      set %teamlist %teamlist $2
      set %team. $+ $2 $2
      set %team. $+ $2 $+ .password $3
      set %team. $+ $2 $+ .players $nick
      msg $nick Team $2 created.
      set %tourney.player. $+ $nick $2
      msg #CHANNEL Team $2 has joined the tournament. $numtok(%teamlist,32) out of %tourney.maxteams teams are signed up.
      if ($numtok(%teamlist,32) == %tourney.maxteams) {
        msg #CHANNEL All team slots have been filled.
        var %i = 1
        while ($gettok(%teamlist,%i,32)) {
          if ($numtok(%team. [ $+ [ $gettok(%teamlist,%i,32) ] $+ .players ],32) == %tourney.matchstyle) { var %readyteams = %readyteams $v1 }
          else { var %notready = $iif(%notready,$v1 $+ $chr(44)) $gettok(%teamlist,%i,32) ( $+ $numtok(%team. [ $+ [ $gettok(%teamlist,%i,32) ] $+ .players ],32) $+ / $+ %tourney.matchstyle $+ ) }
          inc %i
        if (%notready) { msg #CHANNEL The following teams are not ready: %notready }
        else { msg #CHANNEL All teams are ready! | .timer 1 2 tourney bracketteams }
    else msg $nick The team list is full.
on *:TEXT:.join*:*:{
  if (!%tourney || ($chan && $chan != #CHANNEL)) { halt }
  if ($chan) { msg $chan To use the .join .create .remove .delete commands you must pm me, $me $1 | halt }
  if ($nick ison #CHANNEL) {
    if (%tourney.round) { msg $nick The tournament has begun, you cannot join a team now. | halt }
    if (!$3) { msg $nick Usage: .join <team name> <password> | halt }
    if (%tourney.player. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { msg $nick You are already in a team! You must leave it to join another. }
    elseif (!%team. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]) { msg $nick That team doesn't exist. }
    elseif ($numtok(%team. [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ .players ],32) >= %tourney.matchstyle) { msg $nick This team is full. }
    elseif (%team. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] && $3 != %team. [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ .password ]) { msg $nick Incorrect password }
    elseif (%team. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] && $3 == %team. [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ .password ]) { set %team. $+ $2 $+ .players %team. [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ .players ] $nick | set %tourney.player. $+ $nick $2 | msg $nick You have joined team %team. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $+ . | if ($numtok(%team. [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ .players ],32) == %tourney.matchstyle) { msg #CHANNEL Team %team. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] is ready! | tourney checkteams } }
on *:TEXT:.remove:*:{
  if (!%tourney || ($chan && $chan != #CHANNEL)) { halt }
  if ($chan) { msg $chan To use the .join .create .remove .delete commands you must pm me, $me $1 | halt }
  if ($nick ison #CHANNEL) {
    if (%tourney.round) { msg $nick The tournament has begun, you cannot leave a team now. | halt }
    if (!%tourney.player. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { msg $nick You are not in a team. }
    elseif (%tourney.player. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { var %team = $v1 | if ($remtok(%team. [ $+ [ %team ] $+ .players ],$nick,1,32) == $null) { tourney deleteteam %tourney.player. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] } | else { set %team. $+ %team $+ .players $remtok(%team. [ $+ [ %team ] $+ .players ],$nick,1,32) } | unset %tourney.player. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] | msg $nick You have removed yourself from team %team $+ . }
on *:QUIT:{
  if (%tourney.player. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { var %team = $v1 | if ($remtok(%team. [ $+ [ %team ] $+ .players ],$nick,1,32) == $null) { tourney deleteteam %tourney.player. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] } | else { set %team. $+ %team $+ .players $remtok(%team. [ $+ [ %team ] $+ .players ],$nick,1,32) } | unset %tourney.player. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] }
on *:NICK:{
  if (%tourney.player. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { var %team = $v1 | if ($remtok(%team. [ $+ [ %team ] $+ .players ],$nick,1,32) == $null) { tourney deleteteam %tourney.player. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] } | else { set %team. $+ %team $+ .players $addtok($remtok(%team. [ $+ [ %team ] $+ .players ],$nick,1,32),$newnick,32) } | unset %tourney.player. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] | set %tourney.player. $+ $newnick %team }
on *:TEXT:.delete*:*:{
  if (!%tourney || ($chan && $chan != #CHANNEL)) { halt }
  if ($chan) { msg $chan To use the .join .create .remove .delete commands you must pm me, $me $1 | halt }
  if ($nick ison #CHANNEL) {
    if (%tourney.round) { msg $nick The tournament has begun, you cannot delete a team now. | halt }
    if ($nick isop #CHANNEL && $2) { if (%team. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]) { tourney deleteteam $2 } | else msg $nick Invalid team. }
    elseif (!%tourney.player. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { msg $nick You are not in a team. }
    elseif (%tourney.player. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { unset %tourney.player. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] | tourney deleteteam $v1 }
on *:TEXT:.players:?:{
  if (!%tourney || $nick !isop #CHANNEL) { halt }
  if (!%teamlist) { msg $nick There are no teams. }
  else {
    var %i = 1
    while ($gettok(%teamlist,%i,32)) {
      msg $nick Team $v1 $+ : %team. [ $+ [ $v1 ] $+ .players ]
      inc %i


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VersaX   -  May 30, 2010

where is syas if (%team. [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ .match ]) { msg #csstourney Match %team. [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ .match ] has been cancelled due to team %team. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] leaving. | if ($numtok(%teamlist,32) == 1) { msg $chan Congratulations team $3 $+ ! You have won the tournament! Well done. | tourney end } | elseif (!$var(%match.*,1)) { msg #csstourney Next round: | tourney bracketteams } | unset %match. [ $+ [ %team. [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ .match ] ] ] | unset %team. [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ .match ] }
do i change #csstourny with my channels name?

jub369   -  Dec 23, 2007

it allows you play tounes with your bot like my pokemonbotv.3

guest598594   -  Sep 28, 2007

what duz it do?

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