DragonBall Z Bot v4

By Logan on Feb 18, 2008

This is an advances Zbot with many seperated parts so there might be alot so don't wory but here is the registration I'll soon be posting the rest. I hope you like :D | Mostly Romeo

;; Creator: Romeo and Solarcluster/Logan ;;
;; Server: Irc.Lucidchat.net             ;;
;; Channels: #Pokemoncrater and #Capcom  ;;
;; Email: Solarcluster@yahoo.com         ;;

on 1:text:`register:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Notice $nick Step One:8 Type 9`Name (Name Of your Dbz Chr)
on *:text:*`Name *:*:{
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) == on) { Notice $nick You already Made a Name! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if (bitch isin $2-) { Notice $nick 4This name is inapropriate! Please reword it! | halt }
  if (fuck isin $2-) { Notice $nick 4This name is inapropriate! Please reword it! | halt }
  if (bastard isin $2-) { Notice $nick 4This name is inapropriate! Please reword it! | halt }
  if (shit isin $2-) { Notice $nick 4This name is inapropriate! Please reword it! | halt }
  if (gay isin $2-) { Notice $nick 4This name is inapropriate! Please reword it! | halt }
  if (pussy isin $2-) { Notice $nick 4This name is inapropriate! Please reword it! | halt }
  if (vagina isin $2-) { Notice $nick 4This name is inapropriate! Please reword it! | halt }
  if (dick isin $2-) { Notice $nick 4This name is inapropriate! Please reword it! | halt }
  if (penis isin $2-) { Notice $nick 4This name is inapropriate! Please reword it! | halt }
  if (Homo isin $2-) { Notice $nick 4This name is inapropriate! Please reword it! | halt }
  if (Majin isin $2-) { Notice $nick 4This name is inapropriate! Please reword it! | halt }
  if (Mystic isin $2-) { Notice $nick 4This name is inapropriate! Please reword it! | halt }
  if (Bebi isin $2-) { Notice $nick 4This name is inapropriate! Please reword it! | halt }
  if (Super isin $2-) { Notice $nick 4This name is inapropriate! Please reword it! | halt }
  if (Kid isin $2-) { Notice $nick 4This name is inapropriate! Please reword it! | halt }
  if (Majunior isin $2-) { Notice $nick 4This name is inapropriate! Please reword it! | halt }
  if (/ isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if ($ isin $2-) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Name $2-
  writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Name on
  Notice $nick Step 2:8 $2- $+ , What is your race? Type 9`Races 
on 1:text:`Races:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Notice $nick Races:8 Saiyan 14-3 Namek 14-13 Changling 14-4 Android 14-6 Buu 14-9 BioAndroid 14-7 SuperHuman8. Type 9`Pick Race (Race), Type `Info Race (Race) To Get Info On These Races!
on 1:TEXT:`Pick Race *:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) != on) { Notice $nick Please Choose a Name `Name (Name) | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Race) == on) { Notice $nick You Have Already Chosen a Race! | halt }
  if ($3 == Saiyan) {
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Race on
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Race Saiyan
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Money 50
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Aura 8
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick OAura 8
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick BAura 1
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick OBAura 1
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Earth yes
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Namek no
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Vegeta no
    Notice $nick Step 3:8 So your a $3 $+ , What do you want your Character to be, 4Offensive 14-7 Defensive 14-11 Fast8.9 Type `Pick Type (Type)
  if ($3 == Namek) {
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Race on
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Race Namek
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Money 50
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Aura 3
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick OAura 3
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick BAura 1
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick OBAura 1
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Earth yes
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Namek no
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Vegeta no
    Notice $nick Step 3:8 So your a $3 $+ , What do you want your Character to be, 4Offensive 14-7 Defensive 14-11 Fast8.9 Type `Pick Type (Type)
  if ($3 == Changling) {
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Race on
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Race Changling
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Money 50
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Aura 13
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick OAura 13
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick BAura 1
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick OBAura 1
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Earth yes
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Namek no
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Vegeta no
    Notice $nick Step 3:8 So your a $3 $+ , What do you want your Character to be, 4Offensive 14-7 Defensive 14-11 Fast8.9 Type `Pick Type (Type)
  if ($3 == Android) {
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Race on
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Race Android
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Money 50
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Aura 4
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick OAura 4
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick BAura 1
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick OBAura 1
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Earth yes
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Namek no
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Vegeta no
    Notice $nick Step 3:8 So your a $3 $+ , What do you want your Character to be, 4Offensive 14-7 Defensive 14-11 Fast8.9 Type `Pick Type (Type)
  if ($3 == Buu) {
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Race on
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Race Buu
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Money 50
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Aura 6
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick OAura 6
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick BAura 1
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick OBAura 1
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Earth yes
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Namek no
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Vegeta no
    Notice $nick Step 3:8 So your a $3 $+ , What do you want your Character to be, 4Offensive 14-7 Defensive 14-11 Fast8.9 Type `Pick Type (Type)
  if ($3 == BioAndroid) {
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Race on
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Race BioAndroid
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Money 50
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Aura 9
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick OAura 9
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick BAura 1
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick OBAura 1
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Earth yes
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Namek no
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Vegeta no
    Notice $nick Step 3:8 So your a $3 $+ , What do you want your Character to be, 4Offensive 14-7 Defensive 14-11 Fast8.9 Type `Pick Type (Type)
  if ($3 == SuperHuman) {
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Race on
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Race SuperHuman
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Money 50
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Aura 7
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick OAura 7
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick BAura 1
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick OBAura 1
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Earth yes
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Namek no
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Vegeta no
    Notice $nick Step 3:8 So your a $3 $+ , What do you want your Character to be, 4Offensive 14-7 Defensive 14-11 Fast8.9 Type `Pick Type (Type)
on 1:TEXT:`Pick Type *:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) != on) { Notice $nick Please Choose a Name `Name (Name) | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Race) != on) { Notice $nick Please Choose a Race `Pick Race (Race) | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Type) == on) { Notice $nick You Have Already Chosen a type. | halt }
  if ($3 == Offensive) {
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Type on
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attack 0
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MAttack $Rand(80,100)
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Defense 0
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MDefense $Rand(25,35)
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick PowerLevel 0
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MPowerLevel $rand(80,140)
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Speed 9
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MSpeed 9
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick FSpeed 1
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MFSpeed 1
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Type Offensive
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Energy 100
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MEnergy 100
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MKI $Rand(80,100)
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Ki 0
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Accuracy $Rand(2,5)
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Agility $Rand(2,5)
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting no
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Intelligence $Rand(1,5)
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Level 1
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Form 1
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Exp 0
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick ExpNeeded 30
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Speed Exp 0
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Speed Needed 150
    Notice $nick Step 4:8 So your a $3 Fighter $+ , What Dbz Characters, Characteristics do you want your Character to have? Type 9`Characters 
  if ($3 == Defensive) {
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Type on
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attack 0
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MAttack $Rand(25,35)
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Defense 0
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MDefense $Rand(80,100)
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick PowerLevel 0
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MPowerLevel $rand(140,180)
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Speed 9
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MSpeed 9
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick FSpeed 1
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MFSpeed 1
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Form 1
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Type Defensive
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Energy 100
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MEnergy 100
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MKI $Rand(50,70)
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Ki 0
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Accuracy $Rand(2,5)
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Agility $Rand(2,5)
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting no
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Intelligence $Rand(1,5)
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Level 1
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Exp 0
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick ExpNeeded 30
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Speed Exp 0
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Speed Needed 150
    Notice $nick Step 4:8 So your a $3 Fighter $+ , What Dbz Characters, Characteristics do you want your Character to have? Type 9`Characters 
  if ($3 == Fast) {
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Type on
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attack 0
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MAttack $Rand(25,35)
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Defense 0
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MDefense $Rand(25,35)
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick PowerLevel 0
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MPowerLevel $rand(80,140)
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Speed 8
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MSpeed 8
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick FSpeed 2
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MFSpeed 2
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Form 1
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Type Fast
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Energy 100
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MEnergy 100
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick MKI $Rand(50,80)
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Ki 0
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Accuracy $Rand(5,10)
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Agility $Rand(5,10)
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Intelligence $Rand(1,5)
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting no
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Level 1
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Exp 0
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick ExpNeeded 30
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Speed Exp 0
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Speed Needed 180
    Notice $nick Step 4:8 So your a $3 Fighter $+ , What Dbz Characters Characteristics do you want your Character to have? Type 9`Characters 
on 1:text:`Characters:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) == Saiyan) {
    Notice $Nick Saiyan Characters:8 Goku - Vegeta - Gohan - Trunks - Brolly. Type 9`Pick Character (Character)
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) == Namek) {
    Notice $Nick Namek Characters:3 Piccolo. Type 9`Pick Character (Character)
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) == Changling) {
    Notice $Nick Changling Characters:13 Frieza. Type 9`Pick Character (Character)
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) == Android) {
    Notice $Nick Android Characters:4 17. Type 9`Pick Character (Character)
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) == Buu) {
    Notice $Nick Buu Characters:6 Buu. Type 9`Pick Character (Character)
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) == BioAndroid) {
    Notice $Nick BioAndroid Characters:9 Cell. Type 9`Pick Character (Character)
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) == SuperHuman) {
    Notice $Nick SuperHuman Characters:7 Tien - Krillin. Type 9`Pick Character (Character)
on 1:TEXT:`Pick Character *:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) != on) { Notice $nick Please Choose a Name `Name (Name) | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Race) != on) { Notice $nick Please Choose a Race `Pick Race (Race) | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Type) != on) { Notice $nick Please Choose a Type `Pick Type (Type) | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Character) == on) { Notice $nick You Have Already Chosen a Character. | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) == Saiyan) {
    if ($3 == Goku) {
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Character on
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Character Goku
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move1 Punch
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move2 Kick
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move3 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move4 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move5 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move6 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move7 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move8 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move9 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move10 None
      Notice $nick Step 5:8 So your like $3 $+ , What Gender Are you? Type 9`Pick Gender (Male or Female) 
    if ($3 == Vegeta) {
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Character on
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Character Vegeta
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move1 Punch
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move2 Kick
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move3 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move4 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move5 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move6 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move7 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move8 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move9 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move10 None
      Notice $nick Step 5:8 So your like $3 $+ , What Gender Are you? Type 9`Pick Gender (Male or Female) 
    if ($3 == Gohan) {
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Character on
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Character Gohan
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move1 Punch
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move2 Kick
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move3 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move4 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move5 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move6 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move7 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move8 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move9 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move10 None
      Notice $nick Step 5:8 So your like $3 $+ , What Gender Are you? Type 9`Pick Gender (Male or Female) 
    if ($3 == Trunks) {
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Character on
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Character Trunks
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move1 Punch
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move2 Kick
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move3 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move4 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move5 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move6 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move7 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move8 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move9 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move10 None
      Notice $nick Step 5:8 So your like $3 $+ , What Gender Are you? Type 9`Pick Gender (Male or Female) 
    if ($3 == Brolly) {
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Character on
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Character Brolly
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move1 Punch
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move2 Kick
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move3 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move4 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move5 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move6 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move7 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move8 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move9 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move10 None
      Notice $nick Step 5:8 So your like $3 $+ , What Gender Are you? Type 9`Pick Gender (Male or Female) 
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) == Namek) {
    if ($3 == Piccolo) {
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Character on
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Character Piccolo
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move1 Punch
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move2 Kick
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move3 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move4 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move5 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move6 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move7 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move8 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move9 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move10 None
      Notice $nick Step 5:8 So your like $3 $+ , What Gender Are you? Type 9`Pick Gender (Male or Female) 
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) == Changling) {
    if ($3 == Frieza) {
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Character on
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Character Frieza
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move1 Punch
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move2 Kick
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move3 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move4 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move5 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move6 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move7 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move8 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move9 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move10 None
      Notice $nick Step 5:8 So your like $3 $+ , What Gender Are you? Type 9`Pick Gender (Male or Female) 
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) == Android) {
    if ($3 == 17) {
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Character on
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Character 17
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move1 Punch
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move2 Kick
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move3 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move4 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move5 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move6 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move7 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move8 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move9 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move10 None
      Notice $nick Step 5:8 So your like $3 $+ , What Gender Are you? Type 9`Pick Gender (Male or Female) 
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) == Buu) {
    if ($3 == Buu) {
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Character on
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Character Buu
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move1 Punch
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move2 Kick
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move3 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move4 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move5 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move6 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move7 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move8 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move9 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move10 None
      Notice $nick Step 5:8 So your like $3 $+ , What Gender Are you? Type 9`Pick Gender (Male or Female) 
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) == BioAndroid) {
    if ($3 == Cell) {
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Character on
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Character Cell
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move1 Punch
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move2 Kick
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move3 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move4 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move5 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move6 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move7 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move8 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move9 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move10 None
      Notice $nick Step 5:8 So your like $3 $+ , What Gender Are you? Type 9`Pick Gender (Male or Female) 
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) == SuperHuman) {
    if ($3 == Tien) {
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Character on
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Character Tien
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move1 Punch
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move2 Kick
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move3 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move4 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move5 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move6 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move7 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move8 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move9 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move10 None
      Notice $nick Step 5:8 So your like $3 $+ , What Gender Are you? Type 9`Pick Gender (Male or Female) 
    if ($3 == Krillin) {
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Character on
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Character Krillin
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move1 Punch
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move2 Kick
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move3 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move4 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move5 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move6 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move7 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move8 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move9 None
      Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Move10 None
      Notice $nick Step 5:8 So your like $3 $+ , What Gender Are you? Type 9`Pick Gender (Male or Female) 
on 1:TEXT:`Pick Gender *:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) != on) { Notice $nick Please Choose a Name `Name (Name) | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Race) != on) { Notice $nick Please Choose a Race `Pick Race (Race) | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Type) != on) { Notice $nick Please Choose a Type `Pick Type (Type) | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Character) != on) { Notice $nick Please Choose a Character `Characters | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Gender) == on) { Notice $nick You Have Already Chosen a Gender. | halt }
  if ($3 == Male) {
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Gender on
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Gender Male
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Player Yes
    Writeini Registered $+ .ini Registered $Nick $address($nick,3)
    write Registered+.txt $nick
    Notice $nick Step 6:8 So your a $3 $+ , Please Type 9Msg $me `Pass (Make Up a Password) (Make up a Dogs Name)
  if ($3 == Female) {
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Gender on
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Player Yes
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Gender Female
    Writeini Registered $+ .ini Registered $Nick $address($nick,3)
    write Registered+.txt $nick
    Notice $nick Step 6:8 So your a $3 $+ , Please Type 9Msg $me `Pass (Make Up a Password) (Make up a Dogs Name)
on *:text:*`Pass *:?:{
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) != on) { Notice $nick Please Choose a Name `Name (Name) | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Race) != on) { Notice $nick Please Choose a Race `Pick Race (Race) | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Type) != on) { Notice $nick Please Choose a Type `Pick Type (Type) | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Character) != on) { Notice $nick Please Choose a Character `Characters | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Gender) != on) { Notice $nick Please Choose a Gender `Pick Gender (Male Or Female) | halt }
  if (/ isin $2) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if ($ isin $2) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if (/ isin $3) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if ($ isin $3) { Notice $nick Please reword it! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,pass) == $null) {
    if ($2 == $Null) { Notice $nick Please Type `Pass (Password) (Email) | halt }
    if ($3 == $Null) { Notice $nick Please Type `Pass (Password) (Email) | halt }
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini pass pass $2
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini pass Email $3
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Complete on
    /mode %Chanset +v $nick 
    Notice $nick 8Your Password is9 $2 15&8 your Email is9 $3 
    Notice $nick Your Registration is Complete Type 9`Help8 To get Help! 13Enjoy!
    writeini $nick $+ .ini pass passaccept on
    /Heal $nick
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Please Log in | halt }
  if ($2 == $Null) { Notice $nick Please Type `Pass (Password) (Email) | halt }
  if ($3 == $Null) { Notice $nick Please Type `Pass (Password) (Email) | halt }
  Writeini $nick $+ .ini pass pass $2
  Writeini $nick $+ .ini pass Email $3
  /mode %Chanset +v $nick 
  Notice $nick 8Your Password is9 $2 15&8 your Email is9 $3 
  writeini $nick $+ .ini pass passaccept on
on *:text:*`Login *:?:{
  if ($2 == $readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,pass)) {
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini pass passaccept on
    Notice $nick You have logged in!
    /mode %Chanset +v $nick 
on *:text:*`LogOut:*: {
  Writeini $nick $+ .ini pass passaccept off
  Notice $nick You have now logged out!
  /mode %Chanset -v $nick
on *:join:#:{
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) == on) { Remove -b $Nick $+ .ini }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick 11Welcome to9 $chan $+ !11 I am9 $me V.211 a9 Dbz Bot9. Type 9`Register11 To Begin. | halt }
  notice $nick 11Welcome to9 $chan $+ ! 11Your Already Registerd but if you need any help on the bot, Type9`help.
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) == on) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passon) == off) { halt }
    Writeini $nick $+ .ini pass passaccept off
on *:nick:*:{
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) == on) { Remove -b $Nick $+ .ini }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passon) == off) { halt }
  Writeini $nick $+ .ini pass passaccept off
  /mode %Chanset -v $nick
on *:part:#:{
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) == on) { Remove -b $Nick $+ .ini }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passon) == off) { halt }
  Writeini $nick $+ .ini pass passaccept off
on *:text:`Stats:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ Chr: $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) 0,1- $+ %Aura PL $+ / $+ MPL:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,PowerLevel) $+ / $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,MPowerLevel) 0- $+ %Aura Ki $+ / $+ MKi:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Ki) $+ / $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,MKi) 0,1- $+ %Aura Energy $+ / $+ MEnergy:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Energy) $+ / $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,MEnergy)
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura Attack $+ / $+ MAttack:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Attack) $+ / $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,MAttack) 0- $+ %Aura Defense $+ / $+ MDefense:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Defense) $+ / $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,MDefense) 0- $+ %Aura Speed:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,FSpeed) $+ / $+ 10 0,1- $+ %Aura Level:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Level)
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura Accuracy:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Accuracy) 0,1- $+ %Aura Agility:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Agility) 0,1- $+ %Aura Intelligence:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Intelligence) 0,1- $+ %Aura Fighting:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Fighting) 0,1- $+ %Aura Exp:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Exp) $+ / $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,ExpNeeded)
on *:text:`PL:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura PL $+ / $+ MPL:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,PowerLevel) $+ / $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,MPowerLevel)
on *:text:`Attack:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura Attack $+ / $+ MAttack:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Attack) $+ / $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,MAttack)
on *:text:`Defense:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura Defense $+ / $+ MDefense:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Defense) $+ / $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,MDefense)
on *:text:`ki:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura ki $+ / $+ Mki:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,ki) $+ / $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Mki)
on *:text:`Energy:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura Energy $+ / $+ MEnergy:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Energy) $+ / $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,MEnergy)
on *:text:`Level:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura Level:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Level)
on *:text:`Level:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura Level:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Level)
on *:text:`Agility:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura Agility:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Agility)
on *:text:`Accuracy:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura Accuracy:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Accuracy)
on *:text:`Intelligence:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura Intelligence:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Intelligence)
on *:text:`Moves:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  Notice $nick Physical Attacks: $+ %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Move1) 0,1- $+ %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Move2)
  Notice $nick Ki Attacks: $+ %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Move3) 0,1- $+ %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Move4) 0,1- $+ %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Move5) 0,1- $+ %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Move6) 0,1- $+ %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Move7) 0,1- $+ %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Move8) 
  Notice $nick Weapon Attacks: $+ %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Move9) 0,1- $+ %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Move10)
on *:text:`Money:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura Money:15,1 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,money) 
on *:text:`Items:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  Notice $Nick  $+ %Aura Senzu Bean(s):15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,SenzuBean) 0,1- $+ %Aura Skill Point(s):15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,SkillPoint) 0,1- $+ %Aura SaibamanBean(s):15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,SaibamanBean)
  //unset %Items
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,Scouter) == yes) { Set %Items %Items Scouter }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,SpacePod) == yes) { Set %Items %Items SpacePod }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,FusionGenerator) == yes) { Set %Items %Items FusionGenerator }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,Gravitymachine) == yes) { Set %Items %Items Gravitymachine }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,DBScouter) == yes) { Set %Items %Items DBScouter }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,NDBScouter) == yes) { Set %Items %Items NDBScouter }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,FangOfMomit) == yes) { Set %Items %Items FangOfMomit }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,AcidWater) == yes) { Set %Items %Items AcidWater }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,MomungaFlower) == yes) { Set %Items %Items MomungaFlower }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,Fossil) == yes) { Set %Items %Items Fossil }
  Notice $Nick  $+ %Aura Other Item(s):15 %Items
on *:text:*`Skills:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  //unset %Skills
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,Sense) == yes) { Set %Skills %Skills Sense }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,Enrage) == yes) { Set %Skills %Skills Enrage }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,PowerUp) == yes) { Set %Skills %Skills PowerUp }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,SuperPowerUp) == yes) { Set %Skills %Skills SuperPowerUp }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,KiBarrier) == yes) { Set %Skills %Skills KiBarrier }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,Regenerate) == yes) { Set %Skills %Skills Regenerate }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,Zanzoken) == yes) { Set %Skills %Skills Zanzoken }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,Kaioken) == yes) { Set %Skills %Skills Kaioken }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,KaiokenX4) == yes) { Set %Skills %Skills KaiokenX4 }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,KaiokenX10) == yes) { Set %Skills %Skills KaiokenX10 }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,KaiokenX20) == yes) { Set %Skills %Skills KaiokenX20 }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,KaiokenX100) == yes) { Set %Skills %Skills KaiokenX100 }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,InstantTransmission) == yes) { Set %Skills %Skills InstantTransmission }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,BlowUp) == yes) { Set %Skills %Skills BlowUp }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,Mystic) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Mystic,Mastered) != Yes) { Set %Skills %Skills Mystic }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,Majin) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Majin,Mastered) != Yes) { Set %Skills %Skills Majin }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,Bebi) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Bebi,Mastered) != Yes) { Set %Skills %Skills Bebi }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,AttackBarrier) == yes) { Set %Skills %Skills AttackBarrier }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,TelepathyFreeze) == yes) { Set %Skills %Skills TelepathyFreeze }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,PiercingBullet) == yes) { Set %Skills %Skills PiercingBullet }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,DeadZone) == yes) { Set %Skills %Skills DeadZone }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,SplitForm) == yes) { Set %Skills %Skills SplitForm }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,EnergyDrain) == yes) { Set %Skills %Skills EnergyDrain }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,Kamikaze) == yes) { Set %Skills %Skills Kamikaze }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,SolarFlare) == yes) { Set %Skills %Skills SolarFlare }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,ShockWave) == yes) { Set %Skills %Skills ShockWave }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,Exchange) == yes) { Set %Skills %Skills Exchange }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,Forsion) == yes) { Set %Skills %Skills Forsion }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,Zolpher) == yes) { Set %Skills %Skills Zolpher }
  if (%Skills == $null) { Set %Skills None }
  Notice $nick 11Skills You Know:15 %Skills  
on *:text:*`Wearing:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  //unset %Weapons
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Weapon,Sword) == Equipped) { Set %Weapons %Weapons Sword }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Weapon,PowerSword) == Equipped) { Set %Weapons %Weapons PowerSword }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Weapon,ZSword) == Equipped) { Set %Weapons %Weapons ZSword } 
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Weapon,ShadowSword) == Equipped) { Set %Weapons %Weapons ShadowSword }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Weapon,XSword) == Equipped) { Set %Weapons %Weapons XSword }
  //unset %Armors
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Armor,Armor) == Equipped) { Set %Armors %Armors Armor }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Armor,NamekArmor) == Equipped) { Set %Armors %Armors NamekArmor }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Armor,SaiyanArmor) == Equipped) { Set %Armors %Armors SaiyanArmor }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Armor,YardatArmor) == Equipped) { Set %Armors %Armors YardatArmor }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Armor,KaiArmor) == Equipped) { Set %Armors %Armors KaiArmor }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Armor,XArmor) == Equipped) { Set %Armors %Armors XArmor }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Armor,Tsufuru-jinArmor) == Equipped) { Set %Armors %Armors Tsufuru-jinArmor }
  //unset %Weights
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,NTW) == Equipped) { Set %Weights %Weights NTW }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,STW) == Equipped) { Set %Weights %Weights STW }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,KTW) == Equipped) { Set %Weights %Weights KTW }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,YTW) == Equipped) { Set %Weights %Weights YTW }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,XTW) == Equipped) { Set %Weights %Weights XTW }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,TTW) == Equipped) { Set %Weights %Weights TTW }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  Notice $Nick  $+ %Aura Weapons:15 %Weapons 0,1- $+ %Aura Armors:15 %Armors 0,1- $+ %Aura Weights:15 %Weights
on *:text:*`Planet:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  //unset %Planet
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Planet,Earth) == Yes) { Set %Planet %Planet Earth }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Planet,X) == Yes) { Set %Planet %Planet X }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Planet,Namek) == Yes) { Set %Planet %Planet Namek }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Planet,Vegeta) == Yes) { Set %Planet %Planet Vegeta }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Planet,Plant) == Yes) { Set %Planet %Planet Plant }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Planet,Yardat) == Yes) { Set %Planet %Planet Yardrat }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Planet,Kai) == Yes) { Set %Planet %Planet Kai }
  Notice $nick 4Planets:11 Earth Kai Yardrat Plant Vegeta Namek X 9Planet Your On:11 %Planet
on *:text:*`Weights:#:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  //unset %Weights
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,NTW) == Yes) { Set %Weights %Weights NTW }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,STW) == Yes) { Set %Weights %Weights STW }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,KTW) == Yes) { Set %Weights %Weights KTW }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,YTW) == Yes) { Set %Weights %Weights YTW }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,XTW) == Yes) { Set %Weights %Weights XTW }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,TTW) == Yes) { Set %Weights %Weights TTW }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,NTW) == Equipped) { Set %Weights %Weights NTW }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,STW) == Equipped) { Set %Weights %Weights STW }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,KTW) == Equipped) { Set %Weights %Weights KTW }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,YTW) == Equipped) { Set %Weights %Weights YTW }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,XTW) == Equipped) { Set %Weights %Weights XTW }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Items,TTW) == Equipped) { Set %Weights %Weights TTW }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  Notice $Nick Weights:15 %Weights
on *:text:`Weapons:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  Notice $Nick  $+ %Aura ZSword:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,Weapon,ZSword) 0,1- $+ %Aura Sword:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,Weapon,Sword) 0,1- $+ %Aura PowerSword:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,Weapon,PowerSword)
on *:text:`Armors:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  Notice $Nick  $+ %Aura Armor:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,Armor,Armor) 0,1- $+ %Aura Namek Armor:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,Armor,NamekArmor) 0,1- $+ %Aura Saiyan Armor:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,Armor,SaiyanArmor) 0,1- $+ %Aura Yardat Armor:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,Armor,YardatArmor) 0,1- $+ %Aura Kai Armor:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,Armor,KaiArmor)
on 1:text:`Info*:#: {
  if (Stats == $2) {
    If ($3 == Attack) { notice $nick This Makes Your Physical Attacks Strong Not Ki Attacks! | halt }
    If ($3 == Defense) { notice $nick This Makes The damage done to you be subtracted with the amount of Defense you have, works with Ki & Physical attacks! | halt }
    If ($3 == Agility) { notice $nick If Your agility is higher then the person's Accuracy, and that person is attacking you there will be a chance of a Dodge! | halt }
    If ($3 == Speed) { notice $nick There are 10 Level Speeds, All start of at lvl 1 except if you choose the Fast Type then your at lvl 2, The more speed level you got the more fast your attacks will become! | halt }
    If ($3 == Intelligence) { notice $nick If you got more Intelligence then the openents Accuracy There will be some Chances of Countering to occur! | halt }
    If ($3 == Accuracy) { notice $nick The more Accuracy you got the better the chances of Critical! | halt }
    If ($3 == PowerLevel) { notice $nick This is your HP & for certain Races you need this to Transform! | halt }
    If ($3 == Ki) { notice $nick This Makes Your Ki Attacks Strong Not Physical Attacks! | halt }
    If ($3 == Energy) { notice $nick When You use Ki Attacks an amount of Energy will be Drained If you dont have a certain amount of Energy you cant use it! Energy wont be used for Physical Attacks! | halt }
  if (Race == $2) {
    If ($3 == Android) { notice $nick Androids are the bionic race. Unlike any other race androids may upgrade them self with cores from Geros Lab located on earth. There transformations are also permenant. 9Positive:15 Androids Have Their very own Store with Cores! | halt }
    If ($3 == Buu) { notice $nick The Buu Race is Pink & Purple! 9Positives:15 Can Fuse with some one without permission! With a SKill!! oooh called Udebunriogeki  | halt }
    If ($3 == Human) { notice $nick Humans are people who live on Earth. I'm guessing that everyone knows what a human is so thats all I have for this description...  halt }
    If ($3 == Changling) { notice $nick The Changlings are very much a mystery. They all seem to be very powerful and can change form and grow stronger. 9Positives:15 Can Cause 2000 Direct Damage to every one in field! | halt }
    If ($3 == Saiyan) { notice $nick A brutal, primitive race. The saiyans Transformations arent Perminent. 9Positives:15 They can become oozaru's with there tail! | halt }
    If ($3 == Namek) { notice $nick Nameks are a peaceful, great civilisation which prospers in its peace. 9Positives:15 Can Recover PL! | halt }
    If ($3 == BioAndroid) { notice $nick BioAndroids are Creatures that Live to become Stronger! 9Positives:15 Allows This Race to Drain Energy Out Of Oponent! | halt }
  if (Armor == $2) {
    If ($3 == SaiyanArmor) { notice $nick Increases Defense By 40 But Decreases Agility By 15! 9LvL Requirment: 40 | halt }
    If ($3 == Armor) { notice $nick Increases Defense By 10! 9LvL Requirment: None | halt }
    If ($3 == NamekArmor) { notice $nick Increases Defense By 20! 9LvL Requirment: 20 | halt }
    If ($3 == KaiArmor) { notice $nick Increases Defense By 70 and Decreases Your Agility by 25! 9LvL Requirment: 60 | halt }
    If ($3 == YardatArmor) { notice $nick Increases Defense By 55 and Decreases Your Agility by 15! 9LvL Requirment: 45 | halt }
    If ($3 == Tsufuru-jinArmor) { notice $nick Increases Defense By 100 and Decreases Your Agility by 40! 9LvL Requirment: 80 | halt }
    If ($3 == XArmor) { notice $nick Increases Defense By 200 and Decreases Your Agility by 80! 9LvL Requirment: 100 | halt }
  if (Weapon == $2) {
    If ($3 == Sword) { notice $nick Increases Attack By 10 and You Learn the attack Slash! 9LvL Requirment: None | halt }
    If ($3 == XSword) { notice $nick Increases Attack By 300 and You Learn the attack XSlash But Decreases Defense by 100! 9LvL Requirment: 100 | halt }
    If ($3 == ShadowSword) { notice $nick Increases Attack By 550 and You Learn the attack ShadowSlash But Decreases Defense by 40! 9LvL Requirment: 80 | halt }
    If ($3 == PowerSword) { notice $nick Increases Attack By 45 and You Learn the attack PowerSlash But Decreases Defense by 10! 9LvL Requirment: 50 | halt }
    If ($3 == ZSword) { notice $nick Increases Attack By 90 and You Learn the attack ZSlash But Decreases 20 Defense! 9LvL Requirment: 70 Except For The Chr Gohan Which Can Handle The Sword At LvL 30 | halt }
  if (Transformation == $2) {
    If ($3 == Saiyan) { notice $nick SSJ: 1,000 PL & The Skill Enrage 0-15 SSJ2: 2,500 PL & The Skill Enrage 0-15 SSJ3: 5,000 PL & The Skill Enrage 0-15 GoldenOozaru: 10,000 PL 0-15 SSJ4: Master GoldenOozaru | halt }
    If ($3 == Namek) { notice $nick Form 1: Goto Planet Namek and Type `Challenge Nail to Fight Nail(Beat Him) 0-15 Form 2: On Earth Type `Challenge Kami(Beat Him 4Note: You Will Gain Half of Kami's stats15) 0-15 Form 3: On Earth Type `Challenge Piccolo_Daimao!(Beat Him and Gets His Stats added to Yours!) 0-15 Final Form: On Earth Type `Challenge Piccolo(Beat Him) | halt }
    If ($3 == Buu) { notice $nick Form 1: Get 1,000 PL Then Type `Mutate(Gota Do It In Battle) 0-15 Form 2: On Earth Type `Challenge Gotenks(Beat Him 4Note: You Gets half his Stats) 0-15 Form 3: On Earth Type `Challenge Gohan(This is a 2 Vs. 1 so You Fight Gohan and Chibi-Trunks) 0-15 Final Form: Get 10,000  | halt }
    If ($3 == Changling) { notice $nick Form 1: Get 1,000 PL Then Type `Mutate(Gota Do It In Battle) | halt }
    If ($3 == BioAndroid) { notice $nick Form 1: Get 1,000 PL Then Type `Evolve(Gota Do It In Battle) Form 2: Get 2,500 PL Then Type `Evolve(Gota Do It In Battle) Form 3: Type `Challenge 17 to Fight 17(Beat Him) Final Form: Type `Challenge 18 to Fight 18(Beat Her) | halt }
    If ($3 == Android) { notice $nick Form 1: Get 1,000 PL Then Type Talk Dr.Gero(Doubles Stats) 0-15 Form 2: Get 2,000 PL and then Type `Talk Dr.Gero(Doubles Stats) 0-15 Form 3: Gets 5500 PL and Type `Talk Dr.Gero 0-15 Final Form: On Planet X type `Challenge BioAndroid(Beat Him)  | halt }
  if (Item == $2) {
    If ($3 == SenzuBean) { notice $nick Heals You Any Where! | halt }
    If ($3 == SkillPoint) { notice $nick Use Them To Raise Your Stats, Type `Train (Stat) (Amount) | halt }
    If ($3 == FastHeal) { notice $nick A Quick Heal, Instead of Waiting 60 Secs | halt }
    If ($3 == Scouter) { notice $nick Type `Read Person to See There stats. | halt }
    If ($3 == SpacePod) { notice $nick Type `Planets and type `Goto (Planet) To Go SomeWhere | halt }
    If ($3 == FusionGenerator) { notice $nick Fuse With Some One Who Has a Fusion Generator, `Fuse (Person) & `Accept Fuse (Person) To Fuse! | halt }
    If ($3 == NTW) { notice $nick Decreases Agility By 10 But When You Kill Something you Gain an extra 10-15 Exp. 9LvL Requirment: 20 | halt }
    If ($3 == STW) { notice $nick Decreases Agility By 20 But When You Kill Something you Gain an extra 15-20 Exp. 9LvL Requirment: 35 | halt }
    If ($3 == KTW) { notice $nick Decreases Agility By 30 But When You Kill Something you Gain an extra 20-25 Exp. 9LvL Requirment: 50 | halt }
    If ($3 == YTW) { notice $nick Decreases Agility By 25 But When You Kill Something you Gain an extra 15-20 Exp. 9LvL Requirment: 45 | halt }
    If ($3 == TTW) { notice $nick Decreases Agility By 40 But When You Kill Something you Gain an extra 25-30 Exp. 9LvL Requirment: 60 | halt }
  if (Force == $2) {
    If ($3 == Creating) { notice $nick To Create Force: 9`Create Force (Name)4 Costs 1500 | halt }
    If ($3 == Topic) { notice $nick To Create a Force Topic: 9`Force Topic (Topic) | halt }
    If ($3 == Inviting) { notice $nick To Invite: 9`Ask ForceName ForceRankNumber (Person) | halt }
    If ($3 == Rules) { notice $nick Rules: Any Glitches Found in The Money System Must Be Reported & If You Have 2 Accounts You Cannot Have Your 2 Accounts be in the Same Force! | halt }
    If ($3 == Leaving) { notice $nick To Leave a Force: 9`Leave Force4 Costs 1000 | halt }
    If ($3 == Closing) { notice $nick To Close a Force: 9`Close Force4 Costs 500 | halt }
    If ($3 == Booting) { notice $nick To Kick someone out of a Force: 9`Boot Force (Person)4 Costs 500 | halt }
    If ($3 == Loan) { notice $nick To Loan Money out of a Force: 9`Loan Force (Amount)4 Other Commands: Type `Loans too see who took out loans! `Loan to see how much you have taken out. To Pay Back The Loan `Pay Force Loan (Amount) | halt }
    If ($3 == Withdraw) { notice $nick The Owners Can Withdraw all the money without it being a Loan, But the owner can set it that all members can withdraw without it being a loan: 8`Set Force Withdraw (on or off) 9`Withdraw Force (Amount) | halt }
    If ($3 == Tax) { notice $nick You Can Set a Tax, So when you team members beat something The Percent You Have set up will be Deducted!: 9`Set Force Tax 1-99% | halt }
    If ($3 == Limit) { notice $nick The Owner Can Set Up a Loan Limit So The Treasury Does'nt run Out: 9`Set Force Limit Amount | halt }
on 1:text:*`help:#:{
  Notice $nick Help Topics:10 Register - Healing - Battle - Learning - Stores - Noob-Arena - HBTC!
on 1:text:`help*:#: {
  If ($2 == Register) { notice $nick Type `Register and Follow the Steps! | halt }
  If ($2 == Healing) { notice $nick Type `Heal To heal! | halt }
  If ($2 == HBTC) { notice $nick HBTC Stands for Hyper Bolic Time Chamber, You Can train in the HBTC 2 Times in the 7 Day Reset! The HBTC+Bag Uses your own stats in normal form. You Get double the exp you would get by killing yourself. 4You cant use anything that you have mastered! You need 2000 PL to Enter the HBTC 9`Start HBTC | halt }
  If ($2 == Noob-Arena) { notice $nick The same thing applies for Noob-Arena as the "Battle" Help section, Here you train up on Bags without being Killed. Attack Supa+Weak+Bag & Weak+Bag | halt }
  If ($2 == Battle) { notice $nick Type `Enter Arena To Enter Battle Field, Type `Leave Arena To leave the battle field, Type `Moves to see your attacks, To attack type `(Move Name) Person! | halt }
  If ($2 == Learning) { notice $nick To Learn stuff You Have to Level up (At Certain LvLs You Learn Stuff)! 4When Bot Tells You::15 When all your slots are filled type `erase move(1-8) (Move your learning)! If you dont wana learn type `NotErase! Btw: The Move u wana erase has to be the right slot! | halt }
  If ($2 == Stores) { notice $nick Type Type `Places to see all the stores and places to visit at the planet you are at! | halt }
  If ($2 == Force) { notice $nick There is alot of Commands for force, So i have decided to make info's on'em:11 Info Force (To Get Info On) - Creating - Inviting - Rules - Topic - Leaving - Closing -  Booting -  Loan - Withdraw - Tax - Limit | halt }
  If ($2 == Info) { notice $nick To Get Info on a Certain Thing! Type `Info (Main) (Sub) Example `Info Stats Attack, Btw: If Nothing Comes up Either your doing it wrong or I have'nt made that. | halt }
on *:text:`Speed Stats:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura Speed:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,FSpeed) $+ / $+ 10 0- $+ %Aura Speed Exp Needed To LvL up Speed:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,Speed,Exp) $+ / $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,Speed,Needed)
on *:text:`SSJ Stats:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) != Saiyan) { Notice $nick Your not a Saiyan | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,SSJ,SSJ) != Yes) { Notice $nick You have not yet learned to go SSJ | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,SSJ,Mastered) == yes) { Notice $nick You have Mastered Your SSJ! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  set %SSJexp5 [ $readini $nick $+ .ini SSJ Exp ]
  set %SSJexp3 [ $readini $nick $+ .ini SSJ ExpNeeded ]
  If (%SSJexp5 >= %SSJexp3) { /SSJLvLUP $nick }
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura SSJ Level:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,SSJ,Level) $+ / $+ 10 0- $+ %Aura SSJ Exp Needed To LvL up SSJ:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,SSJ,Exp) $+ / $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,SSJ,ExpNeeded)
on *:text:`SSJ3 Stats:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) != Saiyan) { Notice $nick Your not a Saiyan | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,SSJ3,SSJ3) != Yes) { Notice $nick You have not yet learned to go SSJ3 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,SSJ3,Mastered) == yes) { Notice $nick You have Mastered Your SSJ3! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  set %SSJexp5 [ $readini $nick $+ .ini SSJ3 Exp ]
  set %SSJexp3 [ $readini $nick $+ .ini SSJ3 ExpNeeded ]
  If (%SSJexp5 >= %SSJexp3) { /SSJ3LvLUP $nick }
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura SSJ3 Level:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,SSJ3,Level) $+ / $+ 10 0- $+ %Aura SSJ3 Exp Needed To LvL up SSJ3:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,SSJ3,Exp) $+ / $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,SSJ3,ExpNeeded)
on 1:text:`Exp:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  LvlCheck $Nick
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  Set %Mexp $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,ExpNeeded) 
  Set %exp $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Exp) 
  Set %PercentExp $calc(%exp / %mexp)
  Set %PercentMExp $calc(%PercentExp * 100)
  Set %PercentMExp $round(%PercentMExp,0)
  var %current = %exp
  var %maximum = %mexp
  var %barcur = |||||||
  if (%current < 1) { set %barod 1,1 $+ %barcur }
  else {
    elseif (%current > %maximum) { set %barod 12,12 $+ %barcur }
    var %percent = $round($calc(%current / %maximum),2)
    var %left = $int($calc($len(%barcur) * %percent))
    var %right = $calc($len(%barcur) - %left)
    var %leftbar = 12,12 $+ $left(%barcur,%left)
    var %rightbar = 1,1 $+ $right(%barcur,%right)   
    set %barexp %leftbar $+ %rightbar
    Notice $nick  12,1(10[11 $+ %barexp $+ 10]12) 12,1(10[11 % $+ %PercentMExp $+ / $+ % $+ 100 10]12) 12,1(10[11 Exp/Exp Needed:10,1 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Exp) $+ / $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,ExpNeeded) 10]12)
on *:text:`Kaioken Stats:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,Kaioken) != Yes) { Notice $nick You have not yet learned to go Kaioken | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaioken,Mastered) == yes) { Notice $nick You have Mastered Your Kaioken! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  set %SSJexp5 [ $readini $nick $+ .ini Kaioken Exp ]
  set %SSJexp3 [ $readini $nick $+ .ini Kaioken ExpNeeded ]
  If (%SSJexp5 >= %SSJexp3) { /KaiokenLvLUP $nick }
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura Kaioken Level:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaioken,Level) $+ / $+ 10 0- $+ %Aura Kaioken Exp Needed To LvL up:4 $readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaioken,Exp) $+ / $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaioken,ExpNeeded)
on *:text:`KaiokenX4 Stats:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,KaiokenX4) != Yes) { Notice $nick You have not yet learned to go Kaioken | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX4,Mastered) == yes) { Notice $nick You have Mastered Your KaiokenX4! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  set %SSJexp5 [ $readini $nick $+ .ini KaiokenX4 Exp ]
  set %SSJexp3 [ $readini $nick $+ .ini KaiokenX4 ExpNeeded ]
  If (%SSJexp5 >= %SSJexp3) { /KaiokenX4LvLUP $nick }
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura KaiokenX4 Level:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX4,Level) $+ / $+ 10 0- $+ %Aura KaiokenX4 Exp Needed To LvL up:4 $readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX4,Exp) $+ / $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX4,ExpNeeded)
on *:text:`SSJ2 Stats:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) != Saiyan) { Notice $nick Your not a Saiyan | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,SSJ2,SSJ2) != Yes) { Notice $nick You have not yet learned to go SSJ2 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,SSJ2,Mastered) == yes) { Notice $nick You have Mastered Your SSJ2! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  set %SSJexp5 [ $readini $nick $+ .ini SSJ2 Exp ]
  set %SSJexp3 [ $readini $nick $+ .ini SSJ2 ExpNeeded ]
  If (%SSJexp5 >= %SSJexp3) { /SSJ2LvLUP $nick }
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura SSJ2 Level:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,SSJ2,Level) $+ / $+ 10 0- $+ %Aura SSJ Exp Needed To LvL up SSJ2:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,SSJ2,Exp) $+ / $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,SSJ2,ExpNeeded)
on *:text:`ssj4 Stats:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) != Saiyan) { Notice $nick Your not a Saiyan | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,ssj4,ssj4) != Yes) { Notice $nick You have not yet learned to go ssj4 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,ssj4,Mastered) == yes) { Notice $nick You have Mastered Your ssj4! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  set %SSJexp5 [ $readini $nick $+ .ini ssj4 Exp ]
  set %SSJexp3 [ $readini $nick $+ .ini ssj4 ExpNeeded ]
  If (%SSJexp5 >= %SSJexp3) { /ssj4LvLUP $nick }
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura ssj4 Level:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,ssj4,Level) $+ / $+ 10 0- $+ %Aura SSJ Exp Needed To LvL up ssj4:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,ssj4,Exp) $+ / $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,ssj4,ExpNeeded)
on *:text:`KiBarrier Stats:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,KiBarrier) != Yes) { Notice $nick You have not yet learned to go KiBarrier | halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura KiBarrier:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Shield)
on *:text:`KaiokenX10 Stats:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,KaiokenX10) != Yes) { Notice $nick You have not yet learned to go Kaioken | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX10,Mastered) == yes) { Notice $nick You have Mastered Your KaiokenX10! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  set %SSJexp5 [ $readini $nick $+ .ini KaiokenX10 Exp ]
  set %SSJexp3 [ $readini $nick $+ .ini KaiokenX10 ExpNeeded ]
  If (%SSJexp5 >= %SSJexp3) { /KaiokenX10LvLUP $nick }
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura KaiokenX10 Level:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX10,Level) $+ / $+ 10 0- $+ %Aura KaiokenX10 Exp Needed To LvL up:4 $readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX10,Exp) $+ / $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX10,ExpNeeded)
on *:text:`KaiokenX20 Stats:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,KaiokenX20) != Yes) { Notice $nick You have not yet learned to go Kaiokenx20 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX20,Mastered) == yes) { Notice $nick You have Mastered Your KaiokenX20! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  set %SSJexp5 [ $readini $nick $+ .ini KaiokenX20 Exp ]
  set %SSJexp3 [ $readini $nick $+ .ini KaiokenX20 ExpNeeded ]
  If (%SSJexp5 >= %SSJexp3) { /KaiokenX20LvLUP $nick }
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura KaiokenX20 Level:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX20,Level) $+ / $+ 10 0- $+ %Aura KaiokenX20 Exp Needed To LvL up:4 $readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX20,Exp) $+ / $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX20,ExpNeeded)
on *:text:`Mystic Stats:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,Mystic) != Yes) { Notice $nick You have not yet learned to go Mystic | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Mystic,Mastered) == yes) { Notice $nick You have Mastered Your Mystic! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  set %SSJexp5 [ $readini $nick $+ .ini Mystic Exp ]
  set %SSJexp3 [ $readini $nick $+ .ini Mystic ExpNeeded ]
  If (%SSJexp5 >= %SSJexp3) { /MysticLvLUP $nick }
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura Mystic Level:11 $readini($nick $+ .ini,Mystic,Level) $+ / $+ 10 0- $+ %Aura Mystic Exp Needed To LvL up:11 $readini($nick $+ .ini,Mystic,Exp) $+ / $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,Mystic,ExpNeeded)
on *:text:`Bebi Stats:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,Bebi) != Yes) { Notice $nick You have not yet learned to go Bebi | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Bebi,Mastered) == yes) { Notice $nick You have Mastered Your Bebi! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  set %SSJexp5 [ $readini $nick $+ .ini Bebi Exp ]
  set %SSJexp3 [ $readini $nick $+ .ini Bebi ExpNeeded ]
  If (%SSJexp5 >= %SSJexp3) { /BebiLvLUP $nick }
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura Bebi Level:0 $readini($nick $+ .ini,Bebi,Level) $+ / $+ 10 0- $+ %Aura Bebi Exp Needed To LvL up:0 $readini($nick $+ .ini,Bebi,Exp) $+ / $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,Bebi,ExpNeeded)
on *:text:`KaiokenX100 Stats:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,KaiokenX100) != Yes) { Notice $nick You have not yet learned to go KaiokenX100 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX100,Mastered) == yes) { Notice $nick You have Mastered Your KaiokenX100! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  set %SSJexp5 [ $readini $nick $+ .ini KaiokenX100 Exp ]
  set %SSJexp3 [ $readini $nick $+ .ini KaiokenX100 ExpNeeded ]
  If (%SSJexp5 >= %SSJexp3) { /KaiokenX100LvLUP $nick }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura KaiokenX100 Level:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX100,Level) $+ / $+ 10 0- $+ %Aura KaiokenX100 Exp Needed To LvL up:4 $readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX100,Exp) $+ / $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX100,ExpNeeded)
on *:text:`Majin Stats:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,Majin) != Yes) { Notice $nick You have not yet learned to go Majin | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Majin,Mastered) == yes) { Notice $nick You have Mastered Your Majin! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  set %SSJexp5 [ $readini $nick $+ .ini Majin Exp ]
  set %SSJexp3 [ $readini $nick $+ .ini Majin ExpNeeded ]
  If (%SSJexp5 >= %SSJexp3) { /MajinLvLUP $nick }
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura Majin Level:13 $readini($nick $+ .ini,Majin,Level) $+ / $+ 10 0- $+ %Aura Majin Exp Needed To LvL up:13 $readini($nick $+ .ini,Majin,Exp) $+ / $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,Majin,ExpNeeded)
on *:text:`GoldenOozaru Stats:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,GoldenOozaru,Learned) != Yes) { Notice $nick You have not yet learned to go GoldenOozaru | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,GoldenOozaru,Mastered) == yes) { Notice $nick You have Mastered Your GoldenOozaru! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura GoldenOozaru Level:5 $readini($nick $+ .ini,GoldenOozaru,Level) $+ / $+ 10 0- $+ %Aura GoldenOozaru Exp Needed To LvL up:7 $readini($nick $+ .ini,GoldenOozaru,Exp) $+ / $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,GoldenOozaru,ExpNeeded)
on *:text:`AttackBarrier Stats:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,AttackBarrier) != Yes) { Notice $nick You have not yet learned to go AttackBarrier | halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura AttackBarrier:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,AShield)
on *:text:`NextMove:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  set %Character $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Character)
  if (Goku == %Character) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 0) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 7) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9EnergyBeam0 at9 LVL 7 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 7) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 20) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9Kamehameha0 at9 LVL 20 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 20) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 40) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9SuperKamehameha0 at9 LVL 40 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 40) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 65) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9KamehamehaX100 at9 LVL 65 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 65) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 100) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9SpiritBomb0 at9 LVL 100 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 100) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 190) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9DragonFist0 at9 LVL 190 | halt }
  if (Vegeta == %Character) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 0) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 7) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9Kiblast0 at9 LVL 7 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 7) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 20) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9Do-Don-Ray0 at9 LVL 20 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 20) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 35) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9GalicGun0 at9 LVL 35 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 35) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 60) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9BigBang0 at9 LVL 60 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 60) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 80) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9FinalFlash0 at9 LVL 80 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 80) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 95) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9AtomicBlast0 at9 LVL 95 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 95) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 125) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9FinalFlashX100 at9 LVL 125 | halt }
  if (Piccolo == %Character) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 0) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 7) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9Kiblast0 at9 LVL 7 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 7) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 20) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9EyeBeam0 at9 LVL 20 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 20) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 35) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9ArmStretch0 at9 LVL 35 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 35) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 45) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9RenzokuEnergyDan0 at9 LVL 45 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 45) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 65) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9Chobakuretsumaha0 at9 LVL 65 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 65) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 100) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9SpecialBeamCannon0 at9 LVL 100 | halt }
  if (Gohan == %Character) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 0) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 7) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9EnergyBeam0 at9 LVL 7 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 7) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 20) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9Masenko0 at9 LVL 20 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 20) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 35) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9Kamehameha0 at9 LVL 35 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 35) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 45) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9ChouKameHameHa0 at9 LVL 45 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 45) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 50) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9SuperKameHameHa0 at9 LVL 50 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 50) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 75) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9KameHameHaX100 at9 LVL 75 | halt }
  if (Trunks == %Character) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 0) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 7) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9EnergyBeam0 at9 LVL 7 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 7) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 20) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9GalicGun0 at9 LVL 20 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 20) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 40) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9BigBang0 at9 LVL 40 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 40) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 55) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9AtomicBlast0 at9 LVL 55 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 55) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 75) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9BurningAttack0 at9 LVL 75 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 75) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 150) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9UltraBurningAttack0 at9 LVL 150 | halt }
  if (Frieza == %Character) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 0) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 7) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9Kiblast0 at9 LVL 7 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 7) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 15) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9EyeBeam0 at9 LVL 15 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 15) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 30) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9FriezaBeam0 at9 LVL 30 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 30) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 45) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9Daichiretsuzan0 at9 LVL 45 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 45) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 65) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9Kienzan0 at9 LVL 65 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 65) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 90) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9DeathBall0 at9 LVL 90 | halt }
  if (17 == %Character) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 0) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 7) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9Kiblast0 at9 LVL 7 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 7) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 17) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9EyeBeam0 at9 LVL 17 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 17) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 30) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9EraserGun0 at9 LVL 30 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 30) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 60) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9AtomicBlast0 at9 LVL 60 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 60) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 90) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9DeathBall0 at9 LVL 90 | halt }
  if (Buu == %Character) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 0) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 7) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9Kiblast0 at9 LVL 7 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 7) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 20) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9Shogekiha0 at9 LVL 20 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 20) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 35) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9Kamehameha0 at9 LVL 35 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 35) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 50) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9GenocideAttack0 at9 LVL 50 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 50) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 70) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9DeathBall0 at9 LVL 70 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 70) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 125) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9KiOrb0 at9 LVL 125 | halt }
  if (Brolly == %Character) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 0) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 7) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9Kiblast0 at9 LVL 7 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 7) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 17) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9CrusherBall0 at9 LVL 17 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 17) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 37) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9TwinCrusherBall0 at9 LVL 37 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 37) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 60) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9RenzokuEnergyDan0 at9 LVL 60 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 60) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 90) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9UltimateCrusherBall0 at9 LVL 90 | halt }
  if (Cell == %Character) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 0) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 7) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9Kiblast0 at9 LVL 7 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 7) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 17) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9Kamehameha0 at9 LVL 17 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 17) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 35) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9ChouKamehameha0 at9 LVL 35 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 35) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 45) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9Kienzan0 at9 LVL 45 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 45) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 65) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9Kikoho0 at9 LVL 65 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 65) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 85) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9KamehamehaX100 at9 LVL 85 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 85) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 100) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9SpecialBeamCannon0 at9 LVL 100 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 100) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 125) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9SpiritBomb0 at9 LVL 125 | halt }
  if (Tien == %Character) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 0) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 7) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9EnergyBeam0 at9 LVL 7 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 7) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 20) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9Do-Don-Ray0 at9 LVL 20 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 20) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 35) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9RenzokuEnergyDan0 at9 LVL 35 | halt }
  if (Krillin == %Character) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 0) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 7) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9EnergyBeam0 at9 LVL 7 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 7) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 20) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9Kamehameha0 at9 LVL 20 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 20) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 37) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9Destructo Disk0 at9 LVL 37 | halt }
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) >= 37) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) <= 45) { Notice $nick Next Move You Will Learn: 9RenzokuEnergyDan0 at9 LVL 45 | halt }
on *:start:{
  /remove Done.ini
  Inc %Started 1
  if (%Started == 7) { 
    /remove HBTC.ini
    Unset %Started
  if (%dba != Yes) { 
    Inc %DBStarted 1
    if (%DBStarted == 3) { 
      Set %dba Yes
      Unset %DBStarted
      unset %db1
      unset %db2
      unset %db3
      unset %db4
      unset %db5
      unset %db6
      unset %db7
      unset %wisher
      unset %wisher2
  if (%Ndba != Yes) { 
    Inc %NDBStarted 1
    if (%NDBStarted == 7) { 
      Set %Ndba Yes
      Unset %NDBStarted
      unset %Ndb1
      unset %Ndb2
      unset %Ndb3
      unset %Ndb4
      unset %Ndb5
      unset %Ndb6
      unset %Ndb7
      unset %Nwisher
      unset %Nwisher2 
      unset %Nwisher3
on *:text:`Rules:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Notice $nick To Play This Bot Follow the Following Rules: NO Attack Timers(Person Caught Will Face KBan) - No Multiple Accounts(Stats Deletion) - Nick Hacking(Banned from all my bots) - Command Flooding(Banned from all my bots)


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RXAXWXR   -  Aug 02, 2011

He needs to add an Alias >_>

Picius   -  Nov 05, 2009

Can someone help me with this bot, I want to heal characther , but it's not working

Mirccoder   -  Aug 24, 2009

yes This bot does work shadowtsukasa i got it but mines better mine goes up to ssj6 and more weapons moves clans characters and missions if need be i will post it

ShadowTsukasa   -  Jun 30, 2009

also is this alias or remote?

ShadowTsukasa   -  Jun 30, 2009

does it actually work? some of the scripts dont work for me :/

goku50   -  Feb 27, 2008

not really you just got to make it like romeo battle script or like Darkkeeper\'s naruto script

Kenny   -  Feb 27, 2008

well dbz is idk about this but for me its hard to make.

goku50   -  Feb 27, 2008

I heard he gave up hawkee for right now and is working on a ideotik naruto script when i think theres 10 out there and only 3 Dragonball z games ut there for mirc.

Kenny   -  Feb 27, 2008


goku50   -  Feb 27, 2008

I thought so kenny i am Trying to make alsisies for it but it much too out of my lead and this is all romeo\'s he wasent sopose to post it or give it to know one.

Kenny   -  Feb 27, 2008

i do scince i pretty much said it

goku50   -  Feb 27, 2008

Yhea i\'m with kenny if your going to post te script you should post the alias or its usless.does any one agree woth me on this.

Kenny   -  Feb 21, 2008

Do u have the alias for this ? :p

Pass   -  Feb 19, 2008

Also, you made a huge mistake - while setting colors in the script, you neglected to use \"0\" before all numbers below ten, ie, \"01, 02, 03\" etc. Not doing this will result in skewed information because the bot cannot return numbers correctly.
Another good fix for messages sent to query:

close -m $nick

And for the \"on :text::*:{\" events:

if (!$chan) close -m $nick
napa182   -  Feb 19, 2008

atlest toss this in it so you can set the channel

on *:load:{ set %ChanSet $$?=\"Please Enter Channel You Would Like To Run Game EX: #channel\" | echo -a Channel is set To %ChanSet }

then on ur on text events you dont have to use

on *:text:`Name*:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }

you can just do..

on *:text:`Name*:%ChanSet:{
EL   -  Feb 19, 2008

Ok got up its 4:32 am..So if my fast assesment of this code..rather codes cause i loaded all of them as i should just commenting on this snippet page.Ok first:

on *:text:`Defense:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Again with your on text statments wheres is the command to set the %ChanSet ? You cant even start the gaem in the first place.If im wrong apologies i maye have missed that.

on *:text:`Level:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura Level:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Level)
on *:text:`Level:#: {
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { Notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { Notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  Set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  Set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  Notice $nick  $+ %Aura Level:15 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Level)

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Why is there 2 `Level commands again?..If there is a reason please let me know..

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Hmm did i meantion once yo\"Edit\" the code to get past the register you MUSTHeal .Ok so wheres your Heal alias again?..may be on a different snippet i dunno didnt look at it much.

Since thats are far as i could go with out writing my own Heal alias i stopped.So thre u have it my 3 minute check.Agian if im missing somthing or over looked anything let me know.

P.S:Your lucky im huge effin DBZ fan or i wouldnt have tested it at all.And where are you on lucid im there all day what channel you \"Testing/running\" this in? I ll come watch you \"Edit\".Just /msg EL #channame.

P.S#2? Umm add a * after your comamnds .I always have to add them to work.And hell if you get this working \"properly\" i ll be the first one to play it.Vageta for Lyfe.-.-

napa182   -  Feb 19, 2008

um you can shorten it some on those if statements maybe this..

on *:text:*`Name *:%ChanSet:{
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Name) == on) { Notice $nick You already Made a Name! 
  elseif ($istok(bitch fuck bastard shit gay pussy vagina dick penis homo Majin Mystic Bebi Super Kid,$2,32)) || ($left($2,1) == $) || ($left($2,1) == /) {
    .notice $nick 4This name is inapropriate! Please reword it! 
  else {
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Name $2-
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Name on
    .notice $nick Step 2:8 $2- $+ , What is your race? Type 9`Races 

eh or whatever still trying to wake up atm..

Logan   -  Feb 18, 2008

El do you mind explaining that to Romeo... He created the bot, I just edited it.

napa182   -  Feb 18, 2008

um /help $istok

EL   -  Feb 18, 2008

Lol.This crap again......

Logan   -  Feb 18, 2008

I can\'t believe you didn\'t know that Cid xD.

Lysergic Diethylamide   -  Feb 18, 2008

Open two separate sessions of mIRC and load the bots script into one, and chat on the other. Is anyone else not utterly convinced that this was stumbled upon elsewhere?

Ciddeon   -  Feb 18, 2008


I dont know how to have my bot and mirc diffrent

Logan   -  Feb 18, 2008

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