Spell Checker

By Battlemonkey on Feb 06, 2010

Spell checker. Thanks to napa182 for some corrections + FordLawnmower for many great suggestions.

on $*:text:/^[!.@]s(pell|pelling)? \w+$/Si:#: {
  if (!$sock(spell)) {
    msg # Looking up results for $+([,$chr(3),12,$2,$chr(15),],:)
    sockopen spell www.spellcheck.net 80
    sockmark spell $chan $2
on *:sockopen:spell: {
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET /cgi-bin/spell.exe?action=CHECKWORD&string= $+ $gettok($sock(spell).mark,2,32) HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.spellcheck.net
  sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: Close
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:sockread:spell: {
  var %sresults | sockread %sresults
  var %sword $gettok($sock(spell).mark,2,32)
  var %schan $gettok($sock(spell).mark,1,32)
  if ($regex(%sresults,/is misspelled/Sig)) { msg %schan $+([,$chr(3),12,%sword,$chr(15),],:) 4Misspelled. | set %spellyesorno yes }
  if ($regex(%sresults,/is spelled correctly/Sig)) { msg %schan $+([,$chr(3),12,%sword,$chr(15),],:) 3Spelled correctly. | sockclose spell }
  if ($regex(%sresults,/^(\w+)<BR>$/Sig)) { sockmark spell $addtok($sock(spell).mark,$nohtml($regml(1)),32) }
on *:sockclose:spell: {
  var %sword $gettok($sock(spell).mark,2,32)
  var %schan $gettok($sock(spell).mark,1,32)
  if (%spellyesorno) { msg %schan Suggestions for $+([,$chr(3),12,%sword,$chr(15),],:) $chr(3) $+ 7 $+ $gettok($sock(spell).mark,3-,32) }
  unset %spellyesorno
alias nohtml {
  var %x, %i = $regsub($1-,/(^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$)/g,$null,%x), %x = $remove(%x,&nbsp;)
  return %x


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RIcko   -  Jul 26, 2012

Someone bring the dialog to life, it's not giving results after clicking "check"

Jethro   -  Aug 07, 2010

'cause you're speechless?

RevJohn Straub   -  Aug 07, 2010

hmmmmmmmmmmmmm no commands though what up with that

Battlemonkey   -  Feb 09, 2010

Wow, thanks!

napa182   -  Feb 09, 2010

on ur dialog like ur bot script: again no need to set global vars and ur dialog don't work.

if you want to turn it into a dialog
you could do something like this

dialog spc {
  title "Spell"
  size -1 -1 79 69
  option dbu
  box "Enter 1 Word To Check:", 1, 2 2 76 20
  edit "", 2, 4 10 48 9, autohs left
  button "Check", 3, 54 10 22 9, flat
  box "Outcome", 4, 2 23 76 45
  list 5, 4 32 48 34, size vsbar
  button "Clear", 6, 54 32 22 9, flat
  button "Copy", 7, 54 44 22 9, flat
  button "Exit", 8, 54 56 22 9, flat ok
on *:load: { 
  echo 12 -a You Have Just Loaded Napa182's SpellChecker Dialog
  echo 12 -a A Script0rs Inc. Production 
  echo -a 14,1(14,1¯15,1¯0,1¯0,1º $+($chr(171),$chr(164),$chr(88),$chr(167),$chr(199), $&
    $chr(174),$chr(238),$chr(254),$chr(116),$chr(48),$chr(174),$chr(167),$chr(88),$chr(164),$chr(187)) º0,1¯15,1¯14,1¯) $+ $chr(153)
menu menubar,channel {
  .Spell Checker:{ dialog $iif($dialog(spc),-v,-md) spc spc }
on *:dialog:spc:init:0:{ did -b spc 3,6-7 }
on *:dialog:spc:edit:2:{ 
  did -e spc 3,6-7 
  if ($chr(32) isin $did(2).text || $did(2).text !isalpha) { did -r spc 2 | noop $input(Please Enter Only One Word No Space's And No Numbers,uhdo,ERROR!) }
on *:dialog:spc:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 3) {
    did -r spc 5
    if ($sock(spell)) sockclose spell
    sockopen spell www.spellcheck.net 80
    sockmark spell $did(2).text didtok spc 5 32
  if ($did == 6) { did -r spc 2,5 | did -b spc 3,6-7 }
  if ($did == 7) { clipboard $did(5).seltext }
on *:sockopen:spell: {
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $+(/cgi-bin/spell.exe?action=CHECKWORD&string=,$gettok($sock(spell).mark,1,32)) HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: $+(www.spellcheck.net,$str($crlf,2))
on *:sockclose:spell: { $gettok($sock(spell).mark,2-,32) }
on *:sockread:spell: {
  var %spell | sockread %spell
  if ($regex(%spell,/<BR><BR><.+<B>(.+correctly.)<\/B><\/font><P><BR>/)) { $gettok($sock(spell).mark,2-,32) $regml(1) | sockclose spell }
  if ($regex(%spell,/^(\w+)<BR>$/)) { sockmark spell $addtok($sock(spell).mark,$regml(1),32) }
Battlemonkey   -  Feb 07, 2010

ok, I never thought timers would work like that lol.

EDIT: I can't get it to work with timers. You might just have to use the dialog.

Jethro   -  Feb 07, 2010

I mean he $input part, mIRC doesn't let you use it in an event.you need use a /timer to initiate an input request after the script ends.

slub77   -  Feb 07, 2010

for the in put you could set each word they say as a variable then get it to check each word against the socket, and if it returns wrong,a dialog coming up with suggested words

Battlemonkey   -  Feb 07, 2010

I mean he $input part, mIRC doesn't let you use it in an event. I did, however, get a dialog made to do this. Code:

menu * {
  Spell Check: {
    var %i $input(Please enter one word to spell,aoe,Spell Check)
    if (%i) { sockopen spelld www.spellcheck.net 80 | sockmark spelld %i }
on *:sockopen:spelld: {
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET /cgi-bin/spell.exe?action=CHECKWORD&string= $+ $gettok($sock(spelld).mark,1,32) HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.spellcheck.net
  sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: Close
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:sockread:spelld: {
  var %sresults | sockread %sresults
  var %sword $gettok($sock(spelld).mark,1,32)
  if ($regex(%sresults,/is misspelled/Sig)) { set %spelledcorrectly no }
  if ($regex(%sresults,/is spelled correctly/Sig)) { set %spelledcorrectly yes }
on *:sockclose:spelld: { dialog -m spch spch }
dialog spch {
  Title "Spell Check"
  Size -1 -1 75 30
  option dbu
  button "$iif(%spelledcorrectly == yes,Spelled Correctly,Misspelled)", 1, 10 10 50 12,ok
on *:dialog:spch:init:*: {
  unset %spelledcorrectly
Jethro   -  Feb 07, 2010

Slub77, are you wishing to get a place in the dialog hall of fame or what? lol I don't believe every one loves the idea of dialogs...which in turn, we should put that into consideration when making a script. You can, however, do that by yourself taking the existing script and "dialogizing" it if you feel warrented, then post it as a snippet with credit to battlemonkey.

slub77   -  Feb 07, 2010

on :INPUT::{

^^ that's how

Battlemonkey   -  Feb 07, 2010

That might be annoying for some people and I'm not sure how to add it every time you say something. I could, however, make a menu item which you can click to spell check what you're about to say.

slub77   -  Feb 07, 2010

why not be still, and choose your scripts now, maybe an input a pop up when said, to check each word before it is spoken, is better then to guess

Battlemonkey   -  Feb 07, 2010

A dialog? Ok, I'll try to make one, will take a while.

@Jethro_ Thanks :D

slub77   -  Feb 07, 2010

i feel special cus my name was said, not everyday is a word that is said, have a meaning to me, normally a sentence, but never a word, it's a very nice script i applaud thee, but i see no reason why and dialog can't be seen?

Jethro   -  Feb 07, 2010

You all should feel special that napa gives a damn about you guys...lol Oh no worries, battlemonkey...you will get better and better as time goes by. Don't stop learning. :-)

Battlemonkey   -  Feb 07, 2010

Ok, I'll be looking into all of that.

@napa I'll take you off the credits and I'll add the $sock().mark.

@Jethro_ Sorry, trying to learn regex, I can't be good at everything.

slub77   -  Feb 07, 2010

lol napa i do type fast, i am normally afk lol, and i know he's human, lol, it was joke :P
aka: napa always corrects me with scripts, so the one time i get to do it to him, is when he makes a typo lol.

napa182   -  Feb 07, 2010

hmm now it seems to work, but Battlemonkey you should really take what i showed you an learn from it not just copy/paste bit's and pieces.
the reason i used $regex in the sockread was to get away from using an alias to strip the html among other things, but yet you still added an alias to strip the html to this. =/ why?

As well from the help file

/sockmark [text]

The /sockmark command fills the .mark attribute of a socket with the specified info for later reference via the $sock().mark property. If you do not specify any text, the mark is cleared. The mark can hold up to 512 bytes.

whats not to understand from that? I mean if you understand sockwrite then you should understand sockmark

lets say we have a socket named test and using the " sockmark [text] " Ex:
ok so now we are going to fill the sockmark with the info we want. Lest's say we want to fill it with a channel name lets call the channel #test and also add the $1 said in the on text event. so it would look like this:

sockmark test #test $1

now to pull the info we use $sock(test).mark that by it's self will say everything we added into the sockmark, but what if we just want to pull the channel we could do
i know you know how to use $gettok and $addtok so you should understand that.

do you get it now? no need to set all them global vars...

oh and if you are still going to use global vars you can change this

 alias spellclear {
unset %spellyesorno
unset %schan
unset %ssug
unset %sword

into this

 alias -l spellclear { unset %spellyesorno %schan %ssug %sword }

then you can use


or change the name of the vars into somthing like this

%spell.yesorno %spell.chan %spell.sug %spell.word

then use

unset %spell.*

unless you have other global vars that use the name %spell.whatever

napa182   -  Feb 07, 2010

slub77 it's called typing fast. Maybe you should try it sometime.

Jethro   -  Feb 07, 2010

napa is a human being, and all humans do make mistakes.

slub77   -  Feb 07, 2010

napa fail on trying to make ur text bold lol@

lol you put a { on the first one :P


Lol the one thing i can correct napa on....

napa182   -  Feb 07, 2010


Spell checker. Thanks to napa182 for the regexes

@ Battlemonkey Please don't credit me for the regexs cause you changed the ones i made. You shouldn't use them if you don't understand them.

Also ur script don't seem to work for me all i get is

<~napa182> @spell cow
<&Sick0> Looking up results for [cow]:

Jethro   -  Feb 07, 2010

Battlemonkey, you are supposed to understand the purposes of those three flags, not for the sake of "you're used to." The only exception of those flags is /S , which is available for mirc to strip control codes only.

The /i flag, as you should already know, is to make the regex case insensitive.

the /g flag is to make regex greedy and global and search more than one match. Without the g flag, the regex will only return the first match it finds.

It all depends on what you do with regex, not all of them should be inserted with g flag. Again, not because you want to or you think they look "pretty" in the regex..but because in certain cases the /g is needed to perform required regex functions.

napa182   -  Feb 06, 2010

well on them lines there is no need for the /Sig

Battlemonkey   -  Feb 06, 2010

oh... Quite a few things, eh? /Sig is just what I'm used to, will change that now. $sock().mark is still unfamiliar to me so I'll stay away from that for now. I'll get $nohtml in. I'll fix the unset %s* too. Thank you!

napa182   -  Feb 06, 2010

um in ur regex's

if ($regex(%sresults,/is misspelled/Sig)) {
if ($regex(%sresults,/is spelled correctly/Sig)) {
if ($regex(%sresults,/^(\w+)<BR>$/Sig)) {

may i ask why are you using /Sig ?

also if you are going to use regex's you should know how to use them the right way.
i showed you a way that got you away from setting global vars yet in the update you posted you are setting global vars again. =/

and then you are using an alias $nohtml that you did not include.

FordLawnmower   -  Feb 06, 2010

I noticed a couple of things that you should change with this Battlemonkey.
When you sockread to a variable without setting it first it becomes global which is not necessary. So the sockread line

sockread %sresults

Should be changed to

var %sresults | sockread %sresults

This way %sresults can only be seen inside the script and it will unset it's self at the end.

Which leads me to this

on *:sockclose:spell: {
  unset %s*

The first problem here is unsetting every variable that starts with S.
Suppose someone had a stats script with lots of variables like %statsjoins %statsparts %statslines. Or even more complicated like %stats#chanNICKLines.
This script could wipe out years of someones stats collection and there would be no way to get them back. You need to be way more specific with your variable naming conventions if you are going to use wildcards to unset them.

Luckily, The script will only reach the unset line if there is some sort of error. When you close a socket using sockclose, it does NOT trigger the On Sockclose event. This event is only closed if the Host closes the socket.
If you look in the variable section of your scripts editor, you will see that %schan,%sword and %sresults all remain set.
One way to fix this is to make an alias called SpellCleanUp that unsets all variables and closes the socket. Then just put SpellCleanup where you have Sockclose Spell.

Other than that your script looks fine Battlemonkey. I don't see anything wrong with using variables as long as they are very descriptive and they get unset at the end.

Obviously adding suggestions as napa182 has done will make the script 100% better but yours works fine :)

Battlemonkey   -  Feb 06, 2010

lol I know. That's my way of saying you got it down. btw I figured out how to get it on my script using your regex :P.

napa182   -  Feb 06, 2010

it's not about winning im just showing you one way of dong it thats all. others will show you another way. Thats how it works here..

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