SB5 Member Account Module

By Skyy on Aug 21, 2010

So, we've added a member account module and a way for them to control their account settings. We've added a mail module integration but have decided to keep it separate as a module, just in case you didn't want it.

Once installed you can type /mam to view the modules options or select it from the settings tab in the staff bot 5 main console.

;;;;;;;;Staff Bot 5 Module;;;;;;;
;;;;;Member Account Module.m;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;CAC: mam;;;;;;;;;;;;

on *:LOAD: {
  writeini sboti.ini mam title Member Account Module
  writeini sboti.ini mam description Member Account Module for Staff Bot 5.
  writeini sboti.ini mam updateable yes
  writeini sboti.ini mam version
  If ($readini(sbot.ini,settings,install_on_load) == on) {
    install mam
  Else {
    echo -a To install this module, simply type /install mam

on *:UNLOAD: {
  mam uninstall

on *:JOIN:#: {
  If ($readini(sbot.ini,assigned,#)) {
    If ($readini(smem.ini,$nick,registered) == yes) {
      If ($mam.mmode == on) {
        If ($mam.premium == on) && ($mam.pmode == on) {
          If ($readini(smem.ini,$nick,premium) == yes) {
            mode # +h $nick
          Else {
            mode # +v $nick
        Else {
          mode # +v $nick
      Else {
        If ($mam.premium == on) && ($mam.pmode == on) {
          If ($readini(smem.ini,$nick,premium) == yes) {
            mode # +h $nick

alias install_mam {
  If ($dialog(install) != install) { dialog -dmv install install }
  If ($readini(mam.ini,status,installed) == yes) {
    did -a install 11 Already Installed!
  Else {
    mam install

alias mam {
  If (!$1) {
    echo -a Please select from the following options:
    echo -a To install the Member Account Module, type /install mam
    echo -a To uninstall the Member Account Module, type /mam uninstall
    echo -a To register or unregister and account, type /mam register <nick> [password] [email, password required for email] or /mam unregister <nick>
    echo -a To set account settings (including promotions and demotions), type /mam set
    echo -a To change member account module settings, type /mam settings
    echo -a To view the Member Account Module console, type /mam console
  If ($1 == console) {
    dialog -md mam mam
  If ($1 == install) {
    If ($dialog(install) != install) { dialog -dmv install install }
    did -b install 8,9
    did -a install 11 Installing...
    writeini sboti.ini mam title Member Account Module
    writeini sboti.ini mam description Member Account Module for Staff Bot 5.
    writeini sboti.ini mam updateable yes
    writeini sboti.ini mam version
    writeini mam.ini status installed yes
    writeini mam.ini settings account_registration on
    writeini mam.ini settings account_deletion on
    writeini mam.ini settings require_password on
    writeini mam.ini settings require_email on
    writeini mam.ini settings premium_accounts on
    writeini mam.ini settings member_mode_changes on
    writeini mam.ini settings premium_mode_changes on
    writeini sboti.ini status modules $calc($readini(sboti.ini,status,modules) + 1)
    writeini sbot.ini status modules $calc($readini(sbot.ini,status,modules) + 1)
    write modules.txt mam
    did -a install 11 Complete!
    did -v install 13
  If ($1 == uninstall) {
    .remove mam.ini
    remini sboti.ini mam
    write -ds $+ mam modules.txt
    writeini sboti.ini status modules $calc($readini(sboti.ini,status,modules) - 1)
    writeini sbot.ini status modules $calc($readini(sbot.ini,status,modules) - 1)
  If ($1 == register) {
    If (!$2) { sequence error Please type /mam register <nick> [password] [email, password is required for email] | halt }
    If ($readini(smem.ini,$2,registered) == yes) { sequence error This user is already registered! $2 | halt }
    writeini smem.ini $2 registered yes
    $iif($3,writeini smem.ini $2 password $3,)
    $iif($4,writeini smem.ini $2 email $4,)
    writeini smem.ini $2 join_date $asctime(ddmmmyyyy hh:nn:ss TT)
    $iif($mam.password == on,writeini smem.ini $2 logged_in yes,writeini smem.ini $2 logged_in no)
    write members.txt $2
    writeini smem.ini status members $calc($readini(smem.ini,status,members) + 1)
    .msg $2 Your account has been registered sucessfully! You can begin by typing !account main
    echo -a Account created for $2 sucessfully!
  If ($1 == unregister) {
    If (!$2) { sequence error Please type /mam unregister <nick> | halt }
    If ($readini(smem.ini,$2,registered) != yes) { sequence error This user isn't registered! $2 | halt }
    If ($readini(smem.ini,$2,staff) == yes) { fire $2 }
    remini smem.ini $2
    write -ds $+ $2 members.txt
    writeini smem.ini status members $calc($readini(smem.ini,status,members) - 1)
    .msg $2 Your account has been deleted sucessfully!
    echo -a Account for $2 has been deleted sucessfully!
  If ($1 == set) {
    If (!$2) {
      echo -a Please select from the following options:
      echo -a To set someone's email: /mam set email <nick> <new email>
      echo -a To set someone's password: /mam set password <nick> <new password>
      echo -a To promote someone to premium status: /mam set premium <nick>
      echo -a To demote someone to regular status: /mam set member <nick>
    Else {
      If ($2 == email) {
        If (!$4) { sequence error Please type /mam set email <nick> <new email> | halt }
        writeini smem.ini $3 email $4-
        echo -a Email for $3 set to $4 $+ .
      Elseif ($2 == password) {
        If (!$4) { sequence error Please type /mam set password <nick> <new password> | halt }
        writeini smem.ini $3 password $4
        echo -a Password for $3 set to $4 $+ .
      Elseif ($2 == premium) {
        If (!$3) { sequence error Please type /mam set premium <nick> | halt }
        writeini smem.ini $3 premium yes
        writeini smem.ini $3 premium_since $asctime(ddmmmyyyy hh:nn:ss TT)
        writeini smem.ini $3 premium_renewal $asctime(ddmmmyyyy hh:nn:ss TT)
        echo -a Member $3 advanced to premium status.
      Elseif ($2 == member) {
        If (!$3) { sequence error Please type /mam set member <nick> | halt }
        writeini smem.ini $nick premium no
        echo -a Member $3 $+ 's premium status has been revoked.
      Else { sequence error Please type /mam set for more help with this. }
  If ($1 == settings) {
    If (!$3) {
      echo -a Please select from the following settings: (All of them are on or off settings)
      echo -a To turn $iif($mam.register == on,off,on) account registrations, type /mam settings account_registration $iif($mam.register,on,off,on)
      echo -a To turn $iif($mam.delete == on,off,on) account deletions, type /mam settings account_deletion $iif($mam.delete == on,off,on)
      echo -a To turn $iif($mam.password == on,off,on) password requirements, type /mam settings require_password $iif($mam.password == on,off,on)
      echo -a To turn $iif($ == on,off,on) email requirements, type /mam settings require_email $iif($ == on,off,on)
      echo -a To turn $iif($mam.premium == on,off,on) premium accounts, type /mam settings premium_accounts $iif($mam.premium == on,off,on)
      echo -a To turn $iif($mam.mmode == on,off,on) member mode changes, type /mam settings member_mode_changes $iif($mam.mmode == on,off,on)
      echo -a To turn $iif($mam.pmode == on,off,on) premium mode changes, type /mam settings premium_mode_changes $iif($mam.pmode == on,off,on)
    Else {
      writeini mam.ini settings $2 $3
      echo -a $2 has been turned $3 $+ .
      echo -a If the previous statement doesn't make sense, or doesn't change anything, you've typed something wrong. Type /mam settings to get more help with this.

alias mam.register { return $readini(mam.ini,settings,account_registration) }
alias mam.delete { return $readini(mam.ini,settings,account_deletion) }
alias mam.password { return $readini(mam.ini,settings,require_password) }
alias { return $readini(mam.ini,settings,require_email) }
alias mam.premium { return $readini(mam.ini,settings,premium_accounts) }
alias mam.mmode { return $readini(mam.ini,settings,member_mode_changes) }
alias mam.pmode { return $readini(mam.ini,settings,premium_mode_changes) }

dialog mam {
  title Member Account Module Console
  option dbu
  size -1 -1 101 22
  button "Account Management", 1, 1 1 100 10
  button "Change Settings", 2, 1 11 100 10

on *:DIALOG:mam:*:*: {
  If ($devent == init) {
    If ($readini(mam.ini,status,installed) != yes) { dialog -x mam | halt }
  If ($devent == sclick) {
    If ($did == 1) {
      dialog -x mam
      dialog -md mamam mamam
    If ($did == 2) {
      dialog -x mam
      dialog -md mamcs mamcs

dialog mamam {
  title Member Account Module Account Management
  option dbu
  size -1 -1 101 55
  button "Register Account", 1, 1 1 100 10
  button "Delete Account", 2, 1 11 100 10
  button "View/Change/Setup Password or email", 3, 1 22 100 10
  button "Promote/Demote Accounts", 4, 1 33 100 10, disable
  button "Main Menu", 5, 1 44 100 10

on *:DIALOG:mamam:*:*: {
  If ($devent == init) {
    If ($readini(mam.ini,status,installed) != yes) { dialog -x mamam | halt }
    If ($mam.premium == on) { did -e $dname 4 }
  If ($devent == sclick) {
    If ($did == 1) {
      var %temp.1 $$?="Please enter the account's nick."
      If ($mam.password == on) { var %temp.2 $?="Please enter the account's new password, or leave blank to have the member fill it out." }
      If ($ == on) { var %temp.3 $?="Please enter the account's new email, or leave blank to have the member fill it out." }
      mam register %temp.1 $iif(%temp.2,%temp.2,) $iif(%temp.3,%temp.3,)
      dialog -v mamam
    If ($did == 2) {
      var %temp.1 $$?="Please enter the account's nick to delete."
      mam unregister %temp.1
      dialog -v mamam
    If ($did == 3) {
      dialog -md mamvcspe mamvcspe
      dialog -x mamam
    If ($did == 4) {
      dialog -md mampda mampda
      dialog -x mamam
    If ($did == 5) {
      dialog -x mamam
      dialog -md mam mam

dialog mamvcspe {
  title Member Account Module View/Change/Setup Password or Email
  option dbu
  size -1 -1 163 44
  text "Member", 1, 1 1 30 10
  edit "", 2, 31 1 100 10, autohs default
  button "Look-up", 3, 132 1 30 10, default
  radio "Password", 4, 1 11 80 10
  radio "Email", 5, 82 11 81 10
  edit "", 6, 1 22 162 10, disable
  button "Account Management", 7, 1 33 162 10

on *:DIALOG:mamvcspe:*:*: {
  If ($devent == init) {
    If ($readini(mam.ini,status,installed) != yes) { dialog -x mamvcspe | halt }
  If ($devent == sclick) {
    If (!$did(2)) { did -f $dname 2 | halt }
    If ($did == 3) {
      If ($readini(smem.ini,$did(2),registered) != yes) {
        did -rf $dname 2
        did -b $dname 6
      Else {
        did -e $dname 6
    If ($did == 4) {
      did -ra $dname 6 $readini(smem.ini,$did(2),password)
    If ($did == 5) {
      did -ra $dname 6 $readini(smem.ini,$did(2),email)
    If ($did == 7) {
      dialog -x mamvcspe
      dialog -md mamam mamam
  If ($devent == edit) {
    If ($did == 2) {
      did -b $dname 6
    If ($did == 6) {
      If (!$did(2)) { did -f $dname 2 | halt }
      writeini smem.ini $did(2) $iif($did(4).state == 1,password,email) $did(6)

dialog mampda {
  title Member Account Module Promote/Demote Accounts
  option dbu
  size -1 -1 163 33
  text "Member", 1, 1 1 30 10
  edit "", 2, 31 1 100 10, autohs default
  button "Look-up", 3, 132 1 30 10, default
  radio "Regular", 4, 1 11 80 10, disable
  radio "Premium", 5, 81 11 81 10, disable
  button "Account Management", 6, 1 22 162 10

on *:DIALOG:mampda:*:*: {
  If ($devent == init) {
    If ($readini(mam.ini,status,installed) != yes) { dialog -x mampda | halt }
  If ($devent ==  sclick) {
    If ($did == 3) {
      If (!$did(2)) { did -f $dname 2 }
      If ($readini(smem.ini,$did(2),registered) != yes) {
        did -rf $dname 2
        did -b $dname 4,5
      Else {
        did -c $dname $iif($readini(smem.ini,$did(2),premium) == yes,5,4)
        did -e $dname 4,5
    If ($did == 4) {
      mam set member $did(2)
    If ($did == 5) {
      mam set premium $did(2)
    If ($did == 6) {
      dialog -x mampda
      dialog -md mamam mamam
  If ($devent == edit) {
    If ($did == 2) {
      did -b $dname 4,5

dialog mamcs {
  title Member Account Module Change Settings
  option dbu
  size -1 -1 101 88
  button "Account Registration: ??", 1, 1 1 100 10
  button "Account Deletion: ??", 2, 1 11 100 10
  button "Require Password: ??", 3, 1 22 100 10
  button "Require Email: ??", 4, 1 33 100 10
  button "Premium Accounts: ??", 5, 1 44 100 10
  button "Member Mode Changes: ??", 6, 1 55 100 10
  button "Premium Mode Changes: ??", 7, 1 66 100 10, disable
  button "Main Menu", 8, 1 77 100 10

on *:DIALOG:mamcs:*:*: {
  If ($devent === init) {
    If ($readini(mam.ini,status,installed) != yes) { dialog -x mamcs | halt }
    did -ra $dname 1 Account Registration: $mam.register
    did -ra $dname 2 Account Deletion: $mam.delete
    did -ra $dname 3 Require Password: $mam.password
    did -ra $dname 4 Require Email: $
    did -ra $dname 5 Premium Accounts: $mam.premium
    did -ra $dname 6 Member Mode Changes: $mam.mmode
    did -ra $dname 7 Premium Mode Changes: $mam.pmode
    If ($mam.premium == on) { did -e $dname 7 }
  If ($devent == sclick) {
    If ($did == 1) {
      writeini mam.ini settings account_registration $iif($readini(mam.ini,settings,account_registration) == on,off,on)
      did -ra $dname 1 Account Registraiton: $mam.register
    If ($did == 2) {
      writeini mam.ini settings account_deletion $iif($readini(mam.ini,settings,account_deletion) == on,off,on)
      did -ra $dname 2 Account Deletion: $mam.delete
    If ($did == 3) {
      writeini mam.ini settings require_password $iif($readini(mam.ini,settings,require_password) == on,off,on)
      did -ra $dname 3 Require Password: $mam.password
    If ($did == 4) {
      writeini mam.ini settings require_email $iif($readini(mam.ini,settings,require_email) == on,off,on)
      did -ra $dname 4 Require Email: $
    If ($did == 5) {
      writeini mam.ini settings premium_accounts $iif($readini(mam.ini,settings,premium_accounts) == on,off,on)
      did -ra $dname 5 Premium Accounts: $mam.premium
    If ($did == 6) {
      writeini mam.ini settings member_mode_changes $iif($readini(mam.ini,settings,member_mode_changes) == on,off,on)
      did -ra $dname 6 Member Mode Changes: $mam.mmode
    If ($did == 7) {
      writeini mam.ini settings premium_mode_changes $iif($readini(mam.ini,settings,premium_mode_changes) == on,off,on)
      did -ra $dname 7 Premium Mode Changes: $mam.pmode
    If ($did == 8) {
      dialog -x mamcs
      dialog -md mam mam

menu nicklist,query {
  MAM Account Management
  .Register User: /mam register $$1
  .Unregister User: /mam unregister $$1
  .Change password: /mam set password $$1 $$?="Please enter new password."
  .Change email: /mam set email $$1 $$?="Please enter new email."
  .Make Premium user: /mam set premium $$1
  .Make Regular user: /mam set member $$1

menu * {
  MAM Account Management
  .Change Module Settings: /dialog -md mamcs mamcs

on *:TEXT:!account*:*: {
  If ($readini(sbot.ini,status,installed) != yes) { halt }
  If ($readini(mam.ini,status,installed) != yes) { halt }
  If ($chr(36) isin $1-) { halt }
  If ($readini(smem.ini,$nick,registered) != yes) {
    If ($2 == register) {
      If ($mam.register == on) {
        mam register $nick
      Else {
        .msg $nick We are not currently accepting registrations. Please try again later.
    Else {
      If ($mam.register == on) {
        .msg $nick Please type !account register to register for an account.
  Else {
    If ($mam.password == on) {
      If (!$readini(smem.ini,$nick,password)) {
        If (($2 == set) && ($3 == password)) && ($4) {
          writeini smem.ini $nick password $4
          writeini smem.ini $nick logged_in yes
          .msg $nick You have sucessfully set your password. Please type !account to begin.
        Else {
          .msg $nick We require you to have a password, please type !account set password <password here>
      Else {
        If ($readini(smem.ini,$nick,logged_in) != yes) {
          If ($2 == login) && ($readini(smem.ini,$nick,password) === $3) {
            writeini smem.ini $nick logged_in yes
            .msg $nick You have been logged in sucessfully! You may now begin by typing !account
          Else {
            .msg $nick You must be logged in before you can do this, please type !account login <password, case sensative>
    If ($ == on) {
      If (!$readini(smem.ini,$nick,email)) {
        If (($2 == set) && ($3 == email)) && ($4) {
          writeini smem.ini $nick email $4
          .msg $nick You have sucessfully set your email. Please type !account to begin.
        Else {
          .msg $nick We require you to have an email, please type !account set email <email here>
    If (!$2) {
      .msg $nick Please select from the following options:
      $iif(($mam.password || $ == on,.msg $nick To view your account settings type !account settings,)
      .msg $nick To view your unchangeable account settings type !account uas
      $iif($mam.premium == on,.msg $nick To view available premium member options type !account premium,)
      $iif($readini(sbmail.ini,status,installed) == yes,.msg $nick To view your mail options type !account mail,)
      $iif($mam.delete == on,.msg $nick To delete your account type !account deletemyaccount,)
    Else {
      If ($2 == settings) {
        If (($mam.password && $ != on) { .msg $nick None of this information is required by this system. | halt }
        .msg $nick Please select from the following options:
        If ($mam.password == on) { .msg $nick Your current password is: $readini(smem.ini,$nick,password) - To change your password, type !account set password <new password> }
        If ($ == on) { .msg $nick Your current email is: $readini(smem.ini,$nick,email) - To change your email, type !account set email <new email> }
      Elseif ($2 == set) {
        If ($mam.password != on) && ($ != on) { halt }
        If (($3 == password) || ($3 == email)) && ($4) {
          writeini smem.ini $nick $3 $4
          .msg $nick Your $3 has been sucessfully changed to: $4
        Else {
          .msg $nick Please type !account settings for more help with this.
      Elseif ($2 == uas) {
        .msg $nick The follow are your unchangeable account settings (uas):
        .msg $nick Join Date: $left($readini(smem.ini,$nick,join_date), 9)
        .msg $nick Join Time: $right($readini(smem.ini,$nick,join_Date), -9)
        If ($readini(smem.ini,$nick,staff) == yes) {
          .msg $nick Staff: Yes
          .msg $nick Staff Level: $readini(smem.ini,$nick,staff_level)
      Elseif ($2 == premium) {
        If ($mam.premium != on) { halt }
        If (!$3) {
          If ($readini(smem.ini,$nick,premium) == yes) {
            .msg $nick You currently are a premium member.
            .msg $nick You have been a premium member since: $readini(smem.ini,$nick,premium_since)
            .msg $nick If you would like to cancel your premium membership, type !account premium cancel
          Else {
            .msg $nick You currently are not a premium member.
            .msg $nick If you would like to apply to be premium member, type !account premium apply
        Elseif ($3 == cancel) {
          If ($readini(smem.ini,$nick,premium) == yes) {
            mam set member $nick
            .msg $nick Your account has been changed to regular member status.
          Else {
            .msg $nick You are not a premium member!
        Elseif ($3 == apply) {
          If ($readini(smem.ini,$nick,premium) == yes) {
            .msg $nick Your are already a premium member!
          Else {
            .msg $nick Please wait...
            write premiumapply.txt $nick
            writeini premiumapply.ini $nick status review
            dialog -md premiumapply premiumapply
            .msg $nick Your account has been added to this list of applicants for premium accounts. To check the status of your application, type !account premium status
        Elseif ($3 == status) {
          If ($readini(smem.ini,$nick,premium) == yes) {
            .msg $nick Your application was approved and you are currently a premium member.
          Elseif ($readini(premiumapply.ini,$nick,status) == review) {
            .msg $nick Your application is currently under review and has not yet been approved. You can continue to check the status of your application by typing !account premium status
          Else {
            .msg $nick Either we have not received an application for you, or it was denied. We appologize for any inconvenience.
        Else {
          .msg $nick Unknown Premium command.
      Elseif ($2 == mail) {
        If ($readini(sbmail.ini,status,installed) != yes) { halt }
        If (!$3) {
          .msg $nick Please select from the following options:
          .msg $nick To see your inbox or a specific message, type !account mail inbox [option message number]
          .msg $nick To send a message to another user, type !account mail send <recipient> <message here>
          .msg $nick To delete your inbox or a specific message, type !account mail delete <all or message number>
        Else {
          If ($3 == inbox) {
            If ($4) && ($read($nick $+ mail.txt, $4)) {
              .msg $nick Message $4 $+ : $read($nick $+ mail.txt, $4)
              .msg $nick To delete this message, type !account mail delete $4
            Elseif ($4) {
              .msg $nick Message $4 doesn't exist!
            Else {
              .msg $nick Please wait while we retrieve your messages...
              var %temp.1 1
              var %temp.2 $lines($nick $+ mail.txt)
              While (%temp.1 <= %temp.2) {
                .msg $nick Message %temp.1 $+ : $read($nick $+ mail.txt)
                inc %temp.1
              .msg $nick End of messages. To delete your messages, type !account mail delete all
              .msg $nick To delete a specific message, type !account mail delete <message number>
          Elseif ($3 == send) {
            If (!$5) { .msg $nick Please type !account mail send <recipient> <message here> | halt }
            If ($readini(smem.ini,$4,registered) != yes) { .msg $nick $4 isn't a registered user. | halt }
            sbmail send $nick $4 $5-
            .msg $nick Message to $4 has been sent!
          Elseif ($3 == delete) {
            If ($4 == all) {
              sbmail delete $nick all
            Elseif ($4 isnum) {
              sbmail delete $nick $4
            Else {
              .msg $nick Please type !account mail delete <all or message number>
          Else {
            .msg $nick Unknown mail comand.
        Elseif ($2 == deletemyaccount) {
          If ($mam.delete == on) {
            If (!$3) {
              .msg $nick If you would like to delete your account, type !account deletemyaccount $address
            Elseif ($3 === $address) {
              mam unregister $nick
            Else {
              .msg $nick If you would like to delete your account, type !account deletemyaccount $address
        Else {
          .msg $nick Unknown account command, please type !account for more help with this.

dialog premiumapply {
  title Premium Applications
  option dbu
  size -1 -1 101 73
  list 1, 1 1 100 50
  button "Approve", 2, 1 51 100 10, disable
  button "Deny", 3, 1 62 100 10, disable

on *:DIALOG:premiumapply:*:*: {
  If ($devent == init) {
    If ($lines(premiumapply.txt) == 0) { dialog -x premiumapply | halt }
    var %temp.1 1
    var %temp.2 $lines(premiumapply.txt)
    While (%temp.1 <= %temp.2) {
      did -a $dname 1 $read(premiumapply.txt, %temp.1)
      inc %temp.1
  If ($devent == sclick) {
    If ($did == 1) {
      did -e $dname 2,3
    If ($did == 2) {
      If (!$did(1).seltext) { did -b $dname 2,3 | halt }
      remini premiumapply.ini $nick
      write -ds $+ $did(1).seltext premiumapply.txt
      mam set premium $did(1).seltext
      dialog -x $dname
      dialog -md premiumapply premiumapply
    If ($did == 3) {
      If (!$did(1).seltext) { did -b $dname 2,3 | halt }
      remini premiumapply.ini $nick
      write -ds $+ $did(1).seltext premiumapply.txt
      dialog -x $dname
      dialog -md premiumapply premiumapply


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Skyy   -  Apr 18, 2011

This module will not be updated to the newest version of AGFile. Btw Newton3788, if /install afi didn't work for you /afi install isn't going to help. If you can show me some sort of error log i might be able to help you out more. if it echoed any kind of error, just post it here and i'll see it.

Skyy   -  Jan 24, 2011

This script is for the out-dated version of Staff Bot, you should go get Staff Bot 6 which can be found here:

newtonlol   -  Jan 24, 2011

What's the point of installing a snippet? /install afi didn't work on your other script, neither did /afi install

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