RSS Feed Reader for eggdrop

By FordLawnmower on Feb 16, 2013

Gathers results from rss feed pages and returns them to the channel.
Partyline Commands:

  • .rss (Returns a list of commands and syntax)
  • .rss list (Returns the list of feeds being checked by the bot.)
  • .rss add <#chan1,#chan2,#chan3> (Adds a feed)
  • .rss addxml <#chan1,#chan2,#chan3> (Adds a xml style feed - Try this if you have trouble with a feed.)
  • .rss delete (Deletes a feed)
  • .rss info (Returns info about a feed)


.rss add #Hawkee,#mIRC hawkee \002\00307,14H\00301,14awkee\017 
  • Channels can only be separated by only a comma. (No Spaces)
  • is used for indexing, is case sensitive and must be one continuous string (No Spaces) If you add a feed by a name already in use, it will overwrite the original. This is useful if you want to edit a feed to change the logo.
  • Can contain a mix of characters and color codes but must be one continuous string. (No Spaces) Will be displayed at the start of each result.
  • Must be a valid link to a rss page.



  • Save this code to a file called rssreader.tcl
  • Place the file in your eggdrop scripts directory
  • Add this line to eggdrop.conf -->> source scripts/rssreader.tcl
  • Rehash or restart your eggdrop
  • (In the console) type .rss for help

See the setup at the top of the script for more options.

##  ##     rssreader.tcl for eggdrop by Ford_Lawnmower #Script-Help    ##  ##
## .rss in the party line for commands and syntax. Example Feed Add Below:                  ##
##.rss add #Hawkee hawkee Hawkee ##
##      ____                __                 ###########################################  ##
##     / __/___ _ ___ _ ___/ /____ ___   ___   ###########################################  ##
##    / _/ / _ `// _ `// _  // __// _ \ / _ \  ###########################################  ##
##   /___/ \_, / \_, / \_,_//_/   \___// .__/  ###########################################  ##
##        /___/ /___/                 /_/      ###########################################  ##
##                                             ###########################################  ##
##  ##                             Start Setup.                                         ##  ##
namespace eval rssreader {
## Edit textf to change the color/state of the text shown                               ##  ##
  variable textf "\017\00304"
## Edit linkf to change the color/state of the links                                    ##  ##
  variable linkf "\017\037"
## Change usetiny to shorten links with tinyurl. 1 = on , 0 = off                       ##  ##  
  variable usetiny 1
## Change useisgd to shorten links with 1 = on , 0 = off                         ##  ##  
  variable useisgd 0
## Edit maxresults to the amount of results you want per query. This will not cause     ##  ##
## You to lose results. It will only spread them out over several querys.               ##  ##
  variable maxresults 2
## Edit checkdelay to change the frequency feed pages are checked. Delay is in minutes. ##  ##
  variable checkdelay 3
## Edit startupdelay to add delay to startup/restart. Delay is in minutes.              ##  ##
  variable startupdelay 2
##  ##                           End Setup.                                              ## ##
  bind dcc - rss rssreader::settings
  bind evnt -|- init-server rssreader::loadhash
  bind evnt -|- prerehash rssreader::loadhash
  proc settings {hand idx text} {
    set choice [lindex $text 0]; set channel [lindex $text 1]
    set name [lindex $text 2]; set logo [lindex $text 3]
   set link [lindex $text 4]
   if {[string equal -nocase "add" $choice] && $link != ""} {
     set deleteinfo [string map {\[ ? \] ?} [hget "rssreader" $name]]
     if {[set indx [lsearch -glob [timers] "*$deleteinfo*"]] != -1 && $deleteinfo != "0"} {
       killtimer [lindex [lindex [timers] $indx] 2]
     hadd "rssreader" "$name" "rssreader::main {$channel $logo $link}"
     putdcc $idx "Added feed $name to $channel as $logo $link"
     rssreader::main "$channel $logo $link"
   } elseif {[string equal -nocase "addxml" $choice] && $link != ""} {
     set deleteinfo [string map {\[ ? \] ?} [hget "rssreader" $name]]
     if {[set indx [lsearch -glob [timers] "*$deleteinfo*"]] != -1 && $deleteinfo != "0"} {
       killtimer [lindex [lindex [timers] $indx] 2]
     hadd "rssreader" "$name" "rssreader::type2 {$channel $logo $link}"
     putdcc $idx "Added feed $name to $channel as $logo $link"
     rssreader::type2 "$channel $logo $link"
   } elseif {[string equal -nocase "addssl" $choice] && $link != ""} {
     set deleteinfo [string map {\[ ? \] ?} [hget "rssreader" $name]]
     if {[set indx [lsearch -glob [timers] "*$deleteinfo*"]] != -1 && $deleteinfo != "0"} {
       killtimer [lindex [lindex [timers] $indx] 2]
     hadd "rssreader" "$name" "rssreader::type3 {$channel $logo $link}"
     putdcc $idx "Added feed $name to $channel as $logo $link"
     rssreader::type3 "$channel $logo $link"     
   } elseif {[string equal -nocase "list" $choice]} {
     putdcc $idx "\[RSS list\]"
     set count [hfind "rssreader" "*" 0]; set counter 1
     while {$count >= $counter} {
       putdcc $idx "[hfind "rssreader" "*" $counter]"
      incr counter
   } elseif {[string equal -nocase "info" $choice] && $channel != ""} {
     putdcc $idx "[hget "rssreader" $channel]"
   } elseif {[string equal -nocase "delete" $choice] && $channel != ""} {
     set deleteinfo [string map {\[ ? \] ?} [hget "rssreader" $channel]]
     hdel "rssreader" $channel
     if {[set indx [lsearch -glob [timers] "*$deleteinfo*"]] != -1 && $deleteinfo != "0"} {
       killtimer [lindex [lindex [timers] $indx] 2]
      putdcc $idx "Removed $channel from RSS"
     } else {
       putdcc $idx "$channel not found"
   } elseif {[string equal -nocase "timers" $choice]} {
     putdcc $idx [timers]
   } elseif {[string equal -nocase "rehash" $choice]} {
     putdcc $idx "rehashing rss...."
     hfree rsstempold
     hfree rsstempnew
     putdcc $idx "done"
   } else {
     putdcc $idx "\[RSS Syntax\]"
     putdcc $idx "Add Feed: .rss add <#chan1,#chan2,#chanetc> <name> <logo> <link>"
     putdcc $idx "Add Xml Feed: .rss addxml <#chan1,#chan2,#chanetc> <name> <logo> <link>"
     putdcc $idx "Add SSL Feed: .rss addssl <#chan1,#chan2,#chanetc> <name> <logo> <link>"
     putdcc $idx "Delete Feed: .rss delete <name>"
     putdcc $idx "Info Feed: .rss info <name>"
     putdcc $idx "List Feeds: .rss list"
     putdcc $idx "Help Feeds: .rss"
  proc main {text} {
    set chan [lindex $text 0]; set logo [lindex $text 1]; set linker [lindex $text 2]
    set title ""; set link ""; set description ""; set maxcount 1; set json ""
    if {[set indx [lsearch -glob [timers] "*rssreader::main {$chan [string map {\[ ? \] ?} $logo] ${linker}}*"]] != -1} { 
      killtimer [lindex [lindex [timers] $indx] 2] 
    timer $rssreader::checkdelay "rssreader::main {$chan $logo $linker}"
    set rssreaderurl "/ajax/services/feed/load?v=1.0&q=${linker}"
    set rssreadersite ""; set rssout ""
    if {[catch {set rssreadersock [socket -async $rssreadersite 80]} sockerr]} {
      return 0
    } else {
      puts $rssreadersock "GET $rssreaderurl HTTP/1.0"
      puts $rssreadersock "Host: $rssreadersite"
      puts $rssreadersock "User-Agent: Opera 9.6"
     puts $rssreadersock "Connection: close"
      puts $rssreadersock ""
      flush $rssreadersock
      while {![eof $rssreadersock]} {
        set rssreadervar " [string map {<![CDATA[ "" ]]> "" \$ \002\$\002 \[ \( \] \)} [gets $rssreadersock]] "
      if {[regexp {\"responseStatus\":\s?400} $rssreadervar]} {
        if {[set indx [lsearch -glob [timers] "*rssreader::main {$chan $logo ${linker}}*"]] != -1} { 
            killtimer [lindex [lindex [timers] $indx] 2] 
        type2 "$chan $logo $linker"
        close $rssreadersock
      } else {
        regexp {\:\[(\{.*)$} $rssreadervar match rssout
        set rssout [regexp -all -inline {\{(.*?)\}} $rssout]
        if {$rssout != ""} {
          set count 0
          foreach {match matched} $rssout {
           incr count
            set matched [regexp -all -inline {(".*?":".*?"\,)} $match]
              foreach {innermatch innermatched} $matched {
             regexp  {\"(.*?)\":\".*?\"\,} $innermatch match varname
                regexp  {\".*?\":\"(.*?)\"\,} $innermatch match value
            set value [string map {\$ \002\$\002 \] \002\]\002 \[ \002\[\002} $value]
             set $varname $value
           if {[hfindexact "rsstempold" "${link}" 1] != $link} {
             if {$title == ""} { set title $description }
            set linked $link
            if {$rssreader::usetiny} { set linked [string trimright [tiny $link]] }
            if {$rssreader::useisgd} { set linked [string trimright [isgd $link]] }
            if {$maxcount <= $rssreader::maxresults} {
               putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :${logo} ${rssreader::textf}[dehex $title] ${rssreader::linkf}${linked}"
               incr maxcount
              hadd "rsstempnew" $link 1
          hfree rsstempold
          hcopy rsstempnew rsstempold
     close $rssreadersock
  proc type2 {text} {
    set chan [lindex $text 0]; set logo [lindex $text 1]; set linker [lindex $text 2]
    set title ""; set link ""; set description "" 
    if {[set indx [lsearch -glob [timers] "*rssreader::type2 {$chan [string map {\[ ? \] ?} $logo] ${linker}}*"]] != -1} { 
      killtimer [lindex [lindex [timers] $indx] 2] 
    timer $rssreader::checkdelay "rssreader::type2 {$chan $logo $linker}"
    regexp -- {https?\:\/\/(.*?)(\/.*)$} $linker wholematch rsstype2site rsstype2url
    set itemfound 0 ; set maxcount 1
    if {[catch {set rsstype2sock [socket -async $rsstype2site 80]} sockerr]} {
      return 0
    } else {
      puts $rsstype2sock "GET $rsstype2url HTTP/1.0"
      puts $rsstype2sock "Host: $rsstype2site"
      puts $rsstype2sock "User-Agent: Opera 9.6"
      puts $rsstype2sock "Connection: close"
      puts $rsstype2sock ""
      flush $rsstype2sock
      while {![eof $rsstype2sock]} {
        set rsstype2var " [string map {<![CDATA[ "" ]]> "" \$ \002\$\002 \[ \( \] \)} [gets $rsstype2sock]] "   
        if {[string match {*<item>*} $rsstype2var]} { set itemfound 1 }
        if {[regexp {<title>(.*?)(?:<\/title>|$)} $rsstype2var match title]} { }
        if {[regexp {<link>(.*?)(?:<\/link>|$)} $rsstype2var match link]} { }
        if {[string match {*</item>*} $rsstype2var]} {
          if {[hfindexact "rsstempold" "${link}" 1] != $link} {
            if {$itemfound} {
              if {$maxcount <= $rssreader::maxresults} {
                set linked $link
                if {$rssreader::usetiny} { set linked [string trimright [tiny $link]] }
                if {$rssreader::useisgd} { set linked [string trimright [isgd $link]] }
                putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :${logo} ${rssreader::textf}[dehex $title] ${rssreader::linkf}${linked}"
                incr maxcount
                hadd "rsstempnew" $link 1
     set itemfound 0
     hfree rsstempold
     hcopy rsstempnew rsstempold
     close $rsstype2sock
  proc type3 {text} {
    set chan [lindex $text 0]; set logo [lindex $text 1]; set linker [lindex $text 2]
    set title ""; set link ""; set description "" 
    if {[set indx [lsearch -glob [timers] "*rssreader::type3 {$chan [string map {\[ ? \] ?} $logo] ${linker}}*"]] != -1} { 
      killtimer [lindex [lindex [timers] $indx] 2] 
    timer $rssreader::checkdelay "rssreader::type3 {$chan $logo $linker}"
    regexp -- {https?\:\/\/(.*?)(\/.*)$} $linker wholematch rsstype3site rsstype3url
    set itemfound 0 ; set maxcount 1 ; set count 1 ; set counter 1
    ::http::register https 443 tls::socket
    set type3searchtoken [::http::geturl "https://${rsstype3site}${rsstype3url}"]
    set type3searchdata [string map {<!\[CDATA\[ \"\" \]\]> "" \$ \\\$ \[ \\\[ \] \\\]} [::http::data $type3searchtoken]]
    ::http::cleanup $type3searchtoken
    ::http::unregister https
    set title [regexp -all -inline {<title>(.*?)<\/title>} $type3searchdata]
    set link [regexp -all -inline {<link>(.*?)<\/link>} $type3searchdata]
    while {$counter <= [llength $title]} {
      set thislink [lindex ${link} $counter]
      if {[hfindexact "rsstempold" "${thislink}" 1] != $thislink} {
        if {$maxcount <= $rssreader::maxresults} {
          set linked $thislink
          if {$rssreader::usetiny} { set linked [string trimright [tiny $thislink]] }
          if {$rssreader::useisgd} { set linked [string trimright [isgd $thislink]] }
          putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :${logo} ${rssreader::textf}[dehex [lindex $title $counter]] ${rssreader::linkf}${linked}"
          hadd "rsstempnew" $thislink 1
          incr maxcount 1
        incr count 2
      incr counter 2
    hfree rsstempold
    hcopy rsstempnew rsstempold
  proc tiny {link} {
    set tinysite
    set tinyurl /api-create.php?url=[urlencode ${link}]
    if {[catch {set tinysock [socket -async $tinysite 80]} sockerr]} {
      putlog "$tinysite $tinyurl $sockerr error"
      return $link
    } else {
      puts $tinysock "GET $tinyurl HTTP/1.0"
      puts $tinysock "Host: $tinysite"
      puts $tinysock "User-Agent: Opera 9.6"
     puts $tinysock "Connection: close"
      puts $tinysock ""
      flush $tinysock
      while {![eof $tinysock]} {
        set tinyvar " [gets $tinysock] "
        if {[regexp {(http:\/\/.*)} $tinyvar match tinyresult]} {
          close $tinysock
          return [string map {http:// https://} $tinyresult]
      close $tinysock
      return $link
  proc isgd {link} {
    set isgdsite
    set isgdurl /create.php?format=simple&url=[urlencode ${link}]
    if {[catch {set isgdsock [socket -async $isgdsite 80]} sockerr]} {
      putlog "$isgdsite $isgdurl $sockerr error"
      return $link
    } else {
      puts $isgdsock "GET $isgdurl HTTP/1.0"
      puts $isgdsock "Host: $isgdsite"
      puts $isgdsock "User-Agent: Opera 9.6"
      puts $isgdsock "Connection: close"
      puts $isgdsock ""
      flush $isgdsock
      while {![eof $isgdsock]} {
        set isgdvar " [gets $isgdsock] "
        if {[regexp {(http:\/\/.*)} $isgdvar match isgdresult]} {
          close $isgdsock
          return $isgdresult
      close $isgdsock
      return $link
  proc hex {decimal} { return [format %x $decimal] }
  proc decimal {hex} { return [expr 0x$hex] }
  proc dehex {string} {
    regsub -all {^\{|\}$} $string "" string
    set string [subst [regsub -nocase -all {\\u([a-f0-9]{4})} $string {[format %c [decimal \1]]}]]
    set string [subst [regsub -nocase -all {\%([a-f0-9]{2})} $string {[format %c [decimal \1]]}]]
    set string [subst [regsub -nocase -all {\&#([0-9]{4});} $string {[format %c \1]}]]
    set string [subst [regsub -nocase -all {\&#x([0-9]{2});} $string {[format %c [decimal \1]]}]]
    set string [string map {&quot; \" &middot; · &amp; & <b> \002 </b> \002 &ndash; – &raquo; \
    » &laquo; « &Uuml; Ü &uuml; ü &Aacute; Á &aacute; á &Eacute; É &eacute; é &Iacute; Í &iacute; \
    í &Oacute; Ó &oacute; ó &Ntilde; Ñ &ntilde; ñ &Uacute; Ú &uacute; ú &aelig; æ &nbsp; " " &apos; \' \
   \( \002\(\002 \) \002\)\002 \{ \002\{\002 \} \002\}\002} $string]
    return $string
  proc urlencode {string} {
    regsub -all {^\{|\}$} $string "" string
    return [subst [regsub -nocase -all {([^a-z0-9\+])} $string {%[format %x [scan "\\&" %c]]}]]
  proc hadd {hashname hashitem hashdata } {
    global $hashname
    set ${hashname}($hashitem) $hashdata
  proc hget {hashname hashitem} {
    upvar #0 $hashname hgethashname
   if {[info exists hgethashname($hashitem)]} {
     return $hgethashname($hashitem)
   } else {
     return 0
  proc hfind {hashname search value} {
    upvar #0 $hashname hfindhashname
   if {[array exists hfindhashname]} {
     if {$value == 0} {
       return [llength [array names hfindhashname $search]]
      } else {
        set value [expr $value - 1]
       return [lindex [array names hfindhashname $search] $value]
  proc hfindexact {hashname search value} {
    upvar #0 $hashname hfindhashname
   if {[array exists hfindhashname]} {
     if {$value == 0} {
       return [llength [array names hfindhashname -exact $search]]
      } else {
        set value [expr $value - 1]
       return [lindex [array names hfindhashname -exact $search] $value]
  proc hsave {hashname filename} {
    upvar #0 $hashname hsavehashname
   if {[array exists hsavehashname]} {
     set hsavefile [open $filename w]
     foreach {key value} [array get hsavehashname] {
       puts $hsavefile "${key}=${value}"
     close $hsavefile
  proc hload {hashname filename} {
    upvar #0 $hashname hloadhashname
   hfree $hashname
   set hloadfile [open $filename]
   set linenum 0
   while {[gets $hloadfile line] >= 0} {
     if {[regexp -- {([^\s]+)=(.*)$} $line wholematch item data]} {
       set hloadhashname($item) $data
   close $hloadfile
  proc hfree {hashname} {
    upvar #0 $hashname hfreehashname
   if {[array exists hfreehashname]} {
      foreach key [array names hfreehashname] { 
       unset hfreehashname($key) 
  proc hdel {hashname hashitem} {
    upvar #0 $hashname hdelhashname
   if {[info exists hdelhashname($hashitem)]} {
     unset hdelhashname($hashitem)
  proc hcopy {hashfrom hashto} {
   upvar #0 $hashfrom hashfromlocal $hashto hashtolocal
   array set hashtolocal [array get hashfromlocal]
  proc savetemphash {} {
    #hsave "rsstempnew" "${::network}rsstemp.hsh"
  proc savehash {} {
    hsave "rssreader" "${::network}rssreader.hsh"
  proc loadhash {type} {
    if {[file exists "${::network}rssreader.hsh"]} { 
     rssreader::hload "rssreader" "${::network}rssreader.hsh" 
   if {[file exists "${::network}rsstemp.hsh"]} { 
     #rssreader::hload "rsstempnew" "${::network}rsstemp.hsh"
     #rssreader::hload "rsstempold" "${::network}rsstemp.hsh"     
    set count $rssreader::startupdelay
    foreach {key value} [array get ::rssreader] {
      if {[set indx [lsearch -glob [timers] "*$value*"]] != -1} {
       killtimer [lindex [lindex [timers] $indx] 2]
      timer $count $value
      incr count
putlog "\002*Loaded* \017\00304\002RSS Reader\017 \002by \
Ford_Lawnmower #Script-Help .rss for help"


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DRACO20   -  Nov 09, 2017

can someone please fix this script? it's giving me a tinyurl issue

 Respond   -  Mar 03, 2017

Works great in 2017 too :)
Just need some changes like, adding
package require tls
package require http
if needed, and change on line 223 where
http::register https 443 tls::socket

if { [info exists {my-ip}] == 1 && [string length ${my-ip}] > 0} {
  http::register https 443 [list tls::socket -myaddr ${my-ip} -tls1 1]
} elseif { [info exists {my-hostname}] == 1 && [string length ${my-hostname}] > 0} {
  http::register https 443 [list tls::socket -myaddr ${my-hostname} -tls1 1]
} else {
  http::register https 443 [list tls::socket -tls1 1]
CP1832   -  Feb 02, 2015

Hi Ford:

I have been using this script and noticed that when adding a feed via addxml, it works flawlessly. However, when trying to add another via feed via plain add (which, as per my my understanding, loads the feed via google apis) the script is added, but no updates at all are sent to the channel. Is it possible that the parsing for the main function is broken?

revaNplays  -  Feb 26, 2015

Yea mine does the same :S Got any fix?

My feed is the following yet all I can get it to post is on startup it shows
" Reddit newest submissions : TheRealmOfMianite"

What am I doing wrong?

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peterchang   -  Jan 25, 2015

Wow! Thank for script nutty! I will try it

nutty  -  Jan 25, 2015

THis is not my script Lawn mower made

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nutty   -  Jan 25, 2015
nutty   -  Jan 25, 2015

missing a bracket :(

nutty   -  Aug 31, 2014

ok I seen what i did wrong and now it works in 1.8 like a charm.. Ty TY TY for making such a beautiful script :) found out the rss feed did not work and i had to change it form opera to Firefox .. i should have read the could a little bit better. but the xml reader side works well :)

nutty   -  Aug 24, 2014

i try this in 1,8 and does not work have no clue i followed evrything an loda the http package is requires..nice code :)

prashant179   -  Jan 06, 2014

Thankyou Make this RSS | i do every thing you write on top or follow every step many time - Rss Does not Show any post of Site/Updates

No idea this Error or something other ~:/

sagargulati   -  Dec 10, 2013

Nice work :)

Libbard   -  Jul 02, 2013

Could I use https for tinyurl..

It's blocked here in Saudi Arabia.. So I can only use https or use another one.. I just hate the long url in my channel :)

Sorry for all the Q's.. hope you can take it with smile :)

Libbard   -  Jul 02, 2013


Thanks for your work man :)

I tried it and it's work only for .rss addxml

But my Q is:

Can I make a delay between rss message?

When I start the bot it's bring all the news from all rss feed I add.. it's spam really.. I could delay when it's start to bring the news but when it start it won't stop until he bring it all

This script work great for an high up time computer or for a server.. but with my regular computer how disconnect once every day it's spam really :(

If you could make an option to make a delay between rss feed message.. or make the script bring only last 3 rss feed and start bring any new one after that.. it would be greaat

Anyway I must thank you very much for all your work.. I said it and say it again.. you are the master :)



rinzes  -  Jul 02, 2013

This will solve that problem... go here >>

Libbard  -  Jul 02, 2013

Thanks.. I well test it now.. and report the result here :)

again.. thank you rinzes and of course to Tod I thank him :)

Libbard  -  Jul 02, 2013

Works like a charm.. Thank you all :)

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EggdropFr   -  Apr 02, 2013

Hello there,

I've posted the source, and the link to the current page, on a french eggdrop community:
If our users made some modifications, I'll post them here.

Regards !

unforgiving   -  Mar 30, 2013

Thanks for this script, but it doesn't works with my link, can you check this? the link is, I've tried to use .rss add... and .rss addxml, the script retrieve just two lines
(17:43:31) [Lstv] Touch.S02E09.HDTV.XviD-AFG-LOL-DIMENSION-mSD-ECI
(17:43:32) [Lstv] Beauty.and.the.Beast..S01E17.HDTV.XviD-AFG/EVOLVE/IMMERSE/WEB-DL.mSD/KiNGS

ando don't get more news from the feed. thanks in advance.

SpawnXp   -  Mar 11, 2013

possible to make it auto announce the RSS once something has been updated ?
i get this <!(CDATA((GPGT) Joanne 'piaked' and thrown away by tiko Ang Moh player. LMAO))>
for every RSS feed. the <!(CDATA is infront of every feed. could i remove that ?

rinzes   -  Mar 11, 2013

For some strange reason this feed stops/starts/stops/starts posting to the channel. I have it type 2: When you get a chance could you look and see what the problem might be.

rinzes   -  Mar 02, 2013

Ford_Lawnmower, any chance you can fix this in RSS Reader>>>>Here's your trade on Chipotle Mexican Grill

FordLawnmower  -  Mar 02, 2013


rinzes  -  Mar 03, 2013

thanks :)

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FordLawnmower   -  Feb 26, 2013

Updated. I found an error that was causing repeats.

rinzes   -  Feb 26, 2013

Can't seem to get this feed to work...

rssreader::main {#options [Market-Pulse]}

FordLawnmower  -  Feb 26, 2013

I tested that feed and it worked fine. You need to use the xml parser. .rss addxml

rinzes  -  Feb 26, 2013


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rinzes   -  Feb 26, 2013

I get the following with the new code:

dutch> .rss add #options mktpulse [\0034Market-Pulse\003]

[10:45:56] Added feed mktpulse to #options as [Market-Pulse] [10:45:56] Tcl error [rssreader::settings]: can't read "rssreadervar": no such variable
FordLawnmower  -  Feb 26, 2013

Updated typo

rinzes  -  Feb 26, 2013

Updated script and did not get any errors however not getting any posts.. This is the only change I did to your script:

Edit textf to change the color/state of the text shown

variable textf "\017\02"

Edit linkf to change the color/state of the links

variable linkf "\017\0312"

this is what is inside the dalnetrssreader.hsh file:

long=rssreader::main {#stocktrader [4Long-Ideas]}
mktpulse=rssreader::main {#stocktrader [4Market-Pulse]}

rinzes  -  Feb 26, 2013

never mind.. sorry I forgot the .xml

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FordLawnmower   -  Feb 18, 2013

Just updated this script. If you are using the original version.

  • Delete all feeds (".rss list" -- Then ".rss delete name" for each name in the list)
  • Replace the old code with the new code
  • ".restart" in the party line
  • Add feeds with .rss add

Sorry for the large update. It was needed to adapt the script for different types of feeds.

rinzes   -  Feb 17, 2013

I'm also getting lots of repeats

FordLawnmower  -  Feb 18, 2013

@rinzes If you are having trouble with a feed, please post the feed link here so I can look at it. RSS pages are highly subjective because lots of feeds like to take the Simple out and replace it with Complicated.
Edit ** Added a command to use a second parser. If you have trouble with a feed try .rss addxml instead of .rss add

  • .rss addxml <#chan1,#chan2,#chan3> (Adds a xml style feed - Try this if you have trouble with a feed.)
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rinzes   -  Feb 17, 2013

Thanks... Were can I find the color codes. Also, how would I change the textf to bold.

rinzes  -  Feb 18, 2013
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Hawkee   -  Feb 16, 2013

Looks like I need to find a better CodeMirror mode for TCL syntax highlighting. There isn't one available so I need to find the closest match.

FordLawnmower  -  Feb 18, 2013

@Hawkee I could try making one if you point me to the closest match to start with.

Hawkee  -  Feb 18, 2013

@FordLawnmower Try this: You can paste your code here and play with the different modes. I'm currently using perl for TCL, but it's not quite right as we can see. If you want to create a new mode I'd download the entire library, install it locally, copy the best match and modify it.

FordLawnmower  -  Feb 19, 2013

I'll take a look at the api and get started as soon as I finish the script I working on now.

CadetAndrew  -  Apr 21, 2014

Little confused on how this should work. It's supposed to check the RSS feeds every so often (specified in the conf file) and then post them to the channel, correct?

I tried .rss addxml #AWPWX hunchat HUNCHAT, it said the feed was added but it hasn't been posting in #AWPWX. The code remains unchanged except for the variables I am supposed to edit. I have it check the feeds every minute.

Abandoned  -  Jan 10, 2017

This is gold! Thank you very much!

Abandoned  -  Jan 10, 2017


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