CodeMirror : mIRC mode

By FordLawnmower on Feb 23, 2013

This is a mIRC mode for use with {} CodeMirror
Adds syntax highlighting for mSL code.

//mIRC mode by Ford_Lawnmower :: Based on Velocity mode by Steve O'Hara
CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/mirc", "mirc");
CodeMirror.defineMode("mirc", function() {
  function parseWords(str) {
    var obj = {}, words = str.split(" ");
    for (var i = 0; i < words.length; ++i) obj[words[i]] = true;
    return obj;
  var specials = parseWords("$! $$ $& $? $+ $abook $abs $active $activecid " +
    "$activewid $address $addtok $agent $agentname $agentstat $agentver " +
    "$alias $and $anick $ansi2mirc $aop $appactive $appstate $asc $asctime " +
    "$asin $atan $avoice $away $awaymsg $awaytime $banmask $base $bfind " +
    "$binoff $biton $bnick $bvar $bytes $calc $cb $cd $ceil $chan $chanmodes " +
    "$chantypes $chat $chr $cid $clevel $click $cmdbox $cmdline $cnick $color " +
    "$com $comcall $comchan $comerr $compact $compress $comval $cos $count " +
    "$cr $crc $creq $crlf $ctime $ctimer $ctrlenter $date $day $daylight " +
    "$dbuh $dbuw $dccignore $dccport $dde $ddename $debug $decode $decompress " +
    "$deltok $devent $dialog $did $didreg $didtok $didwm $disk $dlevel $dll " +
    "$dllcall $dname $dns $duration $ebeeps $editbox $emailaddr $encode $error " +
    "$eval $event $exist $feof $ferr $fgetc $file $filename $filtered $finddir " +
    "$finddirn $findfile $findfilen $findtok $fline $floor $fopen $fread $fserve " +
    "$fulladdress $fulldate $fullname $fullscreen $get $getdir $getdot $gettok $gmt " +
    "$group $halted $hash $height $hfind $hget $highlight $hnick $hotline " +
    "$hotlinepos $ial $ialchan $ibl $idle $iel $ifmatch $ignore $iif $iil " +
    "$inelipse $ini $inmidi $inpaste $inpoly $input $inrect $inroundrect " +
    "$insong $instok $int $inwave $ip $isalias $isbit $isdde $isdir $isfile " +
    "$isid $islower $istok $isupper $keychar $keyrpt $keyval $knick $lactive " +
    "$lactivecid $lactivewid $left $len $level $lf $line $lines $link $lock " +
    "$lock $locked $log $logstamp $logstampfmt $longfn $longip $lower $ltimer " +
    "$maddress $mask $matchkey $matchtok $md5 $me $menu $menubar $menucontext " +
    "$menutype $mid $middir $mircdir $mircexe $mircini $mklogfn $mnick $mode " +
    "$modefirst $modelast $modespl $mouse $msfile $network $newnick $nick $nofile " +
    "$nopath $noqt $not $notags $notify $null $numeric $numok $oline $onpoly " +
    "$opnick $or $ord $os $passivedcc $pic $play $pnick $port $portable $portfree " +
    "$pos $prefix $prop $protect $puttok $qt $query $rand $r $rawmsg $read $readomo " +
    "$readn $regex $regml $regsub $regsubex $remove $remtok $replace $replacex " +
    "$reptok $result $rgb $right $round $scid $scon $script $scriptdir $scriptline " +
    "$sdir $send $server $serverip $sfile $sha1 $shortfn $show $signal $sin " +
    "$site $sline $snick $snicks $snotify $sock $sockbr $sockerr $sockname " +
    "$sorttok $sound $sqrt $ssl $sreq $sslready $status $strip $str $stripped " +
    "$syle $submenu $switchbar $tan $target $ticks $time $timer $timestamp " +
    "$timestampfmt $timezone $tip $titlebar $toolbar $treebar $trust $ulevel " +
    "$ulist $upper $uptime $url $usermode $v1 $v2 $var $vcmd $vcmdstat $vcmdver " +
    "$version $vnick $vol $wid $width $wildsite $wildtok $window $wrap $xor");
  var keywords = parseWords("abook ajinvite alias aline ame amsg anick aop auser autojoin avoice " +
    "away background ban bcopy beep bread break breplace bset btrunc bunset bwrite " +
    "channel clear clearall cline clipboard close cnick color comclose comopen " +
    "comreg continue copy creq ctcpreply ctcps dcc dccserver dde ddeserver " +
    "debug dec describe dialog did didtok disable disconnect dlevel dline dll " +
    "dns dqwindow drawcopy drawdot drawfill drawline drawpic drawrect drawreplace " +
    "drawrot drawsave drawscroll drawtext ebeeps echo editbox emailaddr enable " +
    "events exit fclose filter findtext finger firewall flash flist flood flush " +
    "flushini font fopen fseek fsend fserve fullname fwrite ghide gload gmove " +
    "gopts goto gplay gpoint gqreq groups gshow gsize gstop gtalk gunload hadd " +
    "halt haltdef hdec hdel help hfree hinc hload hmake hop hsave ial ialclear " +
    "ialmark identd if ignore iline inc invite iuser join kick linesep links list " +
    "load loadbuf localinfo log mdi me menubar mkdir mnick mode msg nick noop notice " +
    "notify omsg onotice part partall pdcc perform play playctrl pop protect pvoice " +
    "qme qmsg query queryn quit raw reload remini remote remove rename renwin " +
    "reseterror resetidle return rlevel rline rmdir run ruser save savebuf saveini " +
    "say scid scon server set showmirc signam sline sockaccept sockclose socklist " +
    "socklisten sockmark sockopen sockpause sockread sockrename sockudp sockwrite " +
    "sound speak splay sreq strip switchbar timer timestamp titlebar tnick tokenize " +
    "toolbar topic tray treebar ulist unload unset unsetall updatenl url uwho " +
    "var vcadd vcmd vcrem vol while whois window winhelp write writeini if isalnum " +
    "isalpha isaop isavoice isban ischan ishop isignore isin isincs isletter islower " +
    "isnotify isnum ison isop isprotect isreg isupper isvoice iswm iswmcs " +
    "elseif else goto menu nicklist status title icon size option text edit " +
    "button check radio box scroll list combo link tab item");
    var functions = parseWords("if elseif else and not or eq ne in ni for foreach while switch");
    var isOperatorChar = /[+\-*&%=<>!?^\/\|]/;
    function chain(stream, state, f) {
      state.tokenize = f;
      return f(stream, state);
    function tokenBase(stream, state) {
      var beforeParams = state.beforeParams;
      state.beforeParams = false;
      var ch =;
      if (/[\[\]{}\(\),\.]/.test(ch)) {
        if (ch == "(" && beforeParams) state.inParams = true;
        else if (ch == ")") state.inParams = false;
          return null;
      else if (/\d/.test(ch)) {
        return "number";
      else if (ch == "\\") {"\\");
        return "number"
      else if (ch == "/" &&"*")) {
        var count =  2;
        while (!stream.sol()) {
          var mycurrent =;
          if (!stream.sol()) { 
          if (/\(/.test(mycurrent)) {
            while (count > 2) {
            var mycurrent = stream.current();
            return "meta";
          if (/[)}]/.test(mycurrent)) {
            while (count > 2) {
            var mycurrent = stream.current();
            return chain(stream, state, tokenComment);
        while (count > 2) {
        var mycurrent = stream.current();
        return chain(stream, state, tokenComment);
      else if (ch == ";" && stream.match(/ *\( *\(/)) {
        return chain(stream, state, tokenUnparsed);
      else if (ch == ";" && !state.inParams) {
        return "comment";
      else if (ch == '"') {"/);
        return "keyword";
      else if (ch == "$") {
        if (specials && specials.propertyIsEnumerable(stream.current().toLowerCase())) {
          return "keyword"
        else {
          state.beforeParams = true;        
          return "builtin";
      else if (ch == "%") {
        state.beforeParams = true;      
        return "string";
      else if (isOperatorChar.test(ch)) {
        return "operator";
      else {
        var word = stream.current().toLowerCase();
        if (keywords && keywords.propertyIsEnumerable(word))
          return "keyword";
        if (functions && functions.propertyIsEnumerable(word)) {
          state.beforeParams = true;
          return "keyword";
        return null;
    function tokenString(quote) {
      return function(stream, state) {
      var escaped = false, next, end = false;
      while ((next = != null) {
        if (next == quote && !escaped) {
          end = true;
        escaped = !escaped && next == "\\";
      if (end) state.tokenize = tokenBase;
        return "string";
    function tokenComment(stream, state) {
      var maybeEnd = false, ch;
      while (ch = {
        if (ch == "/" && maybeEnd) {
          state.tokenize = tokenBase;
        maybeEnd = (ch == "*");
      return "comment";
    function tokenUnparsed(stream, state) {
      var maybeEnd = 0, ch;
      while (ch = {
        if (ch == ";" && maybeEnd == 2) {
          state.tokenize = tokenBase;
        if (ch == ")")
        else if (ch != " ")
          maybeEnd = 0;
      return "meta";
    return {
      startState: function() {
        return {
          tokenize: tokenBase,
          beforeParams: false,
          inParams: false
      token: function(stream, state) {
        if (stream.eatSpace()) return null;
        return state.tokenize(stream, state);


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erickl_s   -  Feb 21, 2016

@FordLawnmower for what reason this syntax highlighting doesn't work on brackets editor?
thank's in advance

Hawkee   -  Feb 26, 2013

Great work on this @FordLawnmower. You should push these out to the official CodeMirror repo, They might just end up in the next release.

FordLawnmower  -  Feb 26, 2013

I looked at that page before . I couldn't really figure out how to submit anything or even leave a comment.

Hawkee  -  Feb 26, 2013

I'm sure you can figure it out.

FordLawnmower  -  Feb 27, 2013

I added them to a fork, as per instructions on contributing.

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Conscious   -  Feb 24, 2013

This is neat, @Hawkee could possibly implement it on here to give a proper highlighting!

Hawkee  -  Feb 24, 2013

Great I'll certainly implement it.

FordLawnmower  -  Feb 24, 2013

I found a problem when there are unbalanced quotes. I updated the code above.

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FordLawnmower   -  Feb 23, 2013

I was looking at some mIRC scripts and they seemed to have colors but with no real rhyme or reason so I decided to make this.
The scripts I tested on it were much easier to follow with this codemirror.

Hawkee  -  Feb 24, 2013

Perfect, this was a shortcoming of CodeMirror. Thank you for putting this together!

Hawkee  -  Feb 25, 2013

I've implemented it but there seems to be an issue. Most snippets aren't highlighted. Maybe it's a problem with the way it interprets the start and end of scope.

FordLawnmower  -  Feb 25, 2013

@Hawkee I just updated this to the code I'm using now. It should be mostly the same with a few minor changes.
I'm not sure why it doesn't highlight the same as it did in testing, but maybe try the new code.
Is there a way I could test this and get the same result you do here?

Hawkee  -  Feb 25, 2013

It still doesn't seem to be working. You can view the source of this page to see how I'm calling Codemirror. It's a pretty basic call from a textarea. Do you have a working example online?

FordLawnmower  -  Feb 26, 2013

Here is a link to a basic example:

FordLawnmower  -  Feb 26, 2013

I think I found the issue. It looks like a case sensitive issue @Hawkee
If I change

CodeMirror.defineMode("mIRC", function() {


CodeMirror.defineMode("mirc", function() {

It breaks and doesn't work at all.

So what I've found is that this:

CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/mIRC", "mIRC");

must match this:

CodeMirror.defineMode("mIRC", function() {

The case in the defineMode must be exactly the same as the defineMIME

I also found that the defineMIME should be at the top of the script.
I will update this code now to all lowercase and move the defineMIME to the top

Hawkee  -  Feb 26, 2013

That did it! Thank you. Looks great!

FordLawnmower  -  Feb 26, 2013

Is that the version of the script from the top here, because I still see an unmatched quote issue that I'm not getting on my tests.
You can see it here:

Note I also found that "text/mIRC" has to match the mode: on the html. I changed it above to "text/mirc" to make it uniform.

Edit I'm pretty sure the site is running an older version, because I see several other glitches that I already fixed.

Hawkee  -  Feb 26, 2013

I updated to the latest version. How is that?

FordLawnmower  -  Feb 26, 2013

It looks good, but I found another issue. I added support for mult-line comments, as mIRC does support / /
and lots of people use this type of comment. The problem was, there wasn't a check for / inside a function or if statement.
ie. if (/
iswm %bla)
You can see what it does here:
It basically just comments out the rest of the script and it looks pretty stupid.
Anyway @Hawkee , I updated the script and this issue should be fixed.

Hawkee  -  Feb 26, 2013

Good fix.

FordLawnmower  -  Feb 26, 2013

Cool . It looks good.

FordLawnmower  -  Feb 26, 2013

Updated Found a typo preventing "writeini" from being highlighted. I had "writeint"
You can see it here:

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