independent911   -  Aug 21, 2019

;Made by independent
;Use it only if my name stays on it.

menu * {

alias init {
inc %aaa
if (%aaa == 1) {
hadd -m conf ip
hadd -m conf port 9051
hadd -m conf p2 9050
if (!$sock(fromnet).name) socklisten -d fromnet $hget(conf,port)
if (!$dialog(tcpwatch)) dialog -m tcpwatch tcpwatch
did -a tcpwatch 11 [Info] listening on port $hget(conf,port) redirect to $hget(conf,ip) $+ : $+ $hget(conf,p2) $crlf
did -a tcpwatch 11 [Info] Script has been started %aaa times


dialog tcpwatch {
title "TCPWatch-dataforward"
size -1 -1 347 93
option dbu
box "Config", 1, 4 4 66 65
edit "9051", 2, 42 16 22 10
text "Listen Port", 3, 7 17 32 8
edit "", 4, 13 36 50 10
text "forward to ip", 5, 14 27 47 8
edit "9050", 6, 39 47 23 10
text "To Port", 7, 9 47 25 8
button "START", 8, 4 71 34 12
button "STOP", 9, 39 71 30 12
box "Debug", 10, 69 4 268 65
edit "", 11, 72 13 263 54, result multi autohs autovs hsbar vsbar limit 99999
button "CLEAR", 12, 116 72 37 12
button "SAVE", 13, 214 72 37 12

on 1:dialog:tcpwatch:sclick:8:{
on 1:dialog:tcpwatch:edit:2:{
hadd -m conf port $did(tcpwatch,2)
did -a tcpwatch 11 [Info] changed listen port to $did(tcpwatch,2) $crlf
on 1:dialog:tcpwatch:edit:4:{
hadd -m conf ip $did(tcpwatch,4)
did -a tcpwatch 11 [Info] changed ip to $did(tcpwatch,4) $crlf
on 1:dialog:tcpwatch:edit:6:{
hadd -m conf p2 $did(tcpwatch,6)
did -a tcpwatch 11 [Info] changed forward port to $did(tcpwatch,6) $crlf
on 1:dialog:tcpwatch:sclick:9:{
sockclose fromnet
sockclose redirect

sockclose tcpwatch*
did -a tcpwatch 11 [Info] Closed port. $crlf
on 1:dialog:tcpwatch:sclick:13:{
%ticks = $ticks
savebuf -oi tcpwatch 11 data $+ %ticks $+ .txt
run data $+ %ticks $+ .txt

on 1:dialog:tcpwatch:sclick:12:{
cleardiag 11
alias cleardiag {
did -r tcpwatch $1
on 1:SOCKREAD:fromnet*:{
sockread &fromnet
if (!$sock($replace($sockname,fromnet,redirect)).name) sockopen $replace($sockname,fromnet,redirect) $hget(conf,ip) $hget(conf,p2)
if ($sock($replace($sockname,fromnet,redirect)).name) sockwrite -n $replace($sockname,fromnet,redirect) &fromnet
did -a tcpwatch 11 From Net Bin : $bvar(&fromnet,1,$bvar(&fromnet,0)) $crlf
did -a tcpwatch 11 From Net Text: $bvar(&fromnet,1,$bvar(&fromnet,0)).text $crlf

on 1:SOCKREAD:redirect*:{
sockread &redirect
if ($sock($replace($sockname,redirect,fromnet)).name) sockwrite -n $replace($sockname,redirect,fromnet) &redirect
did -a tcpwatch 11 Redirect Bin: $bvar(&redirect,1,$bvar(&redirect,0)) $crlf
did -a tcpwatch 11 Redirect Text: $bvar(&redirect,1,$bvar(&redirect,0)).text $crlf


on 1:SOCKLISTEN:fromnet:{ %name = fromnet $+ $r(0,99999) | sockaccept %name | if (!$sock($replace($sockname,fromnet,redirect)).name) sockopen $replace(%name,fromnet,redirect) $hget(conf,ip) $hget(conf,p2) }

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